The Next Recession Will Kill Thousands...

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by BC519, May 4, 2016.

  1. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Of businesses.
    Things may get really bad for a lot of people.

    We are, at the end of another economic bubble.
    For those of us who don't know what a bubble is and want to know - Read This

    What we saw in the early 2000's was called the DotCom bubble. Companies were being over-valued and bought out at soaring prices.
    That came to a stop around 2002, killing tons of businesses.

    When that bubble burst, we didn't really feel the effects until 2008 because of the Real Estate bubble along with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
    When the real estate bubble popped, millions lost their jobs. Interest rates are near zero even going below zero in some countries. The middle class suffered horribly.

    What kind of bubble are we in now?

    The bubble we are in now is a new tech bubble.

    • WhatsApp was purchased by Facebook for 16 billion dollars. Something that hasn't made a profit yet.
    • Minecraft was bought by Microsoft.
    • Beats was bought by Apple.

    All of these purchases remind me of people buying .com's in the late 90's or going into house flipping in 2006. They are buying up companies for too high a price with no guarantee of return.

    I'm not a nihilist though. I think some investments that are being made are going good.

    Good things do come to an end. Quite abruptly most of the time.

    What do you guys think?
    Am I being over analytical or forward thinking?

    @stanky2 you're the business guy in the house, what are your thoughts?
  2. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Well a few things...

    • What's App is being built into the most popular messaging service in the world right now, FB Messenger. They have to keep doing that to keep things like SnapChat from taking over. It's a stupid sum of money, but it can pay off for FB.
    • Buying MC was a no-brainer. This version has been milked for as much money as possible and yet it still sells, and while we now see merch everywhere, it's barely been touched. Wait till MC gets it's on series on Netflix and the collectable toys skyrock - and then wait for MC2 by Microsoft. They will triple their money in 5 years. Easy.
    • Beats are $7 headphone sold for $150. This is what Apple does best. It's gonna be good for Apple and Beats.

    I don't see a recession on the horizon, I see businesses getting smarter in most cases - they know what the internet is and how to abuse it now.. Also note I purchased a house and started a .com business right after the .com bust. Breaking bubbles are good things if you know where to put your money and time. Everyone thought .com's were done for good, I knew they just needed better management.
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