The Voyager - A Minecraft Story

Discussion in 'Written' started by rocman, May 28, 2016.

  1. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    the voyager.png
    Hey guys! After my long hiatus away from the game, I'm back to "enlighten" you guys with some quality content. This is my story about a singleplayer world that I recently created for the sole purpose of posting it here and on the official Minecraft Forums. My hope is that this will be a place for some minecrafters to have some fun and relax while reading a story that I wrote about my world. I hope you enjoy!
    #1 rocman, May 28, 2016
    Last edited: May 28, 2016
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  2. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Day 1: Today I will spawn into a new Minecraft world. I can't wait, because this is the first world I've created since the last update. I spawn on a plain, facing a forest which rests on a hill.
    I looked around my surroundings, but after taking a quick peek around I chose to go to the forest. I punched a tree, got some logs, and made myself a wooden axe. I chopped down enough trees to get exactly 32 logs, or if you are too lazy/don't know how to do the math that means I would get two stacks of birch planks to use, or I could cook them and make some charcoal. I made a sword to kill a few pigs to get some food for my journeys. After this, I found a nice little area to put my new little hole. I tunneled out a little area and put two furnaces (in which I made some charcoal) and I also put my crafting table right under your feet when you walk in the door.
    And the door was birch, by the way.
    Before I was to hang up my feet for the night, I went up to the treetops to capture a perfect sunset to end a perfect first day.
  3. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Day 2: Uggggh. I got no sleep last night! I didn't have a bed, and I couldn't sleep on just dirt or stones, so I started to build a little bit on my little hole. I dug out about 2 blocks more backwards so I could have some more room to enjoy the game and make more stuff. After this, the sun was about to rise, so I fought through the crowd of mobs that were near my home to get a great sunrise picture.
    After this, I organized my chests so that I could easily find and store all the materials I need. Then, I set out for the day, not searching for anything in particular, but just enjoying how beautiful the game of Minecraft can be. I found a few caves, but didn't do any mining for fearing of getting lost, but I did pick up five iron ores to be smelted later and probably be turned into an iron pickaxe. I found a sheep and some chickens, and I had to kill them. Sorry animals! Then, I searched for home, and I had to search for a while until finally finding it. When I got home, I made a few windows to look out from.
    I also made a little hole to mine in. Holeception!
    Thanks for reading guys, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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  4. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Day 3: Again, no sleep! I am so unbelievably tired that I feel like I might pass out writing this. But anyway, I got a good amount done today! I started working last night and I replaced my dirt wall at the front of my hole with glass, so I could look out on the forest and the passive/hostile mobs that are awaiting to punch me in the blocks.
    That took all night, so when morning struck I quickly made a chicken coop for a food supply (I actually have no chickens there right now)
    After that, i took a quick screenshot of my coordinates and I set off to explore the forests and plains. What i wanted to do on this day was to get some wood other than birch, so that I can have different types of wood to build with. I also wanted to find a cave so that I may get some more coal and iron ore. I was very successful in getting these items, since I got 13 pieces of coal, 18 pieces of iron ore, and 39 oak wood logs. I also found some chickens and pigs that I killed to get some more food, since I haven't started a farm yet.

    Wow! The day is already over? Well, as they say, another day, another extremely beautiful sunset (paraphrasing, of course).
    Hmm, I think tomorrow I'll start a wheat farm. Seeya then!

    Thanks for reading everyone, this journal has been doing great on both of the forums that I upload it on daily. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading and keeping me interested in writing!

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  5. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Day 4: I got a lot of work last night! I'm still really tired, but wow, am I excited for the next day! I did everything I wanted to do, and then some. First of all, I made a little farm in my hole. I mined out a little section, made some smooth stone slabs to step down on, and planted the seeds.
    I'm sure this will help me have a better food supply in the future, since all I could do before was kill innocent animals. Anyway, this took all night and most of the day, since I had to mine it out with stone tools, make the slabs, get the water, and get the seeds. However, I explored just a tad after making the farm, and I found some sugar cane in which I planted on the river's bank.
    And just like that, the day is over!
    I can't wait for the next day in the Voyager's Minecraft World! By tomorrow I'll bet that I can have some bread, and I'll be able to expand on my little hole since I now have a renewable food source. See you guys next time, and thanks for reading! :)
  6. flubbyfluffer

    flubbyfluffer Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I am enlightened
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  7. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Day 5: I didn't really do anything exciting today, or for that matter the night before, but it's my discoveries that are what I really want to talk about. So, first of all I saw a creeper and an enderman waaaaay too close to my door.
    Well, since I didn't go outside, there was no problem. After I saw the creeper a-creeping, I went downstairs into my mine. My intention was to go down to Y=11 and set up a little mining station in order to mine in tunnels and possibly get diamonds, iron, gold, lapis, redstone, or coal. And wow, that I did! I mined it out, and after I did I started tunneling, and I found a vein of 3 iron, and after being persistent and mining a little more, I found a vein of eight diamonds!
    That was great! I went right to my chest and put the diamonds away safely in my chest.
    I mined a little bit more, and then I found a vein of ten gold ore!
    After this, I realized that my day was done. If you were wondering, my sugar cane and wheat farms have had basically no improvement, but they are coming along and I can't wait for them to blossom into great food producers!

    Anyway, thanks for reading! I'll see you guys tomorrow, and I'll seeya next time!