Diy Custom Consoles/pc Cases

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Marshall, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Hey everyone I've been pretty inactive lately mainly due to boredom of Minecraft. I've had fun doing some retro gaming. Some of my consoles weren't in the best condition so I repainted them for fun.

    It's 2AM at my grandmothers and I don't have my N64 on me or completed images of it for whatever reason so I guess WIP images will do for now. I painted this last November and it came out pretty good. I also am taking an electronics vocation next year so I decided to do extremely simple mods to it like replacing the controllers joystick for a GameCube styled one and changing out the red LED for a green one.

    I repainted my GameCube last week and I think that it turned out way better than my N64. I changed out the LED again because green means on. :p
    I also got my logo on my controller with my dad's old ALPS printer :)
    (Yes I changed the c-stick, the original is awkward and uncomfortable fight me)

    I plan to do either my OG DS or my Gameboy Advance SP next.

    I don't know if anyone else has done something like this but if you have ever painted a console, controller, PC case, ect feel free to post it in here.
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  2. edsta024

    edsta024 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    That is badass. I was debating on redoing my original DS cause the color is all faded. If I do I will post pictures here.

    I also like how you told me about your gamecube and a staples. That was awesome.

    **EDIt** Also that logo is pretty sweet.
  3. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Yeah my OG DS is scratched to heck and I like dark blue over light blue (duh) so that's why I may do that. Also lol yeah, I'm a dumbass for trying that and not expecting it to work. The staple still bypasses the disc lid sensor to this day. xD
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  4. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Very cool. But how do you plan on removing that sticky feeling from the spray paint?
  5. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    There is a secret I'll let you in on, do lots of light coats.