Brutally Honest Message To Nova From Hardcore Stalker/player

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by SimplyNova, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    This is a message sent to me via this website and I shall let you all read it, and post your feelings. I personal think it deserves an award of some time. Although I do with for the creator to message and let themselves be known, since it was created by a recently created account. Here is the message.
    Please, Nova, understand that the rulings put together in this world are made by men no greater than you, I, or anyone you have ever met. We are small in comparison to the deeds we do and things we say. Do not let yourself become what everyone sees you as, an annoying prick. You have a future, I know you do. Remove yourself from the canvas you have created, for you will never see the world as a beautiful place, and you will struggle with depression and hate, so long as you continue to view yourself as an intellectual. I have watched you and seen you grow and develop, just as I have, and many others before you. You have become like I once was, a pretentious ass. You believe you must correct everyone, you must be seen as an intellectual, you must be seen by others as smart, yet when they do not see you as you wish to be seen, you grow cynical. You have a hole inside of you that needs to be filled.

    I beg of you now, stop trying to prove that you are smart, stop trying to act like you are above others as you do over and over. Stop correcting people on their every mistake, stop talking like you are of royalty, stop acting like you know it all. You will read this, and most likely you will tell yourself what you want to hear, you will tell yourself that you are wise, an old soul, you are smart for your age and I, nor anyone else truly understands this. It is true, you are smart. You can do great things, but all you do now is belittle others and put yourself on a pedestal above all else. I am sure I have made mistakes in this message and the messages above, but please, look past the mistakes in the message, and in the same, look past the mistakes in other people. They, too, are smart. They, too, have strengths, and weaknesses. They, too, have things they need to work on. Some are physical, some are mental, some are spiritual even. Please, stop judging others by how much they read, how well they write, how many complicated synonyms they can push into every paragraph, and how well they present themselves... All they see you as is what you let them see, do not think you know them. They have not shown you the real them, they have not shown you their greatest features or talents, all you can see is how well they perform tasks you yourself are great at.

    Once again, please, do not judge others, for what they have not shown you, you do not know. Just as well, do not show them how smart you are. Do not show them how well you write, speak, read, or how much you truly know. Our talents should not define us, but instead, they should be shown along the path to friendship and understanding each and every one of us. Hide away your talents, only use them when they are needed, or you will be worse than anyone you have ever judged.

    We love you, Nova."
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  2. gopuri

    gopuri Active Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    That message is legit, and in your case true ^_^ Great job author.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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  4. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    i take that back - i got gripped by the second paragraph and read it. Whoever you are author, this is probably the wisest piece of text i've read online for a long time. Spot on.
  5. livetree84

    livetree84 Member

    Mar 8, 2015
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