Creative Dear Community

Discussion in 'Creative Server Chat' started by Sahib, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. Sahib

    Sahib Member

    May 10, 2015
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    Dear the community of MCS Creative,

    What have we become?
    Earlier today I witnessed a sight that showed nothing put pure aggression. This is not how we are supposed to be.

    I remember when MCS had everyone working together and no one was hating each other. That's not the case now. We have developed instincts that remind me of 6-year-olds playing in a sandbox; that is, childish instincts.

    A person whose name I shall not mention called me "childish" for capturing problems and that "i had no reason." Tell me this, person, would you like to live in a server that has no compassion, no friendships, only cold-blooded rivalry and psychopathy? I think not.

    Why are we fighting like this? Telling each other to "go fuck ur selves" and "leave" and spreading hashtags like "#Ursodumb", what does that accomplish? Nothing.

    This is an open letter addressed to the community who has fallen to this. We don't need aggression. We need a strong server where no one needs to insult each other, where no one needs to deny each other, where no one needs to argue.

    I hope that you will agree with me, that we need to do one thing: we need to be a community, not a cesspool of anger and fury.

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  2. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    If you really want a root answer, it is because there is a lack of maturity. Younger average age means more unrest, disrespect, and a lack of basic community infrastructure. It's just the way it is.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    I was going to say something, but Fill summed it up as simple as it can get. Thank you, and i agree.
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  4. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    I agree something must be done. I myself was victim to the changes of the community, and I myself grew to acknowledge it after a very good friend of mine messaged me and blah blah blah, read the forum post I made if curious. Today I also saw what Sahib here saw, and it disgusted me that such acts are overlooked simply because they are young. Yes they are young, but that doesn't make it alright for them to destroy a community. That logic is just the same as if a young child grabbed a gun and started shooting people, and saying it is alright. Do I have ideas? No. It isn't my job to take care of the server, my job is to help support the server in keeping people interested in playing on it, and building to amaze.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. flubbyfluffer

    flubbyfluffer Well Known Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I haven't been playing on the server much nor minecraft in general. However, I have heard about how creative seems to be not as good as it was.
    Best of luck to the community members that recognize this issue and are trying to resolve it. I hate to hear about this.
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  6. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    You blame age, I blame lack of auauthority. Lack of punishment and lack of incentive.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Cookie Cookie x 1
  7. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Basically, the server is going down a shit pipe in which all of these are issues within the server, and must be fixed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. xariaxx

    xariaxx Creative Staff
    Staff Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    We have a younger average age on Creative, as Fill said, and *some* (NOT all) of the young ones appear to have little to no social manners whatsoever. I don't believe it's our job to teach them that; that's the parents job. And no, that doesn't mean we have to tolerate it.
    To be completely honest with you all, I haven't seen that crap in a while. Most times I log on, kind of just sit there, and go on the internets. And the whole time, the kids on there are just playing. Happily.
    It might simply be time zone differences, the fact that surveyors don't come on as often as they used to, and we don't see things that some people will. If it's that big of a problem, something that ignoring the person (Because - did you try that yet?) won't fix, then perhaps it's time to we try to find another member who will be present at those times.
  9. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    That is one of the problems yes, we do not have a 24/7 staff rotation. Also simply ignoring the issue, doesn't solve anything. You have to address the issue, and stop procrastinating what needs to be done. I would a majority of 3/4 of the younger community have little to no social skills at all. It is your job to teach them that as the parents are limited to what they can do online. As a staff member you are there, and the parent may not be standing over their child, much like mine never did, and simply trust in their child that they will behave. Also I will say Ari you aren't on long, maybe a 4-5 hours and then you're off for the rest of the day. Within those few hours you only see what the good side of the server is because that is when players know staff will be on. If you can't get new staff to fill the holes in the time players are literally free to do and say whatever they wish then change the times at which you as a staff member get on. This message is not just to Ari but any actually Creative staff member reading.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. DeadLocked

    DeadLocked Active Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    I swear, it wasn't me
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It really doesn't work like that. You have an influence on everyone you interact with.

    That being said, you can be an example to the younger kids. How you're suppose to act. Respect.

    Right now, we have a lack of enforcement to cull the kids who have little to no interaction with their parents.
  12. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    To be completely honest, what you are seeing is contributed by a multitude of issues. MCS used to have a much stronger resolve towards out of line, rude, toxic people years ago, we used to honestly just outright ban them on the spot because we didn't want that in our server poisoning it.

    Over time that grasp loosened due to various changes in structure and protocol implemented on staff, I will not go into it. This unfortunately allowed such players to stay on the server and take root, poisoning the community, bringing down moral and spreading hate and frustration. Once you get to that point, everyone feels the effects of it.

    Yes, many of those players are young people from a generation that (for the most part, but not everyone) has no respect, no courtesy, no sense of authority or moral. A generation that I am honestly afraid to see grow up to be our leaders one day. Truth of the matter is that the playerbase has shifted, older players we used to have left or no longer play MC. Some are still around but the majority of the players now are young and new. There is no longer enough of that infrastructure of older players to teach, train, and show what expectations are and how you should act. We have rules yes, but many times just having rules is not enough if they are not enforced and that expectation as a community is not there.

    This issue cannot be blamed purely on staff, or purely on community, or the age of players. As a whole the community has changed from what it was, us older players will recognize that more than others. And I think I have written something along this line in other threads regarding this issue as well.

    If any of you want to see a better community it will need all of you/us to step up and be better, teach better, expect better, and take responsibility for the community you are part of instead of expecting the few staff there are to have some imaginary "iron fist of authority" that makes everyone fall in line. Its a community issue, that has to be address and corrected by everyone... staff and players together.
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  13. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Exavious you make a good point, but what I think Sahib wants is ideas, and actual planning into what we can do. Sure it will take everyone as a community to help fix it, but there must be some plan we go by to get back our wonderful community. Now I myself have seen a lot of players wishing the Creative server was updated, that Skyblock was back, and that there were new worlds, and gamemodes added into the server. I know that is a lot of work for the staff that obviously have lives, but there has to be a way to get it done, and get the player numbers back up where they use to be, and have that glorious community back. Because right now, we're down in rock bottom with low amounts of players compared to what it once was, and the servers are on different versions of the game. Now I am not complaining to you or any staff that it needs to be done right now, it just needs to be done soon.
  14. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    You are talking about volume of players, adding new features, versions, maps to attract more people and peak interest in servers. Quantity does not mean quality. And quality is the theme of his post if you read what he said.

    What I was talking about is the values, interactions, and spirit of the community. They are exclusively separate things, new maps/features/etc will not fix the root of the problem he was talking about.

    It's like trying to kill a weed by cutting the top of it off. As long as there are roots it will just grow again. You have to dig down and pull the roots out, then you can plant something pretty on top of it ;)
  15. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    In my opinion it would create the possibility to actually create a community worth saving. Right now like you said we barely have anyone to actually bring up and raise this younger players to be quality players. You need quantity to create quality in a server. You need things all ages of people will play on, and not just the younger generation. Clearly you didn't understand what I was talking about.
  16. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    It's not about understanding what you said nova, which I do. You are skipping to step 2 when step 1 isn't complete. Yes, we need to attract more people by updating and having good new content but you will find many will not stick around if step 1 isn't done first and they log in to see the kind of crap going on that was mentioned. I wouldn't.

    You do not need quantity to have quality, that statement couldn't be more wrong. In fact, back in our golden age we didn't have tons of players, we were a smaller server of quality players. It wasn't until later the focus shifted to wanting to be a big server with multiple server types. I could easily list 5 great servers I've played on that had great communities and was a lot of fun that did not have a big population.

    So again, it's not that I don't understand development is needed, and growth of population is important. It's that you need to have a good foundation before you start building, or your building will sink. Understand?
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  17. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    We just have very different views on this.
  18. Gamer

    Gamer Active Member

    Jul 21, 2013
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    There's 3 core ways to go about it:

    1. You completely and thoroughly despise the quantity of players whom are of young age (and lack maturity).
    2. You believe there is a solution to this issue and will thrive to accomplish a perfect community with little to no conflicts
    3. You do not believe there is an issue with the current community.

    If I'm incorrect on this, please let me know.
  19. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    I am letting you know now then that those are three very vague points and quite limited might I say.
  20. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    come back