I Hate Saying Goodbyes...

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by DragonLS, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. DragonLS

    DragonLS Active Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Well, I never thought I'd see this day coming. 4 years I've spent on this server, all the way back in 2012. This was at my peak of being on Minecraft nearly every day for several hours on end, sometimes quite literally 24 hours. I even had stanky be a little concerned at my playtime on the server, lol. During that time I was probably the most active member on Survival to begin with.

    I have seen 3-4 map changes as the years went by, I have met some wonderful people, and I've seen some very funny situations involving banned and active members alike.

    But alas, I'm just not active anymore.

    Once April hit this year, my already dwindling activity had almost immediately stopped; I had disappeared for at least a couple months, save my short login around May. This was around the time when Aqua did a "Staff Wipe" on all inactive staff.

    Funny thing that, since I was told I was the 3rd most inactive staff member on the team when said wipe occurred. It's kind of ironic. Back then I used to be the most active person here. And now I'm the most inactive one. Because of this, I got hit with said wipe. But, I fought to stay, and I was determined to get active again, and I even made a big charismatic speech and everything (Actually, no I didn't), and in the end, I returned to staff, as a Volunteer.

    Funny story that. Back then I got constantly demoted and re-promoted back and forth. I think I became Helper (Which was the first staff rank at the time) at least 3-4 times. Then eventually I finally started going up from there. I felt proud of myself, actually going through the ranks, feeling like I'm actually being helpful. Even with my random and annoying nature, I'm the type of guy that hates pissing people off, and just wants to have an overall good time.

    But I'm getting off-topic here.

    Even after being re-added to staff, I attempted to become more active, but my habits barely changed. I only logged in once for at least less than an hour, and never came back for more.

    A lot of this contributes to my poor time management skills. It became even worse when I finally got a job in real life which also contributes to my poor activity.

    But I also blame Aqua for introducing me to Feed The Beast, he kinda killed my interest in vanilla Minecraft, the evil, evil guy that he is. D:

    Joking at Aqua aside, It's been a good run regardless. 4 years is quite a lot for me to focus on on a video game. I don't think I've had that much activity time since Team Fortress 2, which is quite interesting to me.

    Maybe someday, I will return to this server more active than ever, but now? I have other priorities to settle on. I need to focus things elsewhere, and I'm just... well, not interested in Minecraft anymore for the most part. It's sad that this has happened, since I always gave myself high hopes that I would be here for much much longer. But that's what I do: I over-estimate things.

    I wish everyone luck in their ventures, and hopefully, I will be back one day with more energy and time than ever. I will be lurking on the forums every now and then, though.

    So, I bid you adieu.

    TLDR: I'm resigning from staff, and I'm leaving the server. Not for good, but for a fairly long time.
    #1 DragonLS, Aug 3, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
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  2. Thatguy5600

    Thatguy5600 Survival Staff

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Sad to see you go Dragon. Best of luck to you in the future!
    • Like Like x 1
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  3. DeadLocked

    DeadLocked Active Member

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Gl on life
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  4. Sahib

    Sahib Member

    May 10, 2015
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    have fun on whatever you'll do that isn't play here