Survival Competition Time: Design A Jail

Discussion in 'News / Server Information' started by Squibby, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. Squibby

    Squibby Active Member

    May 5, 2013
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    On behalf of the Staff Team It is time for a new jail and we would like you to design a jail for the chance of winning a grand prize of 10,000 gn and the new unreleased Nightvision perk for the first place winner, 2nd place will receive 7,500gn and 3rd place a still respectable 4,000gn 2016-09-16_23.31.15.png
    So why not help us by making a new jail and get a chance of winning yourself a few extra gn for your own gains, help us to help you. What you got to lose, make it annoying, make it funny, make it different, but enjoy it.

    You have until October 7th at 8pm (+2GMT) to submit your jail design, be sure to Include Co-ords and a brief description.

    Size is to be no bigger than 16x16 blocks

    Players to work alone for this event

    Be sure to post at least 2 photos of your build

    Copy below layout onto application submission


    Reason for wanting to participate:

    Best of luck to all from the MCS Staff

    May the Competition BEGIN
    #1 Squibby, Sep 16, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
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  2. Baer

    Baer Survival Staff
    Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2014
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    Name: Baerbros
    Co-ords: -5225 65 12174
    Reason for wanting to participate: I want to create a jail where players suffer and try their best not to die for what they have done to get into the jail in the first place


    Quick Description: Players will spawn in a room with a monster with a moving mouth waiting to devour them (pic 1). Players will then be dropped into a chamber of parkour but beware; there is lava underneath (pic 2). Once the parkour is completed, the player will need to go through the depths of a dark tunnel filled with water and try to escape before drowning. If they survive that obstacle, they will be put in a scary chamber of death (pic 3). The player must then find a way to escape the chamber and escape the jail (if there is a way). If the players die and do not complete a task, they will need to start over from square 1 in the room with the monster.

    **Special thanks to Prettybeans for contributing blocks and ideas
    #2 Baer, Sep 18, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
    • Creative Creative x 1
  3. Blakethecrafter

    Blakethecrafter Survival Staff

    May 3, 2015
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    Name: Blakethecrafter
    Co-ords: -599 69 -5885 (ask me and I can let you use my stargate to get there)
    Reason for wanting to participate: I wanted to make a jail that is more interesting than our current jail, one that players will feel both comfortable and scared in at the same time.
    Quick Description: This is a multi purpose jail. It can be used as a normal jail, for killing, and for extra punishment. As you can see in picture 2 there are three jail cells, the jails on the left are also seen in picture 3. Those two cells can be used as a generic jail to wait out a sentence or if necessary lava can be released to flow down from the ceiling and you can watch from the glass as the inmate burns to death! In picture 4 is a special kind of punishment, to quickly summarize it, they must mine the coal in the ceiling get wood below the gravel and the iron below that to make 9 iron picks.

    If you would like to see this build I have a stargate I can let you use to see it and get the full effect :)
  4. Galactic508

    Galactic508 New Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    Name: galactic508
    Co-ords: -363 72 -11061
    Reason for wanting to participate: i was told about the event and it sounded like something fun to do
    Photos: 2016-09-18_19.11.09.png 2016-09-18_19.26.44.png 2016-09-18_19.26.20.png
    Description: First image is to show that the jail is hidden. Some people mess around with the prisoners and are really annoying. I have hidden the jail into a hillside so you would only know it is there if you were looking for it. You have to stand on the pressure plates to get in. The second image is an outside look of the 2 cells. The cells are big enough to store multiple prisoners in a cell, just like some prisons in the real world. The last image shows the cell. There is a lot of space along with water, a bed for the mates to share, a light, and over to the left is a vase and flowers to remind prisoners the true beauty of the world. As they are thinking about their choices and waiting to be sentenced, they may lie down on the stinky bed as a punishment.
  5. 5zympanski

    5zympanski New Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Name: 5cabdriver
    Co-ords: X/Z: 5719/-1230
    Reason for wanting to participate: I saw this Compo, got an idea and thought, why not to try...
    2016-09-22_19.18.20.png 2016-09-22_19.21.14.png 2016-09-22_19.21.26.png 2016-09-22_19.23.21.png
    It is a small one, with 10 cells, but it is possible to add floors, it's design that way...
    The cells are small with no comfortable beds, with buckets as toilets and high windows to gain light, but not to see much. And it has multi purpose basement.
    And maybe i will add some little details later.
    Until take this.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. 5zympanski

    5zympanski New Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    Quick view of it...
  7. SirFlamehood

    SirFlamehood New Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Name: SirFlamehood
    Co-ords: x= -250 y= 71 z= 122
    Reason for wanting to participate:
    Mainly, I was bored. I didn't have and thing to do today and I finished my architect, so I had nothing to build.
    2016-09-25_16.39.31.png 2016-09-25_16.40.06.png
    Description: A futuristic prison with lasers for doors and a very sci-fi feel. It has 4 cells and a working piston door. (Just a note: I felt it was important to make cells as boring as possible, like not to include parkour, because jail should be a punishment and not a chance to have fun on parkour and such). I hope you enjoy :)
    • Like Like x 3
  8. 5zympanski

    5zympanski New Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    What are these horizontal beams?
  9. Squibby

    Squibby Active Member

    May 5, 2013
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    Name: I_Am_A_Blockhead
    Co-ords: -17870 70 -8725
    Reason for wanting to participate: Felt like, finally, getting around to finishing one of these pesky events for once in a blue moon. So I went with a classic prison design and went for it.
    FYI - The little grass moat thing around the prison is not part of the build, I just put it there so you can see the prison in full.
    Exterior: 2016-09-25_21.35.04.png

    2016-09-25_21.34.02.png 2016-09-25_21.34.29.png
    Also includes secrets =3
    Hope you enjoy the humble prison design. Also check out that book inside the chest, it took a long time to create.

    I know it ain't much but it's better than nothing!

    ~Sincerely Block
  10. Squibby

    Squibby Active Member

    May 5, 2013
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    merged blockheads post over to here as it was posted in wrong section
  11. SirFlamehood

    SirFlamehood New Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Those beams are meant to be lasers that block the prisoner from escaping the cell.
  12. 5zympanski

    5zympanski New Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    I know this, but forgetting about your design... How to make one? Or it's just a fence with a resource pack on?
  13. Squibby

    Squibby Active Member

    May 5, 2013
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    they are called end rods, check them on google
    • Like Like x 1
  14. SirFlamehood

    SirFlamehood New Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    What Squibby said, just two endrods placed on the sides of blocks.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Gamer

    Gamer Active Member

    Jul 21, 2013
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    Name: MCGamerTag
    Coords: -13812 / 63 / 19718 (It's very far out, and in the middle of an ocean, so it'll be quite a journey to get there).
    Reason For Wanting To Participate: Since I finished my Architect, I figured I might as well participate in the event since I have nothing else to do (building-wise). Plus, I might as well build a jail since the server is in-need of one.
    Interior (First Floor):
    Interior (Second Floor):
    One Of The Jail Cells:
    Description: Since most of the players who commit crimes (i.e. griefing, stealing, etc.) on the server are most likely of young age, I thought I'd call this jail "Juvy" (a youth detention center). The first floor is filled with regular jail cells, nothing out of the ordinary. But wait, there's more! There is a way a jailed player can get out besides waiting X-amount of time in jail; the alternative way to get out is writing in a Book and Quill saying X-amount of pages worth of saying they won't do whatever they did to get themselves jailed in the first place (since I called my jail "Juvy", I wanted there to be an old-fashioned school detention-type option). For example: If XxGrieferKidxX (not an actual player on the server) griefed someone else's house and got jailed for, let's say, 10 minutes, he could either write 10 pages on each line saying "I will not grief again", or wait out his 10 minutes in jail (staff's choice on whether or not they want to give jailed players that option). However, the second floor is just empty cells consisting of death traps. These cells are for players not worth staff's time, needing stolen items removed from their inventory, or awaiting a ban.
    #15 Gamer, Sep 28, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
    • Like Like x 2
  16. bobos193

    bobos193 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Name: bobos193
    Co-ords: -13324 63 19288
    Reason for wanting to participate: I wanted to design a jail. Put my building skills to good use for once.
    Description: Mars landing jail
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Fred

    Fred Active Member

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Name: Fredbros
    Coords: -14870 -14900
    Reason for wanting to participate: I wanted to feed naughty people to a giant monster; it's much more fun than normal jail :)
    Description: What's the best way to punish people who break the rules? Jails can be pretty effective, but where's the fun in throwing someone into a boring old cell? Why not feed them to a pit monster instead? Introducing the newest way to punish people, our very own MCS Sarlaac Pit! All the way from Star Wars, the Sarlaac is capable of eating and digesting criminals for 1000 years! ...Or 15 minutes I guess... Also, even if a player should be crafty enough to NOT fall into the Sarlaac's gaping mouth, they will still be trapped in the Sarlaac's pit until their time is up :) (Note to Aqua: The glass represents where the player needs to spawn, it should be removed if/when moved to spawn)
    2016-10-06_21.39.08.png 2016-10-06_22.09.47.png

    The outside of the great Sarlaac Pit
    Down it's throat! Ahhh!
    Inside of the Sarlaac's stomach, where I'll be trapped for a long time o.o
    A nightvision look at the stomach. Oh hey, is that Boba over there?
    #17 Fred, Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
    • Like Like x 1
  18. HazelRain

    HazelRain Active Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Name: Hazelgrim (Hazelrain)
    Co-ords: -140, 78, -1694
    Reason for wanting to participate: Thought it would be fun... and who doesn't want the new perk?? :p

    There are 4 jails and then a 5th area that lets the player answer questions about the server rules. If they answer correctly they can get through it faster. If they answer wrong then it takes a lot longer. The 5th area is under the main jail (you'll have to compass in to see it. Screen Shot 2016-10-07 at 10.32.33 AM.png


    Attached Files:

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  19. Aqua

    Aqua Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Thank you all for participating this event!
    It took us an hour and a 3rd opinion to finally decide on who would win.
    And even with that 3rd opinion we still had no clear winner.....

    So we chose to go with a shared 1st place (you both get 1st prize) and a 3rd place (because of the shared 1st).

    I am glad to announce:
    5cabdriver and Hazelrain; congratulations on the 1st place!
    MCGamerTag; congratulations on the 3rd place!

    The perks have been added and gold has been given to you 3.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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