What I've Done While I've Been Gone!

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Blockhead, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Blockhead

    Blockhead Member

    Jan 2, 2016
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    As you guys know, I have took sizable break from the server. I am happy to announce that I will be joining back on the factions server, incase you didn't get the hint. In this break I mainly did school and sports, but recently I have also done some other cool stuff as well. One of these things was getting addition to twitch, specifically watching speedrunners on SMW and SMW kaizo, I don't know why but it looked cool. During this however, I could not keep myself occupied enough so I also decided to make my very own ROM hack (You edit the game) over the past month. It's been very successful, and I am making decent progress considering that I'm using some old af programs to edit game. I went with a Kaizo theme (Really fucking hard Mario), sense I like precision platforming. Some of these jumps could be low as 1 frame to make the jump out of the 60 frames in a second. Recently I had to redo some of the levels sense I edited some of the overworld and title screen so I decided to take some in dev screen shots for you guys. Hope you like them, don't be to mad about how bad the scenery looks, it's more about the jumps as I said before . To give you an ideal of what I'm trying to make, I'll give you a video of the world record on the hardest of the Kaizos, Dram World.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 21.58.58.png
    Screenshot of the opening seen, you have a second to dismount yoshi or you will die. Also, look at dat smexy customized text.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.32.21.png
    This image might look confusing, but let me explain. This is an image of a shell jump, a jump where you throw a shell and jump on it in midair giving you a jump boost. The area where you want the shell to hit is the question block giving you a yoshi, which then using the shell you would jump on.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.34.19.png
    This is the start of the 1st stage of the game, and you see you get a pretty quick introduction to how the rest of the game is going to be. Surprisingly, jumping on a falling spiny is rather easy to do, considering the other harder tricks in this hack.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.35.58.png
    This is an example of a "kaizo block", a hidden block that stops your jump. As you can see, I had some fun with this one, throwing a shell into the muncher, making the game freak out!
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.37.58.png
    Just a mole jump. I wouldn't want you moling around on this picture <3
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.46.29.png
    Dodging the baseballs, from the chuck over on the right
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.51.00.png
    Another kaizo block!
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.51.30.png
    As you can see, this is part of a customized map. So fucking beautiful! Incase you don't know, this beautiful world took a solid 10 or so hours to make with the events and such when you beat the level.

    This is part 1 of the images!
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  2. Blockhead

    Blockhead Member

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Part two, even more image!

    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.52.27.png
    Image of me hitting a bubble and killing my momentum, killing me. These bubbles are placed very specifically to catch the player on any errors that could be up in the milliseconds! I would honestly call this level one of the funnest to play so far.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.52.58.png
    This is an image of me spinning toward that falling spiny
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 22.55.37.png
    An image of a bullet bill launcher where you have to time it so you jump on the bullet and onto the platform on the right.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 23.00.50.png
    This is an image after a 1 frame jump where I let baby yoshi eat the gomba right under my feet while I jumped on it in midair. I was thankful af when I did this, because the last time I did this jump, it took over an hour to achieve.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 23.16.15.png
    A new level and a whole new order of chaos! A fun section of a level where you get to try not to get smashed by the munchers up top with the dolphins happily swimming waiting for your demise!
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 23.17.39.png
    An image of me jumping on a kamikaze shell and trying not to get hit by the munchers. In my opinion, this is hard as fuck, ranking up there with that one frame jump.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 23.25.41.png
    A picture of me just killing another kamikaze shell, to protect the big fish down there so I can spin to victory and finish the monstrosity of a level.
    super mario world (usa).2016-12-17 23.27.22.png
    Just some invisible blocks that lead to the finish, did it to look cool!

    Incase you were wondering, I used save states to beat this, I dont have enough time to beat each level. It often takes around hundreds of hours to do that, which would be used for a dev project, that might not even show up in the real game.

    Also, this took around two hours to get these screenshots, incase you wanted that information
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