Survival Age Of The Dawn: Map Of Blackreaver And Aquarius (pvp)

Discussion in 'Pictures' started by shadowslasher11, Jan 3, 2017.

  1. shadowslasher11

    shadowslasher11 Well Known Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    So if any of you have read my little story over in the written section. (Can be found in the signature of my post here) then you'll know that it takes place in a fictional version of Golden Wildes. This was created with a online tool called Inkarnate which allows people to create maps using some really nice stuff. This isn't exactly done yet as I have a lot of work pertaining to Aquarius that I need to do.


    Blackreaver: Ruled over by the Blackreaver family and their Overseer Advisers. The current King is Nathan Blackreaver, 17th son in the family line who is assisted in leading his Kingdom with the help of Dzyriq the Great, Stanky the Honorable, Piotr the Mage, and Oracle Aqua the 15th. The Kingdom consists of several guilds that keep it strong. These include the Merchant, Explorer, Warrior, Architect, and Guardian guilds. Each having their own abilities fit to their position of power.

    The Dead Lands: Thousands of years ago the Ocean Strait that once separated two landmasses dried up and created a vast desert that looms over hundreds of miles all around. It is dangerous to cross this sandy vast alone, as many have died doing so. Rumors say that a temple sits in the middle of the desert, containing a rare treasure but extremely hostile possessed and undead enemies. No one knows for sure.

    Aquarius: With a history dating back as far as the pre-1st Kingdom Era, this land is known for it's constant bloodshed. With clans constantly fighting for the throne over the last 500 years after the assassination of Oracle Aqua the 5th. Now stands the new leader, Oracle Aqua the 15th as he watches over his collapsing empire with his Oracle Adviser at his side.
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  2. Aqua

    Aqua Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Rip Oracle Aqua the 15th...
    • Funny Funny x 1