Accepted Kahnaii's Architect Application

Discussion in 'Architects' started by Kahnaii, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. Kahnaii

    Kahnaii New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    What is your in-game name? Kahnaii.
    Are you a designer/engineer? Yes, designer.
    Are you the only builder on the project? Yes.
    What is the warp to get to your plot? /p h:2 Kahnaii


    You, a traveler, have been wandering for what feels like years before you stumble upon what seems like a welcoming mountain town. After spending a night at the local inn, thankfully situated at the bottom of the peak, you decide to find out what else this settlement offers.

    Everyone seems nice enough, if a little arrogant. But surely that's natural with their living situation. Beautiful houses nestled into the side of an impressive peak, these people definitely have everything they need, other than maybe a backyard to run around in. You decide to finish the day with a trip to the large fortress at the very summit. You don't know what you'll find there, but maybe the leaders of this place will be generous.

    The fortress is huge and very sturdy looking. As you peer inside the large windows, you can't help but notice the opulence that radiates the vast building. Even the carpets seem more expensive than anything you've seen so far during your visit. You are only afforded a brief glance before you notice you're being watched from above the front entrance by several archers. One guard offers you a choice: since visitors are only permitted with an invitation from the lord and lady, leave, or be executed on the spot. You value your existence, and decide your afternoon is best spent elsewhere.

    Not long after, you notice a branch in the path that had eluded you before, when the fortress' mystery clouded your vision. You decide to take a peek at what looks like a small cave...

    You find that the more you explore, the more you are disgusted with the injustice and inequality that seems to grip this place. Even more than that, however, you find yourself even more confused about how this place came to be, and what lies at the base of an impossible tree...


    This lot is a project two years in the making. I quite feel like this right now:

    All areas and buildings should be accessible without the use of flying or world edit commands. Of course, given that I've been looking at this thing for so long, something may have slipped through the cracks. If you find somewhere that you cannot enter, please let me know, and I will fix it.

    Thanks, and take care.
    - Kahnaii :cat:
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Like Like x 2
    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Wow - great job - approved!
  3. Kahnaii

    Kahnaii New Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Thank you!!! :D