Creative Hire New Os's

Discussion in 'Creative Server Suggestions' started by crazymagma3000, Jun 20, 2017.


Should NatByte hire new OS's

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. crazymagma3000

    crazymagma3000 New Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Recently, I submitted my application for Designer. I realized it took longer than it should've taken considering other server's time. I talked a bit to other members, and realized that it can sometimes takes MONTHS to get an application viewed by an OS. This is just a suggestion that maybe getting new OS's would be a good idea. Not even getting new OS's, but hiring some more would be an improvement from the current situation. Attached is a poll.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    The problem is that Natbyte isn't active enough to be doing basic tasks that any server owner does, let alone promoting new Overseers. That's just the way it is around here, whether you like it or not.

    I don't like it either, but all of our current overseers have busy lives and just don't have the time to be here often. Maybe if Nat comes back to activity we will see some more priority, until then just have fun with what you have access to.
  3. crazymagma3000

    crazymagma3000 New Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    You see, all NatByte has to do, considering he doesn't care about the server anymore, is give his permissions to another player so that the server can remain functioning. Its simple, its not hard to do.
  4. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    First, you have no right to say something like that. If Natbyte did not care about the server anymore you would not have a server to play on here let alone a forum to complain on. He pays to keep this server running even though he doesn't play on it anymore, that to me says he still cares about the server he just doesn't have the time in his life to spend it here right now.

    Second, Its true a lot of problems could be fixed by handing over the reins. But that is not the direction he has gone with it and you don't have the right to tell him what he should do with his server he pays for.

    Yes there are problems, that happens with lack of strong oversight and attention. But Aqua is doing a pretty good job maintaining it in Natbyte's long absence. Enjoy what you got and be glad you have it. We can hope that Maybe some day things will change but this is what MCS is for now.
    • Like Like x 3
  5. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    It's more cute than true. Guess you will have to stick around and actually play and learn the way of the community than to complain upfront to a community you have not been part of for long. Enjoy your stay. Gods speed to your application.
  6. crazymagma3000

    crazymagma3000 New Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Maybe you have forgotten what free speech is...?
  7. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Maybe you have forgotten what respect and decent human behavior is?
  8. crazymagma3000

    crazymagma3000 New Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    I know my rights. This is a suggestion. After this I will not be replying to any further messages, if you have a problem stop replying and message me personally. Thank you.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    The first post was indeed a suggestion, your second was in fact not a suggestion but a rude stab at natbyte in which I feel compelled to rebuke.

    Reply or don't reply I care not, but I will not let people blurt out such unthoughtful things about somebody i respect unchallenged.

    This thread is to discuss what you post in it, which is what I have done. I will not make a private conversation for something that already as a designated space to discuss your statements.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Don't mess with Exavious, that is a sad sad lose waiting to happen Austin.
  11. Squibby

    Squibby Active Member

    May 5, 2013
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    I for one back Exavious here as a former staff remember and a highly respectable member of the previous staff team. Anyone who will take a stab at nat takes a stab at the entirety of the MCS community.

    I for one used to think nat didn't care, but you only have to take a 5 minute look and reflect on it to realise truly how much he does, just cos he isn't around does not mean he does not care. I mean come on, the server doesn't even make money and it's still going.

    If nat truly did not care for the server it wouldn't be here so In future I would suggest thinking long and hard before posting about nat or any staff in future taking personal stabs as you have just done.

    We are all here to enjoy whatever community is here at the time, I personally hope that you apologise to nat yourself so he can give you back your pacifier and you can stick it back in your mouth and keep shush in future.

    Many Kind Regards

    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. diabolicwhiteguy

    Apr 7, 2013
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    This isn't Nat's first game server, the other one (that I know of) went years without any form of moderation, until it finally got dropped. That will most likely happen here. Perhaps what he said was rude, but just because this is still here doesn't make it untrue (although I'm sure it is). I think we should try and get a hold of Nat and see if we could get Death_Witch made an overseer rank. She would need some extra training, but she seems capable, is trustworthy, and pretty much the only person in staff that is active above the moderator rank. Just to throw in a jab here, since apparently crazymagma3000 struck some nerves. Outside of a small chronyistic brown nosing group, people are having all kinds of issues with this server lately, and most of the issues could be fixed by having somebody who is competent and around (in general) to deal with things. Oh, and re-instating ex-staff is a terrible idea, the staff here use to be an amalgamation of assholes (multiple come to mind, I don't even remember Exavious as staff just so it is known I'm not referring to him, this just seems like a slippery slope) who broke things and pissed people off (yes, the irony of me saying that, that was mostly what I use to do for fun in Althea), with a handful of helpful people intermixed. I think we would be better off in dealing with who we have currently, but with greater responsibility (to their dismay :)).

    -Have a nice day,

    Bring me some toes to step on, I'm wearing my shit kicking boots.;)
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Been a long time since I was admin haha, probably before you started playing here so can't blame you for that ;) I still linger from map to map though

    Truth be told while adding a OS who is more active (such as who you suggested) would help in some areas it is not a fix, more a bandaid. I think it would still be a good step forward though I would wonder if DW would even be interested in that or if it would burn her out and we be down another staff member in time.

    I understand your resentment of some past staff, I know this server went through a pretty rough patch for a while in that regard (heard a lot of bad stories and issues from people I know venting) but I wasn't really active much during that time to have a personal input on that topic.

    I don't agree on just making due with what there is though instead of looking into adding more staff, I don't mean to speak for other people but I'm sure they would like some backup/help. Never hurts to have a few good extra people helping out. But again, just adding staff is only a bandaid and i fear it will not have the effect some people think it will.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. diabolicwhiteguy

    Apr 7, 2013
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    Hey, I'm just spit balling, I had a bad experience my first time on the server, which led to my just being a vindictive asshole on here for quite a while, but at this point it is just sad (the state of the server). I agree with you, however, about it just being a band-aid, but I think it better to bandage the wound than just let it fester and bleed. That is true as well, what I mentioned this morning would spread those we have left too thin, I was just thinking that we had a pretty good base at the moment for staff, the best I've seen since I've been here, not to discredit other older staff since there use to be more good ones as well as the bad. I don't know who we could even add for staff, there are few people who know the plugins, rules, or anything that are on with any frequency. Thanks for the reply, to be honest with you, I was expecting a more negative response (those have seemingly been the only responses lately), hence my last sentence :).
    • Wizard Wizard x 1