1. What is your ingame name? epicawesomemax 2. What is your current Builder rank? Novice Builder 3. Are you the only Builder on this project? Yes 4. What are the coordinates to your project (Optionally /sw coordinates)? Are there any nearby nether portals? The coordinates are: -1365 / -4732 There is a nether portal in the basement of the house I am also on Baer's Home Network under "Max" if you want to see my build that way 5. Post at least 2 pictures of your plot: I have also included a video of the house showcasing the basement with a working redstone elevator and other rooms of the house:
I'm sorry man but no, for me a build project is good when it looks good without shaders and without a specific resource pack, i've been to this build you showed me it, and on my resource pack it looked particularly dull, the colour scheme is boring and to be honest, the youtube video is better as an advertisement for shaders.
Thanks for the criticism but since the last time you saw the build a lot of color was added, stained glass, different types of stone, and all the rooms were decorated. I will definitely change a lot of the things but the only difference with shaders is just everything looks smoother and the water looks nicer.
Sorry, I am not going to vote on this build, to me it is a bit too square, same blocks glass and slabs, does not seem to have depth? but i am not a very good builder, so.... just my opinion. Good luck.
Upload pics w the default texturepack your textrepack just makes everything look fancy, but u cant see anything in my opinion As i said to u in the game, ur texturepack doesnt matter at all, it has to look good in vanilla texture w ur texturepack a shitty dirt hut would look good, so pls give us vanilla screenies and maybe switch to vanilla, make it better and then make a new thread
I like this, but as others said, reupload with the default texture pack. I would look at it in-game but... I can't
I voted no, for the following reasons: You have a largely grey colour scheme which isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but in some places there's no break from it. For instance when you showed me around, down in the basement areas it's just a flat stonebrick wall, which as I've already said isn't a bad thing necessarily, it's just very flat. I felt like the walls could maybe have been textured more, a few cracked bricks here and there maybe. Your elevator, as cool and as impressive as it is, isn't fully enclosed and even when I suggested a Youtuber who might have been able to help you overcome the issue of redstone being cut off, from where it needed to work, to improve its design it wasn't closed off, and mobs attacked the pair of us on each occasion you showed me. It seems unfinished. The house is very blank, I felt as well. I felt more could have been done to decorate the walls. With the aforementioned reasons in mind, it felt rushed, and like not a lot of thought went into it. For me a Builder Application will show how much thought, time and effort went into it when you look around it. Sorry Max. Despite this, I wish you the best of luck for your application - Beep