
Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Nxtify, Dec 21, 2017.


Do you remember me?

  1. Yup, oh boy

  2. No, not at all

  3. Maybe, memory needs a kick start

  1. Nxtify

    Nxtify New Member

    Dec 17, 2017
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    A lot of you may remember that old cry baby tdog040104 asking for OS every second of the day on the forums.
    Some of you may not know him, but just search his name in that search bar and it's pretty self explanatory.
    Hi guys, it's ya boy tdog, 4 years later. Now I am ACTUALLY 17, woah! I can't believe it! Tdog has a confirmed age??? Well yeah, I was a little 13 year old B**ch that was just out staff seeking. I've grown up and this server has had A LOT of changes. But it is definitely really cool to hop on and see some old friends, oh wait... didn't have those back then.
    But all things done and said, my old account (tdog040104) was banned. I totally respect that decision because holy sh*t I was an annoying bastard. But yeah, I'm back and I thought I would finally share some REAL information with you guys since I wasn't very truthful back then, I went from 17 to 37 to 36 years old..... yeah.

    So here goes:

    Well, I'm 17 now and studying hard to get into Penn State University as a scholar. I am into technology and programming now as I started to learn code as a little side project and, well, it took off from there. I live in Texas and have a small family that I cherish and love. I go to school everyday just like anybody else in high school. Not only am I in high school, but I plan on starting my own business and moving on up with my life. Being here on this forums brings back so many (disgusting) memories. But what can I say?

    the infamous tdog040104
    (AKA AquaXXVII, AquaCoding, or Nxtify)
    #1 Nxtify, Dec 21, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2017
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  2. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Nice to see you, good luck with school!