Survival Tag! You're It!

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by FunkyHippo, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. FunkyHippo

    FunkyHippo New Member

    Aug 2, 2017
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    (Yes, this was taken right from the Hermitcraft server. No, I'm not ashamed)

    A few players on the server started playing a small game of Tag among themselves. The game went like this:

    1. If you are it, you must find a target who you want to tag.
    2. Go to that person and punch them with your fist.
    3. Hand off the nametag and rulebook that were given to you when you were tagged.

    If you are it, you are given a nametag that says "Tag! You're it!" along with a rulebook that lists the rules. Here are the rules to the game:

    1. If you are it, you cannot tag back the person who tagged you first. You must tag a new target.
    2. If you are trying to tag someone, you MUST punch them with your fist before giving them the nametag and book.
    3. You cannot tag someone who is AFK (AFK according to the plugin)

    While this game is usually played just with the players, it would be interesting to have a plugin that managed it.
    - Whoever is it would have an [IT] title next to their name in chat (maybe in yellow)
    - The plugin automatically gives the title to whoever is tagged with a punch.
    - The nametag and physical rulebook would no longer be needed, since there is the chat title (however, the rules can be accessed via a command)
    - Whenever someone is tagged, there is an announcement in chat that says that <playername> is now it.
    - If someone on the server does not want to play, there should be a command that can toggle that player from the game so that they cannot be tagged or anything.

    - Whoever is "it" leaves the server and doesn't come back for 2 weeks or something.
    SOLUTION: there is a limit for the amount of time one person can be it. After this time limit is passed, someone on the server is randomly selected to be it.

    - Three people decide to stand in a circle and repeatedly pass the status of "it" onto each other for fun and to spam the chat.
    SOLUTION: After you are tagged, you cannot tag someone else for a specified time. There is a cooldown of sorts.

    - If the "it" is chasing a target, the target decides to /AFK so that they cannot be tagged.
    SOLUTION: I don't really have a solution to this. If anyone has a suggestion let me know!

    Using the possible toggle feature, if someone is being chased and wants to be safe, they can just toggle their status in the game so that they can't be tagged, then turn it back on when it's safe.
    Furthermore, anyone who is not it can just be toggled off the entire time, giving them complete immunity forever. Sure, it ruins the game for them, but maybe they want to just be a troll.
    SOLUTION: Make it VERY difficult to un-toggle yourself. Once you are out of the game, it should be very hard to get back in. You can't just do it with the command again. There should be some sort of price or other procedure to get back in. This will greatly reduce the amount of people that toggle on and off.

    That's all! If there are any ideas you have then let me know!


    EDIT 8/14: Added possible feature of toggling the game if you don't want to play, and added a possible issue that comes with this feature.
    #1 FunkyHippo, Aug 13, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2018
    • Cookie Cookie x 1
  2. Shanks

    Shanks New Member

    Mar 29, 2017
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    I like the idea, and if there is a plugin even better!
    Helps the community to find each other, even if i will be tagged all the time bc of my base directly at spawn ^^

    2 things:
    --> Ppl who dont wanna play should have the option to disable it (or not, not having a choice would be better imo but there are always ppl who dont want to participate)

    --> There should be a small inconvenience, like having a weird colour for his name in chat or smth, so all can see whos tagged even through chat

    PS: You forgot the rule that you cant tag someone in the same video that you were tagged xPP
  3. FunkyHippo

    FunkyHippo New Member

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Totally agree that people should be able to disable it if they don't want to play, but we would have to find a way to prevent abuse from that. People who are about to get tagged can just toggle it off to be safe. I'll add it to the issues area.

    As for the small inconvenience, in the post I mentioned that whoever is it has a title next to their name so that everyone on the server knows that it's them.
  4. _Beep_

    _Beep_ Survival Staff
    Staff Member

    Jun 28, 2016
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    To prevent abuse of the disable option, perhaps it could be made so that use of the disable command has a timer before it takes effect. This way players wouldn't be able to toggle it on and off at whim to avoid being tagged. This timer could be around 30 seconds/60 seconds long, long enough so that even if they saw the "It" player coming, they couldn't just not participate but short enough not to cause too much inconvenience to those that genuinely don't want to play.
    As far as making it difficult to rejoin the game once you've opted out, just put a timer on the command. If you want it to be a a massive pain to rejoin, make the time between uses of the command some lengthy amount of time, maybe 2 weeks?

    If there is a plugin created/found to manage this game, perhaps it could be set so that the /afk command takes effect immediately in chat, however there is a delay before it is relayed to the Tag Game plugin. This way players that are playing can still be tagged, even in cases of them genuinely not seeing the "It" player approaching and then going afk. It also combats players using it to avoid being tagged, in the same way the delay I described above does.