Chatbox Archive

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Natbyte, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Aug 8, 2018 6:50 PM - Death_Witch: HI Leng :)
    Aug 8, 2018 8:28 PM - jojo2o2: Well this is a sight for sore eyes.
  2. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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  3. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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  4. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Aug 13, 2018 at 4:01 PM - Shanks: Nath, that archived thing gives me an error if i wanna view it
    Aug 13, 2018 at 4:02 PM - Shanks: Wooops, Nat*
  5. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Aug 14, 2018 5:07 PM - FunkyHippo: how can we see the archive area?
    Aug 14, 2018 5:08 PM - SimplyNova: You get archived yourself.
    Aug 14, 2018 5:38 PM - SimplyNova: It is like a Trojan horse.
  6. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Aug 15, 2018 3:54 PM - SimplyNova: So apparently I am crashing upon entry to the server? I got in for about 30-40 seconds, walked about 10 blocks only to crash again?
    Aug 15, 2018 5:18 PM - _Beep_: @Funky they're in the Archive section of the forum
    Aug 15, 2018 6:53 PM - SimplyNova: Beep I believe the reason he is asking is because using the link in which Nat posted you're brought to a page that says there was an error and reads "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action. "
    Aug 15, 2018 7:21 PM - SimplyNova: I will say though, the chatbox archive is all I ever really read. It is quite interesting to watch people evolve.
  7. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Aug 19, 2018 5:33 PM - Shanks: im back! was away for a festival :D
  8. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Aug 20, 2018 9:18 PM - Shanks: Attention everyone! Placed Shulkerboxes are NOT protected by the claim tool! Be careful and dont let them just around! Put them in actual chests or behind closed doors!
  9. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Aug 21, 2018 4:49 PM - SimplyNova: Attention everyone! Important news! Barnums Animal Crackers has redesigned their packaging, to no longer show animals in cages! Here is a link to an article.
    Aug 21, 2018 4:49 PM - SimplyNova: Of course I am being sarcastic, it isn't that important. However its comical to think this is important to anyone that a packaging shows caged animals
    Aug 21, 2018 5:08 PM - Shanks: why is your heart so full of hate
    Aug 21, 2018 7:05 PM - SimplyNova: I don't see what you're getting at.
  10. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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  11. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 4, 2018 at 1:33 PM - SimplyNova: Is the server down currently?
    Sep 4, 2018 at 1:53 PM - SimplyNova: It goes to "Connecting to the server" - "Logging in" - "Encrpying" - "Joining world" - "Loading terrain" - "Disconnected"
    Sep 4, 2018 at 1:53 PM - SimplyNova: And from what I can see there are at least two people playing
    Sep 5, 2018 at 1:09 AM - Trippn: what is the ip?
    Sep 5, 2018 at 2:11 AM - SimplyNova: ?
    Sep 5, 2018 at 2:37 AM - TCIndiana: I'm getting that same error, not sure what's going on, 4 people are on right now
    Sep 5, 2018 at 3:19 AM - SimplyNova: It is a bit ridiculous.
    Sep 5, 2018 at 3:25 AM - TCIndiana: well I got on for a little but, but got disconnected, so I think that means I should go to bed, lol. later
    Sep 5, 2018 at 3:29 AM - SimplyNova: Later
  12. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 10, 2018 8:34 PM - SimplyNova: Next item, tridents
  13. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 16, 2018 at 2:23 AM - edsta024: :( Everytime I try to connect to the server it kicks me when it gets finished loading terrain. I guess I will just keep trying till it lets me. T.T
  14. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 16, 2018 9:11 PM - edsta024: Well I was on for a minute twice lol. I think the server doesn't like me anymore. T.T I have tried different devices and internet connections and all the same thing.
    Sep 16, 2018 10:19 PM - SimplyNova: I have arrived to the same conclusion.
    Sep 16, 2018 10:34 PM - _Beep_: Have you tried perhaps launching in 1.13, and then closes it. Relaunching then in 1.13.1
    Sep 16, 2018 10:41 PM - edsta024: I did fresh install lol and I connected for a minute 2 times today.
    Sep 16, 2018 10:42 PM - edsta024: Tried both of my accounts, different pcs, different internet connections. I was only able to connect for roughly a minute on a new connection but then went down and back to this after that.
    Sep 16, 2018 11:03 PM - edsta024: Just so you know I did try to change versions and no change. Still same. Oh well.
    Sep 16, 2018 11:08 PM - _Beep_: I do not know what else to suggest. Have you tried googling the error message, if there is one? Failing that, or in the absence of an error message, maybe dropping Aqua a message might help? He's a very tech savvy guy
    Sep 16, 2018 11:09 PM - _Beep_: Or even Nat actually, as he has the console. He might be of help also
    Sep 16, 2018 11:37 PM - edsta024: Probably have to be Nat honestly because I can connect to any other server on my list just fine.
    Sep 16, 2018 11:41 PM - _Beep_: I asked Nat in game if there was anything players could do, he suggested using Optifine, and making sure your launcher has at least 2gb allocated
    Sep 16, 2018 11:52 PM - SimplyNova: Careful however, you may die since you have a chance to spawn in the nether. Losing all your belongings. Woud love to see that everything I worked for to be given back, but I wouldn't imagine it will be. A risk of playing a bugged verison of Minecraft.
    Sep 17, 2018 1:13 AM - edsta024: lol that was indeed what I was running xD
    Sep 17, 2018 1:16 AM - edsta024: just upped it to 4gb ram with opti and still getting the error. Is it spamming chat at all when I try to join? If not I will literally keep trying but I think it shows that I get on then leave
    Sep 17, 2018 1:17 AM - edsta024: I honestly think the only reason I was able to connect last time is because it spawned me in the nether. lmfao That was my first question when I logged in was why was I in the nether.
    Sep 17, 2018 1:31 AM - SimplyNova: I was spawned in the nether, in lava.
    Sep 17, 2018 1:31 AM - SimplyNova: Wondeful fix lol
    Sep 17, 2018 1:34 AM - SimplyNova: But as of late, I've died twice due to the bugs of the server, as I've yet to have any on the other servers I play on.
    Sep 17, 2018 4:49 AM - _Beep_: Which was the first one, Nova? And this occasion wasn't a bug, merely a mistake.
  15. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 17, 2018 5:04 AM - SimplyNova: Spawned into the game, (Signed out in my base the prior day) to being spawned inside of a wall. Suffocated. Spawned at my base, ran to where my things would've been, and they were no longer there. I was there within the time limit. The chunk has two others within it at the time I was playing so it would not despawn for any reason.
    Sep 18, 2018 1:02 AM - SimplyNova: Equipment restored, balance restored.
    Sep 18, 2018 3:02 AM - Code_Blue: Stuck in lava on the server HELP!!!
    Sep 18, 2018 3:02 AM - Code_Blue: Please :(
    Sep 18, 2018 3:07 AM - _Beep_: Is this as you log in?
    Sep 18, 2018 3:40 AM - Code_Blue: Got back and am fine
  16. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 26, 2018 at 1:54 AM - IllusionIte_: is there a way to access old photos on the forums that were part of the old ranks of survival and creative?
    Sep 26, 2018 at 1:55 AM - IllusionIte_: the old link isnt working
    Sep 26, 2018 at 3:10 AM - Davidthemerc: Why am I *still* getting stuck connecting to the server at the "Loading Terrain" screen...
    Sep 26, 2018 at 3:15 AM - SimplyNova: 1.13.1 is broke af
  17. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 26, 2018 4:14 PM - DR4399leng: my computer is fix and now i can't join the server
    Sep 27, 2018 12:23 AM - Death_Witch: why not Leng :(
  18. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Sep 27, 2018 at 6:38 AM - DR4399leng: dunno the server dont let me in
    Sep 27, 2018 at 6:42 AM - DR4399leng: oh nvm i am in
    Sep 27, 2018 at 6:50 AM - DR4399leng: wait whattt pvp is now allowed at over world !?!?
    Sep 27, 2018 at 7:05 AM - DR4399leng: wha now is pop t... this is not the reason i join this server i join cause i though is peace
    Sep 27, 2018 at 7:58 AM - SimplyNova: You are within a claim
    Sep 27, 2018 at 10:25 AM - DR4399leng: did you guys create another peace server ?
    Sep 27, 2018 at 2:08 PM - SimplyNova: Leng, go into the game and claim some land. You will not die within your claim. However in the wilderness, which is outside a claimed area it is free game.
    Sep 27, 2018 at 2:09 PM - SimplyNova: And no the server as a whole is vanilla
  19. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Oct 1, 2018 at 4:03 PM - SimplyNova: So I figured out changing render distance helps with the log in issues. Simply adjust your render distance to a lower or higher range, doesn't seem to matter and log in. It may take two tries at most, but I myself haven't had any log in issues since. To clarify, change it before you log in.
  20. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Oct 3, 2018 2:04 AM - Darker0001: anyone else having issues logging in? getting stuck on loading terrain then d/cing