Creative What Would You Want In A Creative Server?

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by SimplyNova, Oct 10, 2018.

  1. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    As there is no creative forum page to post this thread to, I will put it here in the off topic forum for now. But yes there is a creative server coming, there is no set time of arrival other than the all famous word of "soon". So with that information what is it you would like from this creative server? Would you have it flat or within a normal world? Would you have pathways going around every plot or have them thrown out in exchange for more space for larger plots? How big would you want plots? Would you want any features to be added to the way plots are made? Comment your suggestions.

    My suggestions will be listed as follows;
    1. Traditional Flat Plots
    2. The ability to change the biome within said plot, to change the color of the sky, grass, etc
    3. The ability to have weather change within said plot
    4. A clear set of rules, both physically on signs at spawn and within the command /rules that are not different from each other
    5. Plot size should be 100x100
    6. Ranks should have clear guidelines as to how to achieve them, and have a change in amount of worldedit
    7. All possible worldedit commands should be listed under a command such as (/worldedit commands) to help players see their options. Include a description of what the command does possibly.
    8. Have some sort of contest monthly (Builder of The Month, Best Builds Of The Month, Best Skin of The Month)
    9. The ability to connect plots next to each other if wanted
    10. The ability to change in and out of creative mode and survival mode

    This is all I have for now, if I think of anything else it will also be added below.
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  2. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Any news about the Creative server at this time? Release date? Expected timeframe? A cold silent five days have passed and no word, so I was just wondering how it is going?
  3. _Beep_

    _Beep_ Survival Staff
    Staff Member

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Nat has said in game, a couple of days ago, that it's on the drawing board, but 1.13.1 is not yet stable enough support such a server. It's not been forgotten about.

    In summary: "Soon" (Still)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Understandable. I just took his message to me saying he had already started to work on it on October 8th as a sign of it coming sooner, than "sooner". All is good though, I'd rather he take his time and get it right than rush and just put something out that is unstable or unplayable. Would like to see some updates about it in the coming weeks as that is a big thing to a builder like me.
  5. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    On 2 separate ideas:
    A new Creative server in a flat world would be the traditional way of looking at the typical creative server.
    But if a new Creative server were to be in a world with biomes (that isn't superflat), there would most likely have to be a system of claiming land similar to the one we used in the old Survival server.

    I honestly think that either of those two options could have excellent results in their own ways. And the ideas listed above are awesome (especially the world edit one :D ).
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  6. _Beep_

    _Beep_ Survival Staff
    Staff Member

    Jun 28, 2016
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    This would produce some epic builds, and I would very much look forward to seeing them. Perhaps even creating one myself! :)
  7. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    The idea of creative within a survival like world, where it is not just flat, brings more creativity if you ask me. Looking at a flat plot, you have to come up with a way to take something 2D, and make it 3D. You have to bring a terrain up from it then you can build your build. As for myself I pretty much do that within the first 30 minutes of looking at a plot because my mind is always going to something crazy huge that takes some serious terraforming, but to take that time of thinking of the terrain out, and handing the player a world basically ready for the build to be added is actually quite the thing. Of course that comes with how do you claim said area you want, instead of having the 100x100 flat plot, you would have to have a new way to claim an area. If there is a way, please do comment below I would love to hear it.