Survival Would You Come Back?

Discussion in 'Survival Server Chat' started by Eastyz, Feb 9, 2020.


Would you like to see MCS make a comeback, if so would you play on the server?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Eastyz

    Eastyz Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Hey everybody, I hope you're all well.......

    So the MCS server has been gone a while now. Personally for me Minecraft became very flat and needed some major revitalizing. I've found that recent and upcoming gameplay updates have brought me back to the game. I have to say I'm really enjoying it too.

    Singleplayer is fun and it has it's perks, as does everything. But it also comes with it's negatives. I miss the player interaction, game chat, community / player owned shops and the stargates linking player creations etc.

    I could go on all day on how much I loved the server. Not just that but on how much I want it back and I was wondering how many of you feel the same?

    If you have any thoughts or comments feel free :)
  2. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Personally, I don't think I can come back to Minecraft, but this is more of a "any MMO / multiplayer / ongoing persistent game" kind of deal.
    As much as I hate to say it, I've gotten older, my priorities have shifted, and my wife, while doing better, is still sick.

    I just dont have the energy to commit to multiple hours in a game every night. I could in theory spend a few hours per week but the pressure to "commit" is too much. I also have the same issue in many games where I get tired of gameplay mechanics and cheat. I cheat and go beyond intended pathways because I just dont have the time to enjoy them the way designers intended anymore.

    I think my wife's cancer has affected my ability to sit down and enjoy gaming. This, together with my increasing age and decreasing time, makes me wary of bringing something back because I know the reality is many of us are in similar boats. The time for such things has passed. At least in the scope of "real" "game as meant to be played" type.
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  3. Sahib

    Sahib Member

    May 10, 2015
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    Sadly, nothing lasts forever. Although I'd love to see the server come back, especially creative, I think that the player base at this point wouldn't be large enough to really be a reason to bring it back. People change and new things come up and life, and the former players might just not have the opportunity anymore to play; or, they just might not be interested in the game anymore. If the server did come back, I doubt it would be like it was in its prime.
  4. Eastyz

    Eastyz Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    Oh nothing is as good as the original my friend. Nor could you start the server back up relying on what unfortunately seems to be a depleted community. Yes some old players could / would comeback but you'd also need new players to come in. In my eyes the current game state would suit the server well but that's just my opinon.

    Sorry to hear about your wife BSP, that's such a horrific thing for anybody to go through. I've seen it first hand as my half brother and sister lost their mum to cancer. Sending all my best wishes to you my friend <3

    Thanks for the comments guys I do appreciate it :)
  5. _Beep_

    _Beep_ Survival Staff
    Staff Member

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I am afraid BSP is right, I am in a very similar boat.

    I've other things going on in my life now that would make coming back, even in a few hours a week sort of capacity, quite difficult.
    There is 1 scenario that would make make me genuinely consider more of a committed return and that just simply isnt possible. Players have moved on, the game itself has changed and naturally so have I.

    I will always have a soft spot for MCS and the community during my time, and I am forever grateful to have been a part of it, both as a player and to be given the opportunity to serve the server as Staff. But I feel MCS' time has come, and it's only fair to let it go with the knowledge and memories of all that it was, and not what it might've become. In this instance what it might've become may not be anything any of us would hold so dear.

    The discord server, and these forums, keep me in touch with a lot of those I have played with. For me, that's enough, and I'm very appreciate that they're still around.
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  6. 5zympanski

    5zympanski New Member

    Jul 12, 2015
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    But server is on, except the creative version of it.
    However i would like to see the comeback of it's community, that i've met on the server, to the server in game, because now it's rather empty, except for a few newcomers… But that is not it… That is not it!
    MCS community! What happened?! Come back!
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  7. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    From a man that spent hours, days even logged into creative, grinding for the architect rank all the while the server depleting to the state it is in today. It is sometimes best to just leave it at what it was. I made friends, I lost friends, I was an idiot, probably still am to a degree the very same idiot. Would I go back if it were the same server as I logged out of so long ago? In a heartbeat. But that's not how the world works. The server has surpassed its time. Lets let it go.
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  8. Death_Witch

    Death_Witch Survival Staff

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Hi everyone,
    I still play on the server :( but no one else is there so not on it long, would love to see old players on there, but life finds it's way and goes on,
    and I have lost the discord link :(, but have this place :) Good luck in you lives out there.

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  9. BudderUSA

    BudderUSA Creative Staff
    Staff Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    I'd love to come back and see the server thrive again. It brought me much joy to play with everyone and currently I'm in a state where I'd like to bring back that kind of fun in my life. Between work and schooling the only games I've been playing aren't with a group of people but rather randoms.
    If we could bring back at least a good chunk of people or get new people to join I'm sure the server could be just as good as it was.
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  10. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    I am in a similar situation - I am in my second semester of college, I need to make sure my studies are top priority.

    Even with my studies being nonstop, it warms my heart that the community lives on.
    That being said, I would still love to have the MCS community grow again, but it would just be especially difficult to find time to get back into the game, especially for server veterans. Personally, I would be able to join strictly during weekends on account of how hard it is now-a-days to find just an hour to relax (Climatology and Scientific Programming aren't easy :D ).
    If there was some sort of revival, I would definitely take part though!
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  11. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    DM'ed you
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  12. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    I would love to see the server make a comeback. I have tried to get back into Minecraft multiple times in the past few years but I get bored of it quickly. I really miss what this server had to offer back in its prime with ranks, shops, MCMMO and other great plugins.

    I'll be frank about it I miss being able to fly and having superpick. Back on BR5/BR6 I really enjoyed the level of difficulty it had where it wasn't extremely difficult but everything wasn't handed to you. I'm like BSP, when it comes to getting bored with game mechanics and wanting to cheat to accelerate the process. Part of the reason why I didn't enjoy BR7 much was due to the fact I was an idiot and didn't think living on the top of a mountain without fly would be an issue...

    I've played on a few of my friend's private servers but they are not even close to amounting to what this was. A large part of me is still loyal to this server so I've been stubborn on finding a new place to call home.

    If the server came back I'd try to take part in it in some capacity (college is a good time, also I feel for you Illusion my major isn't even programming yet I've had to learn C++ and Python and I suck at it). I miss you all and hope you're all doing well. :)
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  13. Death_Witch

    Death_Witch Survival Staff

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Awe, Marshall has all grown up, :) proud of you, good luck.

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  14. bobos193

    bobos193 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Since I just graduated college I have a little more time to spend on the server than I have in the last 4 years. I haven't minded coming back to but it's been hard since there is not the same type of "community atmosphere" as it was in the olden days.
    If it were to come back there would need to be advertising to draw people in. As well as a better spawn to keep them there.
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  15. jojo2o2

    jojo2o2 Active Member

    Apr 18, 2012
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    It does just seem like a pipe dream, but maybe one day hm?
  16. rocman

    rocman Active Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    i used to have a lot of fun on this server and with this community, and i'd credit it with a large part of my personality growing up. it's funny for me to think that when i met some of you i was in the third grade, and in a year i'll be going to college. i'd come back for a little bit every now and again if the server came back, but as jojo said, it's a bit of a pipe dream at this rate.
  17. IllusionIte_

    IllusionIte_ Active Member

    Apr 18, 2015
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    Honestly same. I'm in my sophomore year in college, and dedicating a lot of time to minecraft would be fairly close to impossible. I would definitely come back to visit, but making large-scale commitments probs couldn't work out.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. SimplyNova

    SimplyNova Member

    Dec 19, 2013
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    You know its actually been a thought in the back of my head. As much as I would like the server to remain the way it currently is I find myself missing the old days nonetheless. I never got to fully experience the peak of the server but from what I've heard from others is that it was better than what I saw, and was a part of. I would definitely swing by, and maybe just maybe I'll get a bunch of chickens too. Wish you all the best, stay safe in our crazy reality.
  19. AmberIsAPenguin

    AmberIsAPenguin New Member

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Hope everyone is doing well! I know this post is very old but, I’d love to come back. I still think about this server and the wonderful people I’d met through it whenever I play minecraft. <3
  20. Gonzxor

    Gonzxor New Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I've had a few, possibly too many drinks so this might be a stupid idea. I think it would cool to have a day, maybe a weekend where the community comes together and has some fun. Maybe its as simple as build a bunch of cool stuff around spawn. Like BSP and other said, I dont have the time to come back and my priorities have changed. And lets be real here, theres not enough players to make a new server. But having a fun weekend could bring back the old days, even if its only briefly.