hi this is a list of all commands hat i can think of if anyone knows any other builder commands or some new ones come after this post please post it on this thread thanks. /spawn teleports you to the main spawn /back teleports you to where you last died /sethome [home name] sets where you are standing as your home /home [home name] teleports you to the home you set (you can only have 2 homes) /home bed teleports you to the last bed you right clicked on(even if it didn't let you sleep in it) /mail lets you read your mail /mail clear clears your mail /mail [usename] [message] sends that message to that person to read the next time they use /mail please post this thread if there are any more i am pretty sure i didn't get them all.
psh... if you find yourself having to use /rules all the time cause you can't remember them you got bigger issues
i knew i had forgotten some... plus i remembered some more. /write write in the book you have in your hand
Look at the flux of bans lately in correlation with the server's growth.... yea they need to read the rules A LOT
hehe, this is true. however the majority of that particular scum don't even bother to read nor will they ever care to