
Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by scotch222, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    How many of you actually enjoy it and don't treat it like a snake that is going to bite you if you so much as look at the cover. I have a wall full of books mostly fiction and lately I have been diving into the distopian genre. (I don't think it is officially a genre but I count it as one) Right now I have read 1984 and Brave New World (I count The Hunger Games as distopian... but some people don't agree) so far and have enjoyed them (there was also Heart of Darkness... but it is not really on my favorite list) as they seem to question morals and bring up more philosophical question. So, what do you like to read?
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  2. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Hunger Games - I have not read it, but I promise you, it is clearly distopian. Tell those people to shut up.

    Check out Asimov's Foundation (Trilogy) when you get a chance. It is not clearly distopian, but a really great arc on the death and growth of civilization. The first book is, by far, the easiest read and just plain cool how he did things with fiction no other author at the time would have tried. If you like the trilogy, it continues into a series (another trilogy and book) - and they all tie into the same universe as his Empire series and Robot series, which inspired iRobot and Bicentennial Man.

    I'm a hard-core reader myself. I'd have hundreds more books in my home office right now if not for my Kindle. I love that thing.
  3. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    :/ I kinda like having the book in my hands, but I have been thinking about getting kindle/something else because the ammount of books I have is kinda overwelming... I have watched the movie I-robot and the book has somehow evaded me, movie was ok..., heard book was better (like most movies, book is always better) just waiting for the copy of the book to get to my house now :3
    Have you read the mortal engines in the hungry city chronicals, If not; its a futuristic, slightly distopian, slightly steampunk book
    Read the summary of the series now, I'll put that series in the "need to order" list right under the last book on the night angle trilogy.
  4. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Hunger games is an amazing book, and who said that it was Utopian? It's FAR from that as a matter of fact.
    I love the feeling of having a book in my hands and reading it, which is why I don't have a kindle or whatever. I'm a huge book worm, read over 20 chapter books last year, and Finished the Harry potter series in a month & a half, i'm too busy with our current english class books that I can't do any reading for myself ;'( Damn you shakespeare.
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  5. Stylether

    Stylether Active Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    Distopian, not Utopian. Utopia is when you get a perfect world, and everyone is happy. Distopia is achieved when the population is repressed. It's more or less a Despotism, but then it makes it look as if it is Utopian. I can agree, it's not an Utopia, but a lot of people in the Capital sure as hell think it is, therefore making it a Distopia.

    I've read Mortal Engines, by the way, but that's not as much a distopia as it is trying to survive without the distopia. (I'll not say nay more, to refrain from spoiling). If you really wish to fulfill your philosophy and morality quota for years to come, read 'The Sword of Truth' series, it's a 13 book series, where 11 are the main storyline, 1 book happens about 50 years before the main storyline, and another thousands of years later. I will -guarantee- that you will find it to be highly philosophical, while refraining from keeping the reader detached from the storyline to simply gain philosophical insight. It's a storyline, but at the same time, it's an ongoing moral question throughout the entire book. (And it's also partially a distopia)
  6. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    They didn't say it was utopian, they just disagree that it is distopian, they think is a romantic story....

    Same thing, like having the book, don't like the space I need to keep all my books (as I like to re-read them).
    I either matched or overtook you in books read last year :/ yea minecraft(and forums)+books+school=not much social life

    Alas poor poccy *injects* >:p (had to say that)
    Who here has read The Black Prism?

    Another series added to the list :D thanks, was running out of book titles
  7. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    lol, I maintained a social life by getting half my class to start reading the hunger games :3 We all fans now!

    Also, FUUU!
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  8. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You can't get out of the city (without the fear of being captured), restricted food/supplies, watch people fight for food and make a game of it... yea seems pretty repressed