LIttlesess for death

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Hawkeyes, May 8, 2012.

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  1. Hawkeyes

    Hawkeyes Active Member

    May 8, 2012
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    He has been harressing since the beggining.

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  2. Ldawg216

    Ldawg216 Active Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    I have noticed this.. we'll try to set them straight, if it doesn't work.. we can just mute for 2 days.. harrasmemt is against the rules.
    The mail you have is not evidance of harrasment to me.. looks like he runs a better town.
  3. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I don't see how hes harassing you by kindly telling you to update your board? :p
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  4. Stylether

    Stylether Active Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    -sigh- Not harassing. I would delete this thread, if it wasn't so horribly obvious that you got very frustrated by this whole ordeal, and tried to go all lawyer on his arse. Next time someone steals your residents, please don't involve the entire world in your futile attempt to punish him ;P
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  5. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Maybe he should harass you into getting a dictionary so you can look up the word harass.

    I think, at best, he is taunting you.
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  6. kingofpie222

    kingofpie222 Stars of the Forums

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Is this just a public service announcement telling us that your town sucks?
  7. littlesess

    littlesess Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    1. How is this harrasment. Maybe you should look up the word.
    2. Notice you are RIGHT outside my town. SPYING on me! I took a screen shot so don't bother deleting the picture.
    3. it wasn't since the beginning. You build your cruddy town RIGHT outside mine. Then you left it half griefed making my landscape look bad.
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  8. Hawkeyes

    Hawkeyes Active Member

    May 8, 2012
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  9. littlesess

    littlesess Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Who wants to know what REALLY happened:

    So one day I was flying along looking for a good spot for my town. I flew over Hawkeyes little region and Decided that the land there was really good for a town. So I regioned my town there (20 blocks from him) and we were neighbors. Hawkeye DIDN'T EVEN HAVE HIS PLOT REGIONED! IT WAS WILDERNESS SO IT DOESN'T MATTER! So he and is 88x60 or something like that small town were my neighbors. I never even went into his Land (not town) I stayed on my side of town wall. I dont even remember you having a Cobble generator. So then I had around 20 ppl in my town (only 3rd day) and hawk got REALLY jelious. So he moved his town. Then he just added as many random ppl as he could. About 5 ppl from his town asked to join me. I just said yes and they came to my town. They were happy there. I never walked into his town saying COME TO LITTLETOWN, they accually asked me and said they hated your town with its 5x5 plots and nothing to do. And another thing, you tried to steal all my people. I didnt mind because my town was full. I could only fit 30ppl in it a while ago. But now it fits 50ppl or something like that. Im making condos too just in case I need MORE room! I do remember getting into a heated discussion about our towns. We both got jailed because we wouldn't stop. He never shut up and neither did I.

    Oh and P.S
    I love how in the picture your RIGHT outside my town. In the back trying to look in! LOL I find that funny!

    Well this is my side/the TRUE side of the story

  10. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    you pulled a jojo
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  11. littlesess

    littlesess Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Whats a JOJO?
  12. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    oh dam you replied 1 sec after i sent that rofl.
    its jojo2o2 who is known for making spam/pointless threads ^^
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  13. Hawkeyes

    Hawkeyes Active Member

    May 8, 2012
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    Why don't u just stop lying! You just admitted that our town was built first and in ur first reply u said u built yours first! Second we have proof that u private message one of our people that you told them to move into your town and we were mean. Im not saying his name because I don't want him to be brought into this mess. It was a 150x150 for your information and you did come to our town all the time! And with the cobble generators Purple told me you messed with lava so whn u would use it it would pour lava on us. And how doesn't our town have nothing to do, we have an arena, raffle spot, a casino, and I'm working on a public pool. And the people who moved still live in our town and are still active. Not all the people who are from our town that live in yours u told them to live there. Piggy moved there on her own and she is stil active in Oceana. And we have no 5x5 plots! Actually we are working on another part of our town with 15x15 plots! I don't want to get banned from this server because I love it! But now I can't enjoy it because he just bullies me! I get bullied at school at school so I can get away from them bout he just bullies me more! So now thanks to him I have no where I won't get bullied. I have heard the rumor that e has been banned from the server twice. I don't know if it's true. So please just he just annoys me so thanks. Please just don't ban me.
  14. littlesess

    littlesess Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    Hawkeye I need you to listen. I built my town first. You had a 80x70 region. The SMALLEST TOWN IS A 150x150, you didnt even have it regioned. So dont tell me who Actually BUILT the town first. Second. You are mean, you ignore ALL your members. You dont even know half of them which is only like (4) please show me the screen shot. He messaged me first saying that he wanted to join. i said wise choice, they are mean. Which is 100% true.

    I dont want to get banned from this server either. I love it too. I suggest we stop arguing and Dont bring that school crap in here because i can lie about getting bullied too. AND I really DO get bullied. Thanks....


    This line represents the end of our fighting. Lets start new and be friends.

    -littlesess (for the last time)
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  15. RedBearz1

    RedBearz1 Member

    Dec 9, 2011
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    I have the same problem, Both my houses and my town are both surrounded by towns and buildings that are currently not being used. but as i can see here, These are two towns at a sort of "War" if you want to say that. i think the solution to this problem you guys have here is to just -->Stop<-- you cant blame each other any more. i see it as both of you have done something to blame for, Littlesess you don't need to send that mail, its just pointless and maybe you thought hey this is helping him out but just let him say what he needs to say.

    "I don't want to get banned from this server because I love it! But now I can't enjoy it because he just bullies me! I get bullied at school at school so I can get away from them bout he just bullies me more! So now thanks to him I have no where I won't get bullied."

    The above might be true or might not be but all im saying is you don't know each other. and if you guys get to know each other then hey you might be friends. shoving people away and being angry at each other gets you no where. (Dw Littesess this isn't all directed at you :p) but i hope you guys get what i mean. i think that the issue with towns and regions being too close is a matter that we will just have to deal with, even i have to deal with it but i don't get competitive with the others. i am just saying that we all make mistakes and hopefully this issue Explained above
    Will get resolved. we all don't like fights on the server and such, and yes this isn't much of a "Big" fight but it is more of a conflict against each town. yes it might just be a little fun now and then but just don't go calling out harrasment and pointing fingers at each other. all i say for you guys is:

    (P.s Don't think that this is against you, i highly respect you like all the others on the server!)
  16. Hawkeyes

    Hawkeyes Active Member

    May 8, 2012
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    I built mine first and it was a 150x150. And i have memorized all my players names and numbers behind it so you can forget bou tthat shit. I dont want to be friends with you because you just start all the fights, why did everyone just reply on this server, it was ment for deathrulz0 anyways. How is this server PvP you cant kill people outside of spawn, your not allowed to steal stuff and your not allowed to go cussing someone out. So this server is nothing like a PVP server, want pvp server look one up. Juat i wat him off my back and to sya away from my town cause i caught him in there twice and he just needs to find other people to move into his town, not just take my people
  17. littlesess

    littlesess Member

    Apr 12, 2012
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    It was a 80x80 hawk. NO MORE FIGHTING! (and stop lying)
  18. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Locked - Unneeded. take it to /tells or message privately on here
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