Tutorial: Skeleton and Zombie Spawner Trap

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by IcedPi, May 6, 2012.


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  1. IcedPi

    IcedPi New Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Is that Pre-Beta mob spawner trap just not cutting it anymore? Slow spawning rate? Tired of constantly bashing one or two mobs at a time? With this guide you can bash the mobs skulls in with one hit and save your swords! Create a river of exp with just a few whacks of your sword!

    This guide will teach you how to make a very efficient skeleton and/or zombie spawning trap with a semi-manual crusher!

    ~Supplies needed~
    ·Three sticky pistons
    ·Four stacks of filling material (fill in tunnels nearby and other)
    ·Atleast 5 iron pickaxes
    ·3 Glass panes (bring extras)
    ·A stack of torches
    ·Two buckets of water
    ·A sign
    ·Minimum ½ hour of work

    Now to start the tutorial!
    Break into your spawner and clear it out. **MAKE SURE IT IS ALL LIT UP**

    **Make sure to region the spawner's area if you don't want to risk someone else regioning it and finding it later**

    Then you’re going to want to dig out 5 blocks on each side of the spawner and make an 11x11 square around the mob spawner. Make the roof four blocks high from the dungeon floor. Keep lighting the corners of the room up or mobs WILL spawn! Keep an eye out for any caverns while excavating the room and fill them up, with your filler material.


    After that is done figure out where you want your crusher room and mark the wall and the wall opposite of it. Now on the other two walls dig a (2 high x 1 wide) along the length of both walls, then on the floor dig two blocks in again along the whole length of both walls.


    Now create an infinite water source with the two buckets, somewhere in the middle of the room. Then place a 1x1 wall of filler material along the wall like the picture below and place the water at the back of the sideways L shape, again on both walls. (Test to make sure it leaves one block in the middle of the room)


    Remove your infinite water source, keeping both buckets filled; you’ll only need one more source block now. After that you’ll want to dig a (2 deep x 1 wide) channel under the spawner wall to wall and place a water source block on the opposite end of where your crusher room will be (So the water flows toward your soon to be crusher room). Where the water stops dig down a block and dig until the wall.


    Now for the tricky-ish part, count 8 blocks out from your spawner, towards the crusher and mark the wall and floor with a block or two. Next dig down a block **keeping the 8th block marker on the floor** then forward one block turn left or right and dig forward three blocks and place your sign.(I turned left so turning left would make your life easier).


    Then dig down three blocks, forward two block. Then dig LEFT RIGHT AND FORWARD five blocks, to hollow out an 11x6 room. Place two glass panes on each side of your hole leaving a space in the middle.

  2. IcedPi

    IcedPi New Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Trickier part comes next, you will have to be quick on this one! Climb back up your tunnel (leaving a quick escape route) to the 11 x 11 x 5 room and mine out the filler blocks blocking the water, leaving the torches. After all the water is flowing and leaves a 1 block space between the two sides, knock out all the torches, AND ESCAPE. Keeping the glass pane ready to place once you pass the two glass panes you placed earlier place the third in the middle to keep the mobs in.


    After you successfully completed the last step, drop the floor down one block to make the room 11 x 6 x 3. Hollow out a space around the mob catcher, leaving the three columns that keep the mobs in.


    In the specified area on the right side of the mobs place two pistons with the sticky face block, facing the mobs, and place redstone wiring around the red area (Loot will fall in this area if it is not filled in). Make sure to fill in this area when finished wiring. Now on the left side of the mobs place a piston on the specified area and wire, again avoiding placing wiring in the red area.


    Now on the left side of the mobs place a piston on the specified area and wire, again avoiding placing wiring in the red area.



    Place a button on the dual piston wires (right side) and a lever on the single piston wires (left side). The dual piston crushes the mobs dealing one heart of damage per button press, while the single piston blocks mobs from entering the death zone.

  3. IcedPi

    IcedPi New Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Last step is the observation window, considerable the easiest, assuming you used the exact proportions that I have specified in the guide. On the right side of the crusher room (right side when facing the mobs) Dig a 14 long x 2 wide x 2 high tunnel, indenting the last two blocks.


    Now dig a stair case like tunnel up, 1 block forward, 1 block up, 2 blocks forward, creating 5 steps (each step being 2 x 2 ). The last step being 3 long, then reference the picture for the next stair and create another three stairs. Again the final step is three long, with an addition 8 blocks for the “viewing area” (see picture).


    Dig a 2 high by 3 wide hole in the wall and place half slabs on the bottom and top of the opening creating a one block opening to watch the monsters.

    ** Even though no light is let into the room mobs can still see you! This window is just for the occasional check to see if the mobs are spawning right**


    Killing Sequence
    • Hit lever to block new mobs from dropping in
    • Hit the button eight times to reduce the mobs' health to 2 hearts
    • Hit with stone sword or better (use the iron sword they drop)

    Server Rules Associated with Mob Spawners
    • Do NOT afk at spawners
    • Do NOT trespass & use other players spawners without permission
    • Do NOT use x-rays to find mob spawners or dungeons
    • Do NOT use anything against the server rules to help you in building this
    • Waiting while talking in chat or building however is OK!
    Please tell me what you think of my first guide, in the comments!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. IcedPi

    IcedPi New Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Thanks for the like Neddzy and Bajj! :D
  5. Villa7

    Villa7 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    You could also use a RS-NOR gate and 21 or so repeaters instead of pressing the button 8 times ;)
    ...at least, I think its 21 repeaters... trial and error time...
    Also, you can save 1 piston by removing the bottom crusher piston - only the mobs' head needs to be covered by the crushing block.
    Or, for very fancy/lazy person, you can set the whole thing up to control it with 2 buttons. A bit more complex, though.

    Overall, good tutorial :)
  6. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Fairly good design. A lot of room for improvement in several areas though. For one it is a lot more complex than it needs to be to achieve the end result your getting. Secondly needing to press a button <<8>> times to get the mobs down to low health is really unnecessary, its not that hard to use some repeaters to time it right and only need to press once. In fact you can use repeaters to time it just right to where they are down to half a heart and just use your fist to kill, No tools required. Also like villa mentioned and goes along with "being more complex than it needs to be" there is no need for the bottom piston crusher.
  7. blackdigits

    blackdigits Active Member

    Apr 8, 2012
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    sorry, but i can't see the picture :/
  8. IcedPi

    IcedPi New Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Any of the pictures?
  9. blackdigits

    blackdigits Active Member

    Apr 8, 2012
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    yes, all i can see is a picture of a frog :/
  10. blackdigits

    blackdigits Active Member

    Apr 8, 2012
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    yes, all i can see is a picture of a frog :/
  11. IcedPi

    IcedPi New Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Yea, they're hosted on imageshack
    I don't know what the problem is =/