Coming soon

Discussion in 'Pictures' started by monktiger, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    An idea.

    Arcade zone
    Players are able to Build games in the Arcade zone (pay to build like in the casino?) and then charge players to play. Now I know people hate asking the owner to come let them play and stuff, or the owner is offline, so I had an idea. Just like in events, the players need to die to enter the Arcade zone. Then to enter a game, they would need to go through a door. To open the door they would need to place a minecart on a track, press a button to send it off, which would activate the door for a few seconds. The minecart would end up falling in lava to clear the track for the next player. How would you get a minecart? You buy it at the players chest for whatever price they want their game to be payed to play for. Regions can get a flag called vehicle-place
    (/region flag regionname vehicle-place allow) that would allow players to place vehicles even though they aren't added to the region. Players can then set up their arcade to force players to leave the game after a round, or w/e the owner wishes.
    For example - Players go to play my connect 4 game. They pay .2g for a minecart to enter. They play a game, finish, and then are ready for a new one. They hit the reset button, which doesnt only reset the game, but remove the floor they are standing on, forcing them to fall out of the game to pay again. Those more advanced in redstone can make it so that there is no need to put a minecart to open a door or force players to leave, but inside there will be a spot to put the minecarts, and all the buttons would do nothing until a minecart is given, and it requires a new minecart every time the game is reset. Or better yet, have the minecart itself be the reset button for the game (I will prob use this system). Its like putting in a coin to play.
    Commands such as fly, jumpto, /back and /sethome would be blocked. /home would not to make it easier for players to leave (there will be a death drop to leave as well).

    Just an idea. Let me know what you think.
    Below will be games ill be remaking in the server after 1.3 (whether or not arcade zone idea happens)
    Ultimate goal is to have players be able to play any minigame anytime without the need of someone running the game.

    Connect 4

    Tic Tac Toe

    Rock Paper Scissor

    Built those in my single player world. Waiting for 1.3 before making it in the server for public use.
    I hope to be making more games like these in the future.

    Let me know if you think shit like this would even be played.
    • Like Like x 8
  2. Harbrezan

    Harbrezan Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    That is one of the coolest things I've saw in a while :D
  3. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    lol thanks. Plan on making the classics, such as tic tac toe and shit.
    Post some simple games to make. Got a lot of time till 1.3 to figure things out in creative.
    Ill have an arcade region for public use.
  4. spriggs107

    spriggs107 Well Known Member

    Dec 23, 2011
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    I will destroy you in connect 4!!!:D
  5. Harbrezan

    Harbrezan Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    I know they have to be an outrageous amount of work, but I believe an arcade region is a beautiful idea.
  6. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    that is amazing, monk. maybe you could put that world up for download?
  7. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Quick question.
    What do you prefer?
    Separate controls for each player, or just one? And I mean for all games.

    Copy and pasted onto the 1st post.
    Id also like to ask people on their opinion on this idea.
    Arcade zone
    Players are able to Build games in the Arcade zone (pay to build like in the casino?) and then charge players to play. Now I know people hate asking the owner to come let them play and stuff, or the owner is offline, so I had an idea. Just like in events, the players need to die to enter the Arcade zone. Then to enter a game, they would need to go through a door. To open the door they would need to place a minecart on a track, press a button to send it off, which would activate the door for a few seconds. The minecart would end up falling in lava to clear the track for the next player. How would you get a minecart? You buy it at the players chest for whatever price they want their game to be payed to play for. Regions can get a flag called vehicle-place
    (/region flag regionname vehicle-place allow) that would allow players to place vehicles even though they aren't added to the region. Players can then set up their arcade to force players to leave the game after a round, or w/e the owner wishes.
    For example - Players go to play my connect 4 game. They pay .2g for a minecart to enter. They play a game, finish, and then are ready for a new one. They hit the reset button, which doesnt only reset the game, but remove the floor they are standing on, forcing them to fall out of the game to pay again. Those more advanced in redstone can make it so that there is no need to put a minecart to open a door or force players to leave, but inside there will be a spot to put the minecarts, and all the buttons would do nothing until a minecart is given, and it requires a new minecart every time the game is reset. Or better yet, have the minecart itself be the reset button for the game (I will prob use this system). Its like putting in a coin to play.
    Commands such as fly, jumpto, /back and /sethome would be blocked. /home would not to make it easier for players to leave (there will be a death drop to leave as well).

    Its just an idea, let me know what you think. If people do like the idea, please note that I prob wont be the one in charge of the whole thing. I would for sure help set it all up, but any regioning or complaints would not be dealt by me. I would also prob not be in charge of the money in case it ends up being pay to make a game in the region (which I think it should be to prevent clutter and pointless games). I would however like to get free access ^_~

    Copy and pasting onto the 1st post.
  8. Awesome!
    I LUFF IT!!!
  9. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    monk, i think you should just make 1 set of controls, it would make things much easier.
  10. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Easier for me or the players? I want what the players want.
  11. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    easier for the players, because.. wait, you could set it so that there is someone watching, and that there are two sets of controls, one for each player, and the person watching, once the person tales a go, presses a switch that turns the controls for one player off, and the controls for the other player on?
  12. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Haha, silly man. I can do all of that with redstone. There will be no need for a person to manually do that.
    I may end up doing 2 controls for reasons of my own, but if people rly want one then I'll do otherwise.
  13. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    well, i could do that automatically with redstone too, but it would save a lot of time doing it that way.
  14. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Tic Tac Toe created. Check 1st post.

    Need more game ideas. They can be real games or made up ones. Rock paper scissor is next.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    maybe... COD? :p
  16. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Rock paper scissor added.
    Next mini games = Snowball knockout, parkour race, and skeleton survival.
    These next games will prob be less redstony. May not make videos for them.
    Post some ideas.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. blackdigits

    blackdigits Active Member

    Apr 8, 2012
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    monktiger, how bout... a rainbow knock?
  18. blackdigits

    blackdigits Active Member

    Apr 8, 2012
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    ill explain it to you if you are online :D
  19. monktiger

    monktiger Well Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    you mean like this video?