I shalt make a pick and mine thour brainz out. --------------------------------------------------- Lol i can make a decent melon farm >;i
JesseLandrum , i could help you in that case if you really need someone like me someone crazy like meh and a hardworker XD lol
Jok... do you know what reset means? Reset - The current map gets rolled back totally to the begining. Fresh start - new begining, new map, new everything. Now, if we are gettting a new map, it's 100% not gonna be a RESET but a NEW map. So, money.. what a question is that? If the builds and stuff are going away, then why would money stay?
Alot of people made the mistake without noticing, but they DO know what Reset means, and what Fresh Start means...
Well i am not sure if i will team up from the start with you. But i am sure i will some day. I might start alone first. Get my region and do it xD
In jokjok's defense, I'd bet it wouldn't be too hard to save everyone's balance. Dump everyone's amount of gold to a file, and after the restart (and after the plugins are updates), redistribute said amount of gold. Not that I'm saying that that's what we should do (I look forward to a fresh new start), but it's not a stupid question imo.
But where's the point? That is a bad thing, when you can double your money... it's a bout fresh starts D:
I are good at redstones, and will gladly help out with a new town I am kluge5, Farms specialist. Mob grinders/drops, wheatmelonpumpkinreed and soon to be cocoabean farmer And tree, sort of. And sheep - blue ones, preferably Semi-Automatic farms are optional but possible. Sheep need not all be blue. Green is also nice. Cows, pigs, mooshies, chickens follow same policy as sheep, but without color preferences. I can do more than just farms with redstone. You're actually reading all of the fine print. Congratulations. c:
Not when a staff says so, smartguy ;p It is spam when a playre says it Cause then, you are creating more spam, they are stopping spam
If you'll look at the posts I replied to, you'll see that I replied to TWO DIFFERENT posts, where FlyingMonkey007 said the same thing. Make sure you know your facts before you accuse.
If there is one, will a staff member please ask nat to consider doing large biomes for the new map? you would actually be able to tell someone where you live and theyd probably have a general idea.