I would love to take part in this. I can do awesome xp farms, auto melon farms, and i would love to run a general store. thanks
it was a joke, as the fact that hail was saying that flyingmonkey's joke was spam. the thought of spamming spam spam is funny.
OK so heres my new list of people: Theminecrafter3 (maybe)Spriggs107 _xenome_ ProForYou Waddsler Scotch222 (maybe)eireluke (maybe)UnWiseDude Looken Brayneeah Tierison Kluge5 Extrelium Gopuri Ninjarhh brayneeah360 antimatter420 TCindiana Fillwerrel Luciano Kenny5555 Eyescream97 Coolskimmpyss PichuGuy Zachamoo If i put maybe next to your name its because im not sure if you want to join or not :/
So i want to make something clear. I'm trying to keep this group laid back, not super organized and strict. Im not opposed to that style, but I don't want to make something like that. This is just a group of laid back people who share with each other and collaborate if they find something really cool to help with. On that note, I fully intend to recreate PP. If anyone is interested in this particular project, please tell me. Helping me with what I want and being part of the group are not the same thing ;D
Jesse, I am really embarrased I saw this post when there were only a couple replies and i realized i had not officially asked to be apart of this by replying to this post, I had just talked to you in person about it. Anyways, to make it official, I would like to join this group. I was a member of PP and I am looking forward to what you are going to do next
i was here because i like to be first i will hopefully get a plan for this map, i might just make a giant castle or i could be an arse and build a box on the first buildable bit of land and stop people escaping spawn unless they give me there souls - if i cant think of anything may i join you jesse?