Mount & Blade - Warband

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by DeletedMember_1474, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Hey guys!
    I found this game a while ago, and I found it yesterday in a mall... which made me remember all the hours I spent there. :p
    I played M&B as much as I played MC, and yesterday, I bought the disc again.
    The game does NOT have the most epic graphics, and will never have.
    I heard that the makers of the game stopped updating, but who gives a shit?
    You can search it on Steam, but I bought it in life, and jst typed in the ID.
    Also, I dont know how much it costs on Steam, and someone write it in the comments. :)
  2. Ldawg216

    Ldawg216 Active Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    M&B Warband is some amount of money on steam, Idk, but there are 2 DLCs on it.
    There's M&B Fire And Sword, and M&B Napoleonic Wars.
    I think if you buy these three together on steam it is $30.
    This game is amazingggg!
    Napoleonic Wars introduces the idea of Line Battles and all that,
    and M&B Fire and Sword is the same as Warband, but introduces guns.
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  3. The game rocks, right? :D
  4. Ldawg216

    Ldawg216 Active Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Indeed it does!
  5. Also, if you're looking into buying the game, I suggest you try out some game shops, as it can be cheaper there!
  6. Also, goals for Warband that will make you love the game:
    -Get 100troops
    -Be a lord of the strongest kingdom
    -Attack Suno
    -Have Suno as your own
    -Get 300men
    -Retire from lordship
    -Start your kingdom and take Suno
    -Go on and make your story from here. :p
  7. Redhwk

    Redhwk New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Love this game... After getting it I just could not stop playing it! I never bought napoelionic wars because it was a multiplayer only expansion and 'I personally only like singleplayer :D
    Rating: 9/10
    Definite buy!
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