Favourite holiday destination? :P

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Wiiillx, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Wiiillx

    Wiiillx Well Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    My holiday is coming to an end and I'll be back tomorrow (probably today before I post this) and I was just wondering what your favourite holiday has been or place you've been. Copy & Paste this:

    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to):

    Last Holiday:

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go):

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go):

    Just wondering. Pretty bored (and cold) at the moment :p I'll start it off :D

    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to):
    Dubai for 1 week (wedding)
    Last Holiday:
    Alvor (Algarve), Portugal
    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go):
    Probably Portugal again or Greece if they have money by then haha
    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go):
    Want to go to America sometime, maybe Germany and Switzerland.
  2. Dettles

    Dettles Well Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to):
    Favorite was either the 2 weeks the family took a roadtrip, we drove from Michigan to Oregon spent some time on the west coast then drove back (I was in 4th grade). Or the week long vacation we took to Beaver Island, MI which is a 13 mile long little island in Lake Michigan, really cute place, very relaxing, people there were so nice too.

    Last Holiday:
    Erm, I think it was the Beaver Island trip and that was, I want to say like 10 years ago… o.o sad I know.

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go):
    Next scheduled mini vacation is October 12 through the 14, headed to Pittsburgh, PA for MCS CON 2012!!! :D

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go):

    Gosh, I would love to do like a European tour. Hit England, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, and lots of other places.
    Would love to sometime make it to Australia and/or New Zeeland.

    More practical, I want to head back up to Beaver Island sometime and I would love to redo the drive out to Oregon just so I can better appreciate all the places we went. Wouldn’t mind a vacation to like the Bahamas too, since I have never been further south then like Virginia.

    Basically, I would love to travel, lol. :)
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  3. Favourite holiday destination (you've been to): Italy c:
    Was there a few days ago, had some funs, with family and stooff.

    Last Holiday: ^

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go):Well, as I cancelled the holiday to Rio, I would like to go there. c:

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go): Uhm..
    I really dont know, Pielands?
  4. Wiiillx

    Wiiillx Well Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Go to Rio in 2016 to watch the Olympics. be cheaper to book now than in a few years because they know people will go :p
  5. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to):

    I'd say Australia, we went to Sydney then the gold coast, was fantastic.

    Last Holiday:

    America, school trip. It was to attend an MUN conference but that was only 3 days out of the 10. It would probably be my 2nd favorite trip, since I was with friends and we went from new york, to washington, to baltimore.

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go):

    We might go to London in december, we've been to it a lot of times and it's still really fun. can't wait!

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go):

    Oh god, I want to go to the wizarding world of harry potter so BADLY. It's in orlando, and I don't think we're going to the US anytime soon. I'm just going to have to keep begging my parents. ;c
  6. EyesCream97

    EyesCream97 Active Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to): Hmm... Probably Amorgos! An island in greece! :)

    Last Holiday: Spain, Fuerteventura

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go): In a few weeks emil_97 and I will visit his summer house in Italy! =D

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go): I've always wanted to go to the US :3
  7. Waddsler

    Waddsler Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to): I'd have to say my trip to France and England.

    Last Holiday: California

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go): No plans yet, but I'd like to go pretty much anywhere I've never been before.

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go): I'd really like to go to Japan. I also want to go to a country in Africa (maybe Tanzania?) and go on a safari.
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  9. flyingmonkey007

    Nov 14, 2011
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  10. Waddsler

    Waddsler Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    My thoughts exactly.

    What did you mean, UnWise? o_O
  11. Apple, sir, Apple.
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  12. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to): 4ish years ago I think.. London/Wales for two weeks. Saw family, ate fish, climbed on rocks, pet sheep, understood welsh accents. Much fun was had.

    Last Holiday: Washington (the state, not the capital) & British Columbia. The mountains and ocean was a nice change of scenery from the infinite cornfields I have at home.

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go): Back to wales!

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go): Japan, Rome/Italy, Paris/France, Egypt (for the pyramids/art), Greece, Hawaii, Space/The Moon.​

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  13. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Favourite holiday destination (you've been to): Probably going to Lake Powell :D:D
    (for those of you who dont know, lake powell is a damned up section of the grand canyon.)

    Last Holiday: My trip to Lake Powell for the 4th time this year :)

    Next Holiday (or where you hope to go): I am going to (you guessed it) Lake Powell, this coming October. Then next summer I am going to Kauai Island - Hawaii, A week up in Park City ( a town up the canyon from salt lake city), Arizona, and a Baltic Cruise! :D!

    Dream Holiday Destination(s) (where you'd like to go): I want to go to the United Kingdom again, and go to different places there than where I have been before c:
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  14. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    I live in Michigan, and used to live in Oregon...

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  15. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    I'll give you 5 likes for that (I unliked it then liked 5 times)