STANKY2 :DD APPRECIATION THREAD [and other staff :3]

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by floppyhedgehog, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. floppyhedgehog

    floppyhedgehog Active Member

    Jun 23, 2012
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    I dont know about yall but everytime i get on these forums i go to the ban section lol.. once i get there i always see stanky putting up with all these retards and it makes me feel bad with what he puts up with lol... [idk about yall but putting up with all this stuff i would have died by now]

    anywayss to get to my point i want this to be a stanky appreciation forum i want him to know that we are so definately thankful for what he does.. lol i see so much shit ppl say to him and it makes me mad! being an OS repairing things to make our game better.. tbh he would be a great role model lol but yea hes the best dedicated Lead Administrator ive seen that devotes his time for us :DD everyone post your love for stanky :3


    other staff like kenny ohman neddzy danny ect. yall do a really great job too :D never seen such dedicated staff lol..

    mostly comes from me cause i want you to know i recommend this server to all my friends and i never regretted paying those 58$ to this server :) thanks for enhancing my experience on minecraft
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  2. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Yes, let the cirlcejerk begin.
  3. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Thanks but - not needed.

    The best appreciation that any of us staff can receive is when you come back day after day to play on this server. When you tell your friends, or when you play on other sites and mention us - when you bring people to us (without spamming of course) and say that we are the best. That is why we do the work, that is what makes it all worth it.

    That said - recently someone said that I operate through fear and I take things too seriously. I wanted to address that. I may in fact operate through fear - you should fear breaking the rules, you should know that using xray even once to see how it works is bad, and that by not being honest when confronted about it is even worse. Fear of breaking the rules is a good thing in my opinion. I sometimes do enforce too strictly, especially when I see a name over and over in the forums - but generally I cut good players a break more than not. I will give noobs stuff they lost in a server reset and nobody sees it because - well - I'd get bombed with people asking for stuff.

    As for taking the job too seriously... I don't. I take the rules seriously because they keep the server fun for everyone. But if you were in my office with me you wuoldn't see me sad or angry. I don't get emotional over game stuff. Maybe happy sometimes when a suspected xrayer finally fesses up... but really I'm just even keel making sure you all have an even playing field and that noobs have a chance to be decent players.

    So as I said, if you appreciate me or Nat or the rest of the staff - on any level from Helper to OS - just keep playing, and keep telling the world to come play with you!
    • Like Like x 7
  4. Conanto

    Conanto Well Known Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    "donating" not paying
  5. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    I approve this post! This is why I kept playing. My gameplay has never affected my real-life emotion, and I saw the same thing in the server staff here. One thing I noticed a while back was this server's persistence for justice - not punishment. You didn't have moody staff who just banned/kicked/jailed/muted at will, but a staff team who thoroughly investigated every instance of rule-breaking and ensured a just punishment was dealt. This was my first server, but I have seen much different server's since that time. This is the only place where I feel the staff aren't abstract, but players just like you, and willing to get to know more about you. It maintains the fun of the server to give it a nice "home" feeling. As for stanky being too harsh - I absolutely disagree. I may have thought that early on, but my opinion changed once I became active on the forums. If you are in disagreement, take a look through the forums and find another OS who has given an xrayer a 3rd chance in as many weeks! You probably won't find it. Overall, I think very highly of our server staff, and they feel like a part of my family (kinda).
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  6. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Wooohooo! go stanky! all player thank you for donating your helpful time to this here server. And also, thanks to ALL staff members, for also choosing to take the task of improving and moderating this server anyway possible!

    and Thank you Mgn, for being my friend and being completely awesome.
  7. Kenny

    Kenny Well Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    stanky appreciation thread?!?
    *leaves thread*

    nah kidding, but in all seriosuness stanks is pretty stankarific
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  8. idontknow1234

    idontknow1234 Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    .... kiss-up