Music Thread (No Embedded Videos!)

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Hail_a3, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    I am very aware we have another thread for this, but the embedded videos makes it very hard to load the pages now.

    So post your favorite bands, songs, etc or links to them (or maybe even just a phase you are in at the moment)!

    I'll start:
    Recently I started listening to Mumford & Sons and The Avett Brothers. Something about it just draws me to them.

    M&S has a new album - Babel, and it is SUPER amazing!
    The Avett Brothers just released The Carpenter as well, and I like it, to boot.

    Lots of imagery in the lyrics.
  2. Conanto

    Conanto Well Known Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I love latinamerican music, as I love american music. I like all all kind of music except for skrillex,
    my favorite band could be the All American Rejects, just saw the in Vegas on august 11. been a fan for a long time :)
  3. globster8

    globster8 Well Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    I've been a fan of Weezer since their Blue Album - way back before most of you were probably even born. I didn't like a lot of their stuff after their comeback with the Green Album, but have really been digging their newer stuff again. I

    Also a big fan of Das Racist - if you haven't heard of them go to youtube and check out "You Oughta Know" and "Chicken and Meat" (my 2 favorites of theirs).

    Other than that some other favorite bands/artists are Johnny Cash, Eagles of Death Metal, Incubus (been a fan since their 2nd album came out in '97), Fun., and Toadies (Rubberneck is one hell of an album - Their song Tyler is a great sleeper from it. Never got a lot of play time that I remember, but it's great). I'm a fan of funk too, although I don't listen to it enough to really have any favorites.

    I've really been getting into Dubstep lately as well. It took me a while to come around, but the more I listen the more I like it. I haven't listened to enough to really have any artist preferences though.