Basic commands of MA, and whatcha gotta do! First a few commands to help you even get to MA /ma join, lets you join in on a pre-round of MA, where you pick your classes (Alchemist, Bard, Barbarian, Knight, Archer), and ready up. This command will NOT work if MA is already in progress. Costs 4 Gold! /ma leave, This lets you leave the Mob arena (why'd you wanna do that?), Be you in the spectator stands, in the Mob Arena battling, or in the pre-arena. No Refunds, even if you haven't left the pre-arena! /ma spectate. This puts you in the stands, watching the carnage from your NEARLY impenetrable vantage point (Ghasts may confuse you for Gladiators!). From here, it tells you when the Mob Arnea is over, and you can directly /ma join from here. In the mob arena, you cannot use /home or /spawn to leave! You must use /ma leave to escape! In MA, you have 1 simple goal, kill all the hostile mobs to move onto the next round. However, there are some hitches. There are in addition to normal waves of Zombies, Skeletons, and the like, there are Swarm waves (A huge amount of mobs, all the same type, BUT, they all only have 1 half heart each.), Special waves (Fight rare breeds of hostilities! Ghasts, Giants, and Magma Cubes!), and Boss Waves (The Widow, The Zombie Boar, Animated Lava, and 'NPC Vengeance'). Of course, what would MA be with if there were no rewards for your Valiance! Every round you survive, you will receive 2 iron ingots, 2 gold nuggets, 2 Iron And 2 Gold nuggets, or some gear for fighting mobs outside of MA. Also, when you die in MA you keep your EXP! What's greater than that? Frequent Moans and Groans: Eh, bosses to tough! WTF!!!: Are you playing in a large group, and many people dieing before the boss comes? Boss health scales to amount of people participating at the BEGINNING of the MA game (according to moderate testing). Too tough? Play with less people, or get better people (That may be you!) Wtf?!?! Ghasts/blazes/enderman No come here!? That sucks, Archer?/look at ender? otherwise your SOL, wait it out, or you have /ma leave at your disposal I paid 4Gold for this? Yeah, Maybe you would notice and see that you get Iron/Nuggets/Fighting gear and Exp according to how good you are Thanks Nat, Fire Aspect + Sharpness ftw! Guide of the Classes! Alchemist Leather Armor (Takes 81 Damage until breaks) Stone Sword (5 Damage per hit) Flint and Steel 4 Tnt (Use flint and steel, blazes, ghasts, or creepers to set off) 3 Raw Pork (9 Hunger points) 2 Tier Two HP potions (12 Health Each) 3 Splash potions of poison (10 Damage Total, 0:15, Each) 2 Tier two Splash potions of Damage (12 Damage Each) 1 Slow Splash Potion (3:00 ~25% of Normal Speed) I personally, absolutely hate this class, it's really good for a few waves, but once it's out of splash potions, you're done for. I suppose it's Flint and steel is pretty good, but it will burn your teammates unless you coordinate well. It's low amount of food will not allow you to survive long unless you brought along a bard who will take pity on you. Pros: Good at killing large waves quickly (Fire, Splash Pots, TNT) Hp Pots are good when out of food. (24 Health Total) Cons: Only 9 Points of Hunger in Food Once out of TNT and Splash pots, pretty much useless Leather Armor Stone Sword Bard: Gold Armor (Takes 113 Damage Before Breaking) Stone Sword (5 Damage per hit) 6 Bread (5 Points of Hunger, Each) Mushroom Stew (8 Hunger Points) 4 Cooked Porkchop (8 Hunger points, Each) 5 Cakes (2 Hunger Each Bite, 6 Bites per cake, Each) 2 tier 2 HP pots (12 Health, Each) Tier 2 Splash Regeneration Potion (Regen for 0:16) Tier 2 Splash Speed Potion (Speed for 1:07) Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (2:15) 3 Tier 2 Splash Potions of HP (12 health, Each) A very good class, useful for when you have classes without much food (Alchemist, Archer, Knight) in your group. I recommend always having 1 Cake out, not enough, and the bard get yelled at, to many, and your all your cakes are taken by hostile mobs (Ghasts, Creepers, Blazes, and some bosses). At the beginning of the game, quickly hand out the extra food you have (All Bread and 2 Porkchop is what I recommend), and some Health Potions to Barbarians or Knights. I think, that one bard is enough to take care of 3-5 People. Bard is also one of those, stay safe, and let them do the work classes, as gold armor may not be as frail as Archers or Alchemists, but you will die rather quickly if you try to fight. Pros: Lots of Food (130 Points of Hunger, 6 and a Half Hunger Bars!) Splash Potions to assist your team Cons: Gold Armor Stone Sword Once out of Food and Potions, Pretty much useless, but better than Alchemists in Hand to Hand Combat Barbarian: Diamond Armor (Takes 529 Damage Before Break) Iron Sword (6 Damage) 3 Cooked Porkchop (8 hunger, Each) Apple (4 Hunger) 2 Tier 2 Strength potions (+6 Damage for 1:30) Probably the best class for solo-ers, decent amount of food, strong armor, and a good sword. the Strength potions make it an optimal boss killer. Very good, maybe the best class even. Remember to keep your other classes safe! Be kind and take the aggravation from monsters! Pros: Excellent Armor Good Sword Decent amount of Food (28 Points) Balanced Knight: Iron Armor (Takes 241 Damage before Breaking) Diamond Sword (7 Damage) 2 Cooked Pork (8 Hunger, Each) Regeneration Potion (Regen for 22 Seconds) Hp Potion Tier 2 (12 Health) Strength Potion Tier 2 (+6 Damage for 1:30) Great class, but I think it's outclassed by barbarians in most cases. It's Hp Potion is useful in tricky situations, and Regen useful for bosses. You're a fighter class, remember to keep others safe! Pros: Decent Armor Good Sword Multitude of Potions Decent Amount of Food (16 Hunger points) Cons: Barbarian is better in most cases Archer: Leather Armor (81 Damage until Break) Wooden Sword (4 Damage) Bow (2, 6, or 10 Damage) 256 Arrows (Total: 512 to 2560 Damage) Cooked Porkchop (8 Hunger) Bone (Turns into invincible wolf bodyguard, 4 Damage) Hp Potion tier 2 (12 Hunger) Speed Potion Tier 2 (1:30) Regeneration Potion Tier 2 (0:22) Very useful against ghats, as it's the only long-distance damaging class, no more waiting around while waiting for ghasts to come to you. Sadly, it's rather frail as a class, so stay back while blasting the enemies with arrows. Pros: Only Ranged Class Has Healing Potions, and a Speed Potion Epic Demon Dog from Hell! Cons: Weak Armor Barely any Food (8 Points)
Mobs Guide (In order of priority for kills for basic waves) General Waves: Endermans: 40 Health, 10 Damage, Can Teleport You wanna hit these guys as much as possible, so they dont have a chance to teleport somewhere unreachable, and play the "patience game" with you. Tips for Kill: You wont have much time to get behind a cactus or in water, so just wail on them while you can. Protect your weaker guys, and take the aggro barbarians, shouldnt be to troublesome Teleport Away for 3 mins, Ninja strike: *Bard* was slain by an Enderman Blazes: 20 Health, 8 Damage (Fireball, sets you no fire, and leaves fire on the ground), 7 Damage (On contact) (Blaze-synonyms:Bitch) Least favorite mob for mob arena, but could be most useful. Fire is freaking annoying, try to get to water at the start of waves, because fire is environmental damage, and armor doesn't protect against that. However, the fires it make can be very useful, damaging zombie swarms much more efficiently than cactus. Note: Fire destroys your precious cake! Tips for Kill: Strafe around blaze until it's fired it's 3 shots, then kill. Recommended to fight these guys 1on1 so buds don't get hit by your dodged shots. After the 3 shots, hit it until its dead, even if it's fire relights, you should kill it before it can shoot again. Only problem you should face is other mobs disrupting your duel. Haha, no armor for you! Skeletons: 20 Health, 6 Damage (Arrows) Minor annoyance, just shoots you while taking out other mobs. Tips for Kill: Hitting it until it's dead while circling, if youre lucky, you can make them suicide, as they strafe around you, potentially into lava. lulwut? Skellies no longer shoot zombies? Creepers: 20 Health, 49 Damage (If Directly on top of you, doubles when charged creepers) They blow up, nothing new. Note, upon blow up, they take any cakes nearby with them! Tips for Kill: Cactus them or Blaze fire them, careful for electro-creeps on some special waves. If you're brave/stupid, Sword them, or let archers finish them off. *Typing* Stay away from cree... *Bard* blew up *Archer* blew up *Alchemist* blew up Zombie: 20 Health (8% Reduction) 6 Damage Swarm you, be careful, you'll have to walk at normal speed to stay safe! Tips for Kill: Cactus, fire, sword, arrows. Don't waste splash potions on these unless you're about to die alchemists, these swarms aren't worth it (Except for poisons) *Spectator* Watch out! They're Pushing you into lava! *Thinking, There's nothing I can do!!!* *Knight* Died by lava Cave Spider: 12 Health, 3 Damage Can't poison you in the arena. So far for me, only appeared on solo runs on rounds >5. Tips for Kill: As they can't poison, they are (almost) no threat, just make some slice and dice motions and they should make a nice mince meat pie. *Aw crap! cave spider! Lulwut, can't poison me* The Other Waves! The special monsters that come on swarm waves or special waves. (On swarm waves, all the mobs have 1 Health, Cactus Time!) Ghasts: 10 Health, Shoots Fireballs (17 Max Damage) Archers to the rescue! And if you don't have archers, walk away from ghasts, and they'll come down to land. Remember to start running at the ghast while the ghast is coming down, otherwise it will get away. While hitting fireballs back at the ghasts may work, it is not a reliable method. Special Wave Exclusive. Slimes: 1 Health (Swarm wave Exclusive.) 4/2/0 Damage (Dependent on size) They will always split, even if you have "overkilled" them. Silverfish: 1 Health (Swarm Wave Exclusive.) 1 Damage Small and annoying, hit them while circling around. Giants: 100 Hearts, 17 Damage Slow-moving, they have a large hitbox, while you have a small one. Hide behind walls or cactus and kill them easily. Watch out for the Damage on contact, this can easily kill the frailer classes in two hits! Bosses! Notes: Bosses scale to amount of players, More players = More health, Simple Enough Bosses have "Boss attacks" in addition to their normal attacks. AND: If you remember the bosses attacks when it said in chat, please tell me, I'm gonna try to compile a list of their moves. The Widow Wave 9 Mega spider, If in a large group, your best bet is too knock it in to lava. Even after it's in lava though, it can escape, so keep hitting it to keep it there. (As far as i know) The only attack it has to hurt everyone is it's fling attack, so stay under the overhangs on the tower, or keep to the water if you're a low armor class. If in a small group (~3ish), you can try to get it to lava, but it will probably die before than. Moves: Fire Aura Fling Fireball Disorient Zombie Boar Wave 13 Weak guys, stay away! This guy can root you to your spot, and then get you with a bunch of chain lightnings and fire auras (That's how I died once as a bard, I got too brave (Or stupid) ) Lava won't work on this guy, so that tactic won't work. I usually go for a straight on good clean kill, running away when low on health, and luring him to cactus when healing. Moves: Fire Aura Arrow Root Target Chain Lightning Fireball Animated Lava Wave 17 (or 16 if I'm wrong) This guy can summon players, and teleport to players, so weak ones run away (if they're still alive). He will automatically hit you if you warps to you, so you cant be 100% safe. Least favorite boss, due to magma cube's small hitboxen. A safe way to hurt it is to use cactus, but that's slow, and not effective, since he'll warp to you, and mess it all up. Best bet is to just tough out the pain, and aim the best you can between his eyes. From other people I've heard that arrows are not affected by SMP buggy hitboxen, and can hit anywhere on a mob (Haven't tested on magma cubes) Moves: Fire Aura Fling Warp Summon Players Right now, placeholder for when the guide comes out with moar stuff
Got a snow day today, so i feel like cracking down on the bosses section, lets hope i remeber their moves when they spammed chat xD
Nice guide man! only problem i can find is grammatical errors, other than that its one of the best ones ive seen! keep up the good work! XD
Ugh grammar D:, onlt class im getting an A-, and because of our super grammar test. Ill see what i can do to fix it EDIT: Although, after rereading, some were done on purpose, Hitboxen
Yah man, i got a 23 in English cuz of first semmester and i made a 23 on my first paper, it sucks bad lol
My eyes are burned out pretty much today, so thats it for today, got the Basic goals and commands section done, (Cant believe i forgot that), and some other fixes and such. Next on the list is Class overview, and Npc Revenge boss
Armor has been changed (I just realized xD) 100% durability = 100% Resistance 35% Durability=35% Resistance
Bringing up month old threads to say one word? Just like it if you approve, it wont bump it that way but will still notify the thread maker.