Funny Minecraft Stories

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by 1Erik1, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. 1Erik1

    1Erik1 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    Hi folks.
    Now I came to an idea because of something that happened to me.
    This thread is,as the name shows used to tell other people about their funniest stories they had ingame.

    Only rule:Minecraft Stories
    Prefer stories from this server,but you can also use from others.
  2. 1Erik1

    1Erik1 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    So here is my story:
    iSkateSexyiPod did sell a blaze-spawner with much things in it,like glowstone,mechanism to hurt blazes & stop spawning.In addition the pg had a full nether-fortress in it.
    He telled others to bid on it,but only few did,I was one of them.
    The bid started at 2k,I raised it,5k,10k,25k and 50k.After that no one bid on it.
    So I got the area with those things included.It was a nice idea he had,but very unefficient and laggy,so I did not really care bout what he made,since I will change it anyways.

    The thing is,I already searched for blaze-spawners earlier and met the area of iSkate before anything was in there,I wanted it(in the past).
    So I asked him to sell it to me,he said no.
    He said he is now one of the people who have these spawners and want to keep this.
    Then I offered him 200k(cash immediatly),he still said no so I went on and he said,OK if you get me a nether star and a skeleton-head and 200k I will sell it!
    Well I could not afford it,until now.
    So he did NOT want to sell me the spawner when NOTHING was in it,but later on he selled it to me after he did SEVERAL works on it and put time in it,for a 75% lower price!

    Well then I remembered this and told him(after I bought the pg),he was like:
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  3. emil_97

    emil_97 Well Known Member

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Oh. Okey.
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  4. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Ehhhhmmm... I caught 3 fish yesterday. Wooooooooo
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  5. Geekologist

    Geekologist Active Member

    Sep 2, 2012
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    My story:

    *le me playing MCS*
    *joins the server and everybody is licking everything*
    Me: what da fuq is happening?
    *no reply*
    *more licking*
    Me: *thinking*... is this ever going to stop?*end thinking*
    *licking stops*
    __xenome__: ehh dead chat im gonna go
    *le me thinking again*
    Me: what in the name of lollipops and gumdrops just happened?

  6. GooeyPig

    GooeyPig Member

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Back when I was a boy on the old old map, and everyone had the teleport command, I went mining with bubblingtoast and vandenmax. We got about 20 diamonds, and eventually stumbled across a double dungeon. Idiots that we were, we rushed it. We then realized that no one had any torches. Another thing to note is that PVP was still turned on at this point. As the mad scramble began, we started randomly swinging, and may have been the cause of death of each other a few times. The good thing to note is that the ratio of betrayal deaths to zombie deaths was very low. Did I mention that the other spawner was also zombies? We died about 15 times each, partly due to the fact that the person who got tp'd to would often die, partly because the first few times we decided it would be a brilliant idea to try putting on our armour when we got back. The actual amount of deaths directly caused by our ineptitude against the zombies was very low. Bubbling was killed at the end when Max and I "accidentally" (Don't let stanky see that!) betrayed him. We thought he might have the diamonds when no one confessed! I'M SORRY! He did get revenge more than a few times over the course of his time on the server, so I think we're even. Anyway, it turned out that the diamonds were still inside the spawner rooms. We only died a few times getting them back, but we were missing about 5 when we got out. It was very difficult to keep us from killing each other. The morals of the story are as follows:
    -have torches in your hotbar
    -never go mining with me

    And so ends the shameful tale of our destruction at the hands of incredibly stupid AI's. Hope you enjoyed!
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  7. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    ok, here's my story. this was in BR4. some of you might remember him.
    his name was gadgetgizmo or something like that. when he came on, he said it was his server. when everyboody disagreed, he continued to say it was his server. there was a very long argument about it, and then he finally gave up and left. but he came back, a little while later, claiming he was from PMC, and he said that we passed his test. so, stanky asked him for his pmc staff code or something, claiming that he was the founder of PMC. he eventually gave up and left.
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  8. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    What you just described happens almost daily.
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  9. Extrelium

    Extrelium Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Logged in.
    Logged out.
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  10. PickachuKrew

    PickachuKrew Active Member

    Nov 8, 2011
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    Here's my story:

    So, back when everything was dandy and lollipops and gumdrops in the old map, I had griefed a diamond block (gasp). I went to jail, got out, and a few days later, I bought a house. In the same exact town. :I and then I went like do dodododododo. and ate the world

  11. Rich

    Rich Active Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    Logged on to the server, first 5 lines of chat I see is about genital warts. I close Minecaft and think life over for a minute. Oh mojo and the weird topics you get the chat going on :p
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  12. 1Erik1

    1Erik1 Active Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    And again:
    Today I went to the Blaze Spawner which Elite6806 and me run and wanted to place obsidian around it so no one can grief it,but I was in a hurry,because a League of Legends game came up,so I did not fill one edge of it(spawners can be destroyed with tnt through edges in obsidian).
    When I came back I wanted to fill the edge,and then I was so shocked,I left the door open,everyone could go through a portal in there and use the spawner/do shit with it.
    When I was there I hurried to fill the gap with obsidian so that the Blaze-Spawner is safe from griefing.
    When I was just about to right-click someone attacked me from behind with an enchanted diamond-sword!CraftMeBaby did this(if you dont know him,he is primarly nothing doing in normal-server except griefing in the nether or playing on pvp-server)!
    Luckily I got my own enchanted diamond-armor which gave me the highest protection one can reach,heart pounding I hit him with bare-hands,because I dont have a sword equipped and my unarmed-skill is at the server-limits(300 only,unfortunatly) and the skill gave me enough power to deal as much damage as an vanilla-diamond-sword,but Baby had enchanted-diamond-armor,too so I thought "This is where I die!" but then at one time surprisingly he said in the mid of the fight "WTF?" I still hit him with my hands and then he runs away(with fly,I dont have it for myself otherwise I would have chased and killed him with ease).
    Then I look out if there is a ghast or something near to us,I notice a diamond sword in my inventory!An enchanted diamond sword!
    Sharpness III,Looting II,Fire Aspect II and Knockback II!
    Still stunned from the things that happened I just place the obsidian in the edge of the spawner and then hurry to tp out of this area.
    My research told me that the sword came from Baby,but he did not drop it,I STOLE it from him while we were fighting!
    The unarmed skill gives me at lvl 300 a 10% chance to disarm an enemy and take the weapon he had at that moment and my multiple bare-hand-attacks had once a succesfull disarm!
    That was why he was so surprised.

    He thought he could blow my things up and post something like:

    But I was like:

    and after he realised what happened he was like:

    and then he went on and tried to destroy the spawner,believing one block of obsidian would not be enough to keep tnt or creepers away from destroying it,but it did not work and he was like:

    Technically I am not owning this area,cause Elite6806 has owner rights,but still I protected it,even though I have an own Blaze-Spawner.

    In the end I feel like:
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  13. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    One story with my name in it and it's that one?

    I thought I was more entertaining than that!
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  14. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Alright I gotcha covered stanky.

    Way back in 1.7.3, Tribal giant and I were preparing for the "end of the world". I had built a house in the south-east quadrant of the map because no one lived near there and I could mine for miles. Tribal came by and built a giant bridge near an artificial lake I had built.
    After a while the "end" started coming closer with spawn being encased with lava and obsidian. So I tell tribe we should play with some TNT. I used a stack in my little house created a decent sized hole. Well Stanky had shown up at the end of it. He then rolled the house back, change a shit-ton of blocks to tnt and proceeded to fire a fireball into it as I was walking closer.

    After I tp'd back to tribe Stanky put a sign in front of the hole with the name "Amy" on it. He said, "This hole reminds me of an ex-girlfriend." and disappeared into the night, not to be seen again until 20 minutes later. He banned someone.
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  15. GooeyPig

    GooeyPig Member

    Feb 26, 2012
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    We need to start a Cult of Stanky.
  16. Extrelium

    Extrelium Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Or does it already exist?
  17. GooeyPig

    GooeyPig Member

    Feb 26, 2012
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    My God... You're right!! To the Nether!!!!!
  18. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    See this is why I prefer stories about me - I don't remember this at all, but it sounds exactly like something I would do!
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  19. BC519

    BC519 Active Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Man stanky, some of the shit you've done while I was on has given me some of the greatest laughs. Like when you banned the one chick who was fly hacking back in 1.7.3. I need to find that post...
  20. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    I got you one.

    I finally decided to buy enough xp to combine my swords and name it and my bow. I had "H41L's Sword of Justice" and "H41L's Bow of Timely Death" on hand for my adventuring. I then bought a wither head to wear. So here I am with diamond armor, a wither head, and my two weapons with about 100 xp in them each. I decided to go into the nether and find some more wither skeletons. I found one, but to no success, I killed him with one shot. No head was awarded to me. I decided just to level archery and kill some pigmen. It was going fine until I got a bit too risky at the edge of the nether and was killed by pigmen/ghast combo. I copied the coords and looked up to see a pigman outfitting himself with Diamond armor, my wither head, and my Sword of Justice (a Sharp 5, KB 2, Flame 2 Diamond Sword). I thought I was screwed. (My first legit death on the new map btw - all others have been because of mc-crash falling, or event deaths.) After 2 more unsuccessful attempts to regain my items, Things were looking bleak for me. Luckily on the third time, the ghast came back and sent a fireball right at me - killing the pigman in one hit. I now thrive (outside the nether) with everything I had before.
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