Approved Andyz118's Mayor Application

Discussion in 'Mayors' started by andyz118, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. andyz118

    andyz118 Active Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Mayor Requirements:
    • You must be a Settler or higher rank. Yep
    • You must have enough funds in you account to pay for the rank. Indeed
    • You must have read the server rules. Check
    • You must have decided your town name. Dragonia
    • You must have marked out your 150x150 region. Done
    1. What is your in game name? Andyz118
    2. Have you read the server rules here? Yes
    3. What is your current rank on the server? Andyz118
    4. Do you have enough money in your account? Yes
    5. What is your towns name? Dragonia
    6. Have you marked your 150x150 region? (this must not be over any other regions) Yes
    7. What is the location of your region (Please provide minimum opposite corners of region. All four (4) corners preferred)? (-2994,-2661) (-2845,-2661) (-2845,-2810)(-2994,-2810)
    8. Are you currently a Mayor of any other regions? No
    9. How did you earn the money you are using to make this application. I bought access to Cool Farm for 5000 and made money out of removing alot of sugarcane and selling it.
    Region: Yes Please
    Warp: No not yet
    Pig spawner: No not yet
  2. BSPiotr_backup

    BSPiotr_backup Overseer

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Becoming a Mayor for a farm is not what this rank is intended for. Please use your land to build a town/city/mayor-related-thingy. You have until December 16th to comply or you will lose your rank.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. andyz118

    andyz118 Active Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Woah woah, i'm building the farms below the city, i'm doing it slowly so chill down