The minecraftserver guide for new players

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by scotch222, Jan 23, 2012.

  1. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    1) How to Find The Rules
    2) How to Apply
    3) Starting Your Epic Adventure
    4) Region
    -a) What a region does
    -b) Adding members
    -c) Locking Your Chest
    5) Using Channels
    -a) How to create a channel
    -b) How to join a channel
    -c) How to leave a channel
    -d) Basic commands
    6) The Money System
    -a) The currency
    -b) How to get money
    -c) Banking
    --i) How to deposit your money
    --d) How to use your money
    --e) The Lottery
    ---i) How to buy tickets
    ---ii) How to claim your winning
    ---iii) How to check the lottery pot
    --f) The market place
    ---i) How to get there
    ---ii) How to buy and sell things
    ---iii) How to be able to make shops
    7) The Rankings

    1) How to Find the Rules
    When you log into for the first time you will spawn here

    READ the signs there have been many people banned because they have not done so![​IMG]
    If you did not spawn here go to chat (default hit t) and type in /spawn, stay still and you will teleport here

    Turn to the right (90 degrees) and you should see the giant 777 lava numbers on a building.
    Take the first right on that street and go into the first building on the left, in there the rules are explained upstairs.

    2) How to Apply
    a) Go to
    b) Click the link I circled
    c) Make an account and sign in
    d) Click the last page option

    e) State that you want to apply for building rights and your IGN (in game name)
    f) Have fun on the server

    3) Starting Your Epic Adventure!
    a) While walking around the server you will notice you cannot break blocks this is because it is a protected zone, walk in any direction for 500 blocks (an easy way to check is to press f3 and see if your Y or Z coordinates are above 500) you can then start building.
    When you get outside this zone you will find other certain places that you cannot build or destroy blocks this is because players can region this area’s off to stop griefing.
    To find more land that has not been blocked off to you travel 1000-1500 block as people will start regioning farther and farther apart.
    d) You will find open places to start your survival journey!!

    4) Regioning Your Areas
    a) What regioning does
    -i) It makes it so others can’t build on your land
    -ii) Makes griefing harder to do
    -iii) Regions go from bedrock to the skylimit
    -iv) Your free regions can at max be 75*75 blocks
    -v) You get two free regions
    (b) How to get your area regioned
    -(i) First press tab (default) to see the people on the sever
    -(ii) Look for light blue, dark blue, light red, and dark red names
    -(iii) Ask one of them to region an area off (Have your 75*75 area already outlined to avoid confusion)
    -(iv)Your region will be [your name_1] for example if my name was redblockz my region name would be redblockz_1
    b) Adding members
    -i) Go to chat
    -ii) Type /region addmember [region name] [player name]
    -iii) Remove members by going
    -iv) /region removemember [region name] [player name]
    c) Locking your chests
    -i) Do this for added protection
    -ii) Only let people you trust into your chests
    -iii) Place down your chest and grab a sign
    -iv) Right click on the chest and the sign attaches and looks like this
    -v) You can do this also with doors but have to do it manually

    Attached Files:

  2. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    5) Using Channels
    a) How to create a channel
    -i) Go into chat
    -ii) Type in /ch create [channel name] [nickname]
    -iii) It is easier to make channel name and nickname the same
    b) How to Join a channel
    -i) Go to chat
    -ii) Type in /ch [channel name]
    c) How to leave a channel
    -i) Let’s say there is too much spam on a channel you have been on, this happens in global chat sometimes
    -ii) Go to chat
    -iii) Type in /ch leave [channel name]
    d) Basic commands you will have
    -i) /tell
    -ii) /msg (many people like this because to respond to a message you type in /r)
    -iii) /sethome [home name] (these are personal teleports you get two to start with)
    -iv) /home [home name] (most of the time people’s home names are: home, home 2, or just 1 and 2 you also get /home bed which teleports you to the bed you slept in last)
    -v) /region
    -vi) /money

    6) The Money System
    a) The currency
    -i) Gold ingots
    -b) How to get money
    --i) Mining it
    --ii) Doing chores for other players
    --iii) Play in events
    --iv) Selling your materials
    c) Banking
    -i) Most money is used through banking
    -ii) The bank is at spawn
    -iii) To get there go /spawn
    -iv) Turn 180 degrees and the building looks like this
    -v) Go inside with your gold ingots
    -vi) Go up to the sign that has deposit selected
    -vii) Right click to deposit your money
    -viii) To check how much you have banked type /money into chat
    d) What you can use your money on
    -i) Events
    -ii) Buying materials
    -iii) Pay other people
    --(1) Go to chat
    --(2) Type in /money pay [player name] [amount]
    -iv) Shopping
    -v) Playing in the lottery
    --(1) You buy tickets by going into chat
    --(a) Typing in /lottery buy [the ticket amount you want]
    --(b) Each ticket is 1 gold
    --(2) How to claim your winnings
    ---(a) Drawings are held every 12 hours if you are on when it is drawn you gain the money automatically
    ---(b) If you are offline type in /lottery claim to claim your money
    ---(c) To check if you won type in /lottery winners
    ---(3) How to check how much gold is in the pot
    ---(a) Type in /lottery and it is the third line you see
    e) The market place
    -i) How to get there
    --(1) Go to /spawn
    --(2) Turn to the right toward the 777 building
    --(3) Take the first right turn (before you get to the rules building)
    --(4) Go down that street until you see this place
    --(5) Behind it is the market
    -ii) How to buy and sell things
    --(1) Find a shop that is able to sell things
    --(2) Go to the sign above a chest
    --(a) Each line on this sign means something
    ---(i) Line 1: the name of the shop owner
    ---(ii) Line 2: the amount you buy and sell
    ---(iii) Line 3: the exchange rate
    ---(iv) Line 4: the block name
    ---(v) To buy left click
    ---(vi) to sell right click
    -iii) The ability to make a shop is in the bank between the two deposit and withdraw signs it cost 128 gold to buy this ability

    7) Rankings
    a) The player ranks go like this
    -i) Outsider (new player) can use /help /rules /spawn
    -ii) Settler ( a player who has applied and been accepted) can use /sethome, /home, locking chests, and can have a region
    -iii) Elder (player who has been on the server for 3 months) /me command and can breath underwater with a gold helmet, and can color sign text
    -iv) Traveler (player who has beaten a catacomb) can create stargates, can breath underwater with helmet, and compass abilities
    -v) +Donator (someone who donates) magic carpet, can set 4 homes, and breath underwater
    -vi)++Super donator (player who has donated more money) can set 4 homes, magic carpet, breath underwater, and super pickaxe
    (I will constantly update this post with pictures and new sections) {sorry for everything being so small and confusing it looks a lot better on word, I will work toward making it its former self}
  3. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Looks really good, btw no more Vet Super Donators. Vet auto comes with traveller and all donors. Looks REALLY good so far. Keep it up :)
  4. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    hmm I dont seem to be able to edit my posts anyone know why?
  5. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    I believe after 7 days of active forum usage, and maybe 5 posts, you get a lot more "perks" on here, including editing.
  6. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    if this does not happen I will repost and take this one down =D
  7. Neddzy

    Neddzy Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Lookin Good ;D
  8. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    It's marvelous, awesome job. Don't worry, i edited it for you.
  9. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Pocnet or someone else could you include these pictures (if you could find there respective place, if not just attach them), this new section, and change the font size to 4 instead of 3 please!


    8) Stargates

    Stargates are used in this server for quicker travel around the servers vast (at this point 4500*4500 world and neather!) They look like neather portals with a sign on the side and button on the other. You right or left click the sign to choose the location you want to go to on that channel. The biggest of these stargate channels is reavers which is on the top floor of the building behind the bank looking like this.

    One at the top turn 180 degrees and go toward the left portal on the far wall. (there is a very wide range of stargate connections here and you might have to spend time finding the wanted location)

    How to set up a stargate, check who is on by holding tab. Look for travelers and above these people will come to the place you are and set up the stargate where you want it to be, they will ask what name you want the gate to be and what channel, you can start a channel or go to reaver's. Have fun portal-ing around minecraft!

    Attached Files:

  10. carson378

    carson378 Active Member

    Jan 15, 2012
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    very very good! i believe u will win first lol
  11. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I know someone has done a Obby generator tutorial before but I want to show how big you could make one be, this can look like a nightmare to non-red-stone people. But those who have done some wiring before should get a clue to what goes on!
    2012-02-02_09.07.57.png Two switches, that are labeled for convience
    2012-02-02_09.08.11.png Demonstration 2012-02-02_09.08.57.png
    How it looks after 2012-02-02_09.10.20.png
    What the wiring looks like
    I made it as compact as I could, and with wiring It took me about a half and hour to put it together :)
  12. dstephe

    dstephe New Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Thx for the help.