Buying a Computer!

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Happy_Cookies, Jan 28, 2013.


What Computer Shall I Buy?

  1. 21.5-inch: 2.7GHz iMac

    1 vote(s)
  2. 27-inch: 2.9GHz iMac

    3 vote(s)
  3. 15-inch: 2.3GHz Macbook with Retina display

    0 vote(s)
  4. Non-Retina Display Macbook - Comment Below

    3 vote(s)
  5. Anyother Macbook/iMac - Comment Below

    0 vote(s)
  6. A Windows Computer - Comment Blow

    13 vote(s)
  1. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    read the top Here is Exa computer just to give you a example of a computer you should get so ask exa dont quote me xD
  2. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Yes, i built it myself. Part for Part.
  3. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    The question is, does it toast me a sandwich when I am hungry?
  4. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    buy a toaster for that
  5. bobos193

    bobos193 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Install a toaster into the side of your computer and you will be all set. :)
  6. ItsBuffalo

    ItsBuffalo Active Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I would for sure go with a Windows computer. The thing with Apple is that 8/10 you are paying for the name. I have used both, the school I attend we use Apple Macs, and I and my other classmates as well as the instructor do not like macs. However it all comes down to your preference. I would say Windows has better support with games, rather then Macs. I use Windows at home and Windows if my preference as I said, I use both on a daily basis... and I find Windows is able to do everything I need it to do + more. I have a HP Pavailion dv6. I love this computer, I bought it back last summer for around $850, and it was worth every penny. I compare my Windows laptop to a Mac laptop, and I find it faster in many cases. My laptop has 6 GB Ram DDR3, and I get between 80-120 FPS on high settings in Minecraft. Windows is great, and I truly believe a Windows machine is better then Apple Macs. Also, I find Macs to run extremely warm and hot after playing Minecraft for only about and hour and a half.
    (I see more overheating issues with Macs, rather then Windows)

    But once again it comes down to personal preference.
    - Studying Computer Science
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  7. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Well, this is how it's been going with it. CLICK. I've gotten pretty lazy and haven't worked on it for like a month...
  8. ItsBuffalo

    ItsBuffalo Active Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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  9. TechTeller

    TechTeller Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Id say go with an Intel i7 instead of AMD - i7's been serving me well for a while but my AMD burned out after a lot of usage (literally burned) even with sufficient cooling. But that was a couple years ago.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. ItsBuffalo

    ItsBuffalo Active Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I am a supporter of AMD, that's all I used before and it has not failed me yet. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Yeah, I'd go with Intel too. Intel is more established and has better tech. I know I can trust an Intel card. I also realize AMD has an unrealient past. However, I did do my homework with it. For the most part it has good reviews, and hardly any people said it broke on them. Also, an Intel card with that amount of power would be VERY expense. I mean 8 cores! :D!
  12. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    you want advice on a good computer?

    it's only 1.4k, but you can use the extra money to change the OS on it to windows 7, and buy a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and maybe a couple of other improved parts on it, and the postage.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  13. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Just thought i'd jump in here on this topic as its one i researched well before deciding on Intel for my gaming rig.

    The thing you have to realize when comparing AMD to Intel processors is quality, the performance per clock cycle difference between the two. What AMD does to try and keep in competition with Intel is integrate more and more cores into their processors but in truth all AMD ever does it try to catch up to Intel. Intel leads in processor development. The thing you got to realize is that Intel's processor design is significantly better than AMD, so it gets more work done with each clock cycle even if both processor are rated at the same speed. Just as an example, say you have two processors one AMD one Intel both at the same processing speed. The AMD could run 10 units of work in 10 seconds, however the Intel running at the same speed would do 15 Units of work.

    Intel chips just do more calculations with the same number of clock cycles than an AMD does. Its just a matter of Quality.

    Some people make the argument that AMD is cheaper, but in truth the CPUs that can even compete with Intel's are actually usually slightly more expensive than the equivalent Intel CPU, also take into consideration that the more Cores you have the more your going to spend on energy and the hotter your CPU is going to get which also means more cooling which in the end costs you more money anyway when you take that and run it over a period of several years of use.

    And truth is... Intel's Ivy bridge is just amazing, AMD is trying to match them but have not got there yet and might not for quite a while.
    • Dynamite Dynamite x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. TechTeller

    TechTeller Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    That made me understand more about how processors work, and how you look at their efficiency. Thanks nemesis! :D
  15. Happy_Cookies

    Happy_Cookies Well Known Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    It seems that a common problem with AMD products is cooling. I'll just buy a good heat sink, that should stop it from catching on fire xD

    But I agree with both of you guys - Intel is a more reliable company. I also agree on the fact that Intel CPU's can process stuff faster. Only thing is that an Intel Processor at the same price as the AMD processor I have put on the spreadsheet has about 4 cores, and only 3.3 GHz (turbo 3.7). That's why I planned to go with AMD. I also doubt it'll be That much of a difference.

    But Processor aside, what do you guys think of the Motherboard. I was really unsure about what one to go with, and finding an AM3+ compatible one made all the more difficult.

    And finally, Hard Drives. I'd like to boot Linux and Windows on separate drives, as Windows doesn't seem to like other OS's (I have Ubuntu on my current computer). That being said, I'd like two cheap 500 GB to 1 TB drives. Any recommendations would be awesome :D
  16. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Well if your set on an AMD not much I can do for you, Asus makes amazing motherboards for the Intel's i5/i7 processors but I'm not real familiar with stuff available to the AMD. I think you would be better off with the overall system going with a i5/i7 but that's your choice :)

    Also if your limiting the intel selection to what you can buy an AMD for its going to ofc fall short, quality costs. AMD is lower quality, shorter life span and Intel is Higher quality Longer lifespan. I wouldn't be afraid to shell out a little extra for a quality CPU, your whole system is limited by the quality of your processor regardless of all the other stuff you put in there. Either way you go they will both run your applications just fine, I highly doubt you will be doing anything that could tax either processor to the point you would notice much of a difference, its just that intel is a much smarter CPU with better features and products available to it.
  17. bajj597

    bajj597 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2011
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    In all seriousness, what is the point in having linux? What are the positives and negatives to it?
  18. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    a few negatives is you need to make your own minecraft launcher and there is hardly any steam games on steam for it
  19. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    for starters, linux is free. there is less compatibility with it than microsoft, but there are so many kinds of linux. there are a lot of ones specialised for specific tasks, like MineOS, which is entirely based around hosting a minecraft server, and uses only 25 Mb of ram, so you can use as much as you can of the computer for running a minecraft server. or tere is ubuntu, which is a more generalised OS, kind of like for everyday use. it's a bit more like a mac when it comes to most of their interfaces, but even more customisable than windows. granted, you need a pretty good technical knowledge to do so, but if you're good enough, you could virtualise your computer with several OSs to do all of your tasks seperately, so that you could utilise more of your CPU's power. also, using linux has an even greater security than windows, because there are so many types of it. but, one of my favourite things about linux is that it hardly takes up any of the computer's processing power, any of them.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Luciano

    Luciano Stars of the Forums

    Jun 12, 2012
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    I got one i7 920 (kinda old... but still running good at 3.5/4ghz 24/7!)

    But on your list I saw you are going with a gtx 560 - theres already a gtx 660 (20 bucks more) and a gtx 660 ti out (~60-70$ more) :3 ! I'd go with a 660 or 660ti d: - I have one 680 and I can play everything on ultra/max on 1080p w/o worries - a 660ti should be nice for "best" on most games :)

    Also => one review I found on google, shows it behind i5 2nd gen o_o

    And about the HDD - I'd go with this one year warranty !!