Runescape - Lets talk

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Xalvor, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Xalvor

    Xalvor Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Hello everyone, you may have noticed my inactivity on the server. The reason of which I am playing less and less is because of this game called Runescape.
    Runescape is a Mmorpg that is completely browser based, so no downloads. I find so much fun in the game that I am making a post so that fellow runescapers can meet up! (Note I really only want to add people that are members on runescape)
    If you play runescape add your username in a reply and if you have membership maybe we could play around some time :)
    -IGN Runescape Nick: Xalvorian
    Runescape Username: Sword of3
  2. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Sorry but I think the silence in this thread speaks for itself. Worst game i've seen, it's graphics is even worse than minecraft and MC is intended. -.-
  3. stanky2

    stanky2 Overseer

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Runescape always reminded me of someone who watched some Stargate SGI, played Farmville a bit too much, once heard of CIV 3, and then hired the mentally retarded to make them a game of it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend the mentally retarded.
  4. Dannylb

    Dannylb Well Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    I used to play it.. When i was 8;)
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  5. NemoD98

    NemoD98 Well Known Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Meh. Played it a little bit, s'ok.
    Now, back to Club Penguin!
    • Like Like x 1
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  6. Zachamoo

    Zachamoo Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Runescape is like a pair of fatpants

    Your glad its there just in case (Boredom or Obesity)
    But you never wanna use it :cool:
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  7. Xalvor

    Xalvor Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Well you people obviously haven't played the game recently and that the game has had enormous graphical enhancements over the past few weeks. Try it and you'll love it <333333333333
  8. Conanto

    Conanto Well Known Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I didnt notice your inactivity D:
  9. Nikolai98

    Nikolai98 Member

    Nov 28, 2011
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    I might play this, but I'm not getting membership, not worth the money in my opinion :p
    I played it alot about 3-4 years ago
  10. kingofpie222

    kingofpie222 Stars of the Forums

    Mar 3, 2012
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    I also played this... In third grade.
  11. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Yeah, I used to be a Runescaper like you. Until I took an arrow in the knee realized how terrible it was.
    Let me outline how Runescape is terrible, for those of you who don't know.
    1. The Graphics
      • ANY game with 3D graphics worse than minecraft is never acceptable.
      • I dont care how many graphical updates Runescape gets, it will still always have shit graphics
    2. The community
      • While there may be SOME nice people playing runescape, secretly they are all are selfish, greedy, bastards. (myself included)
      • EVERYTHING is always about money.
      • Scamming everywhere
      • People will never be nice to you. Unless they are.
    3. The monies
      • They expect people to pay...what is it...$6 or $7 a month for that garbage?
    'Nuf said.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. ohman16

    ohman16 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Ahhh good old runescape. I played from 2005-2012 and had a great time doing so. My first several years were as an honest/legit player, but once I discovered the world of botting that all changed.

    All of the kids in my fifth grade class played RS and I got involved very quickly. I quickly passed the amount of wealth any of my classmates had, and then came up with the idea to write a guide on how to quickly earn money within the game. I sold it to all of my classmates, and then took it a step further. I turned it into an ebook and sold it on eBay. I was actually one of the very first runescape guide sellers out there (there may have been three competitors at the time). Anyway, I would come home from 5th grade every day and see and additional $5 in my paypal every day. My favorite days were Friday, as I almost always sold 3 or more guides. It was a great feeling :) Several years down the road, competition and eBay digital good policies made it not worth it to continue selling the guide.

    Over the next few years I botted the following skills to 99:
    • Prayer
    • Construction
    • Strength
    • Runecrafting
    • Magic
    • Dungeoneering
    • Cooking
    After that, I realized how much money this game could make me, that's when I built my bot farm. I rented out three VPS (virtual private servers), each of which could run five botting accounts. I had a total of 25 bots (2 desktops at home as well), earning me quite a bit of gold. Each account yielded 300k an hour, which gave me 7.5M an hour. With gold selling for $0.75/M, I was making $5.60 an hour on autopilot. That may not sound like much, until you realize these are running 24/7... so that's $135 EVERY day. This lasted for several weeks until Jagex nerfed this particular method of gold farming (sorceror's garden for those who play rs). At that point I sold the botted accounts, all of which now had 99 thieving for $5-10 a piece.

    This is around the time Frost Dragons were released into Runescape (high level monster that yielded 2M an hour). After placing 5 bots on that, I was set. For 3 weeks straight I was able to earn 10M an hour ($7.50) which adds up to $180 a day. Realize this wasn't pure profit though, expenses included cost of membership, cost of buying botting programs, and cost of VPS, electricity, and lots of mountain dew.

    Finally the botting era ended when Jagex introduced their Botting Nuke (killed all reflection based bots, 98% of bots no longer worked, the 2% that did were crap bots anyway). This is when I moved away from botting and entered the world of gambling (big surprise :D).

    For those of you who play Runescape, you will most likely be very familiar with the Flower Game. Most of these flower gamers were scams, simply logging out when you traded money over, but I realized there was value in being an honest flower gamer. To this day, I am the only flower game host that I know of who has never scammed a player. Being honest and legit brought many more customers to me, all of which increased my profits. My flower game was a x6 payout, with 1/7 odds (Anyone thinking of the chicken game I came up with? :D). As I became more trusted and my bank grew, players began to bet higher and higher, earning me more and more money. During my flower game era, I was making anywhere from $10-$15 an hour. I actually requested a leave from my minimum wage job so that I would have more time to play Runescape. After a while flower game began to fade away, and more and more players turned thier focus to dice gambling.

    Dice gambling was just as it sounds, rolling dice. Most hosts would take the players money, roll the dice (1-100), and if the number was 60 or higher, the player would get double his bet. Obviously the odds were in the host's favor. People were willing to throw so much money on this I knew I had to get involved. I started a dicing clan and took over three different ingame worlds. Rather than requiring a roll of 60+ for the player to win, we went as low as 52+ to win. This made players win much more often, but they still lost in the long run. This is when I quit my job completely, as I was making an average of $22/h. It was a very sad day when Jagex removed gambling from Runescape, making dicing impossible, and making flower game hosting a bannable offense.

    I have since recovered my job and now spend my free time on Minecraft. But yeah, I will never make fun of runescape, as it has been very nice to me over the past seven years. :)

    I didn't write this post to brag about my success with Runescape, but rather to show you not to look at a crappy game and think that is all it is. There is always a way to monetize something, and I think it's good to realize how easy it is to do that. Finding ways to monetize what I love to do is one of my passions, and I think it's always a blast doing so
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  13. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I played RS when i was a little kid... years and years and years ago :p went back to try it out again recently and didnt last very long. Was boring as hell and the graphics were just awful to look at. At least with MC i can use a really nice HD texture pack to fix that issue ;) Never could understand what i saw in the game as a kid but i suppose to each his own... what may seem like crap to me may be fun to others and vis versa. And seriously i dont know why anyone would pay monthly for that game when there are -FAR- better mmos out there to play.
  14. kingofpie222

    kingofpie222 Stars of the Forums

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Just out of curiosity ohman, what do you think the gold/dollar ratio would be?
  15. ohman16

    ohman16 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    gold/dollar ratio has been at about $0.70-$0.80/M for the past year or so
  16. Looken

    Looken Active Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I used to play it, when I was a kid, now Jagex just fked sh*t up
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  17. ohman16

    ohman16 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Bump! Check out, they are bringing back 2007 rs gameplay
  18. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Moving to "Other Games"
  19. MNPro

    MNPro Active Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    I played from around 2005-2010. Got a great character but then quit and sold all my items. It would be hard to go back at this point.
  20. ohman16

    ohman16 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    Everyone starts from scratch with the new release.. that means level 1 everything, no items, nothing. A fresh slate
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