So, I've been looking for catacombs a lot recently. And I've been finding everything but. So, i decided to take a few pictures of pretty things that ive seen on my adventures. Enjoy! Day 1 I start out in my boat, admiring the water (and large sand and clay deposits) I finally reach land... but where? I find some guy's lost dog out in the woods... Poor doggy. I find more lost dogs. Its a beautiful night out! And, after the grueling, scary, and rather boring night on an ice floe, the sunrise. (I planted a few flowers on the ise floe to keep me company) I find a nice place for a house. Too bad I don't want to stay here. You probably can't tell, but this is a lagoon. With floating clumps of dirt. Yes. And, that's the end of day 1. Now, on to day 2, and hopefully a catacomb.
Day 2 I start swimming because I forgot a boat, and am too lazy to go back 50 blocks to land, then I spot some cobble underwater. I stop to build a little tower thing because... I found a spider dungeon! Of course, I am traveling, so I can't keep it... I sell it. The buyer couldn't find me, so I had to go looking for him. Fortunately, he was close by. Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Hai LikePoseidon! I found you! And, having sold my spawner, (and having helped to build a exp farm with it) I continue on my trek and find a much-coveted pumpkin patch. My day ends with me on yet another ice floe, waiting for the sun to set. I hold my precious pumpkins in hand, and reflect upon the happenings of the day. To be Continued in further, disconnected posts becasue of the image limit...
I know, I just wanted people to be able to see some of what I was adventuring with. In most, the UI is hidden.
Yes, its set to a square zan's minimap frame. I think it looks better than the default plain gray frame.
Days 3 & 4 I discover the land of the RedSheeps and BrownSheeps. At nightfall, I spend the night on top of a glowing tree (a natural pheneomenon) with my 3rd doggy. (the 1st 2 doggies died ) Another night spent in the middle of an ocean.[Image is screwed up ]I like animals, but... DIE, pig! Rain... That rain was too much for me... I venture home.My DropShaft return system (ladders) My indoor garden. And my soon-to-be Potions Room I'll continue searching for catacombs later, for now, it's good to be back.
You are uploading the images as screenshots, to get the downloadable file/preview in a thumbnail, u check the thumbnail option on the pictures you want as thumbnails. Hope thats what you were asking .
Okay, thanks! You are helpful, like a mod should be. BTW, does that let me put >10 pictures on the post?
Very entertaining, i would like to read more about your catacomb hunts, maybe we can adventure together sometime, it may help you considering ive been in a catacomb before.
Maybe; adventuring is fun. (and it's my only source of steak, pork, and feathers, and gunpowder + arrows). But, i've heard that if a group of people finds a catacomb, only one person out of the group gets the traveller rank. So looking for a catacomb together might not be the best, but just randomly exploring is fine. And I will put more pictures up whenever I go adventuring again.
Haha, im not truely interested in traveller, i just want the loot from thechests lol, you can have the traveller rank, also are u sure its 1 traveller per cata?
I've heard multiple people tell others (and me) that it's only 1 person who gets traveller. But if you say so; okay, I'll explore with you then. Also. Perhaps start a separate conversation with me so as not to clutter my thread? Please? ;]