Hey everyone just wanted to post this as a sort of preview of something Dettlebean and I are working on. We are doing a playthrough of minecraft, starting with nothing and hopefully making it to The End. Literally. We are going to do it completely legit and we are just going to have some fun with it. It's mainly sort of a way a bro and sis can spend some time together (because we haven't had time lately), so we thought it would be a neat project. It's also an opportunity for me to try video recording, editing and help me work on music composition. It should be fun, so if you think you'd be interested and want to show your support, we'd love to have you follow us on our adventures! Have a wonderful day
well, the time has come. Dettles and I were able to upload the first episode! If you'd like to check it out, please check out my channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/PONM38/videos?view=0We'll probably stick a new video up every other day or so, whenever we get time. This is our first experience with uploading videos so there is definitely room for improvement. Hope you enjoy it
Awesome video! You guys are really fun to watch. I'm really looking forward to the rest of your videos! If you EVER need any kind of help - just nudge
Oh, also a protip, once you get to about 5-6 videos, on, say the 7th, shorten up the intro, tis a bit long
you guys playing on LAN? if not you can have special guests for 1 episode! that would be a great idea, with mic of course
If you don't mind suggestions, maybe switch off who is recording every other video? Like for the next one maybe have it from Dettles' point of view. Just a thought. I really enjoyed the video and can't wait for future ones.
I live the video! (you guys playing on LAN? if not you can have special guests for 1 episode! that would be a great idea, with mic of course ) <-- as kingofpie222 said
I don't think they are using LAN because when PONM went into his menu, it said he could open to a LAN. Also great video
Ponm, could you post the seed from the world? That mountain is so awesome If you don't know how type /seed
It would be awesome if you did add in special guest stars every video or every other video just for fun and at the end you could have all of the guest stars come and try to defeat the enderdragon? something like that would be cool