Yes yes, with the release of Designer I got excited and my mind starting to work, revolutionary! So I better get started before it freezes. <insert BSOD here> look below for my suggestions! Donation Perks: Syntax/Prefix system of the current survival look Assembler (5 usd) got it from Pika 425 block limit one plus 4 sethomes (if not Designer or above) 4 plots (Stacks with other ranks that add more plots, this can be removed if it cant be stacked as easy) Assembler Plus (15 usd) All of Assemblers perks 2 pluses 8 sethomes 4 plots Clipboard commands: //cut, //paste, //copy (if it dose not effect other peoples builds) Super Assebler (20 usd) 12 sethomes 5 plots /j, /thru, /top all of belows perks World Edit simple pack (1o usd) Contains most worledit commands like a constuctor has. 450 block limit Gets those worldedit commands without changing ranks. No Prefix/Suffix specialist (Moderator's Color) earned by sending 2 approved plots to an overseer 5 plots to use Can make/suggest/post a poll for a topic for the next build contest (Editing more soon)
Wow these are very creative! I hope to also become a designer as you are right now. And, I came up with a rank idea myself, inspired by StoneMoney! After a Designer comes... Architect -550 worldedit block limit -access to Portal Gates -5 plots -access to //stack -name appears in yellow -4 more sethomes (12 altogether) -can spawn mobs but ONLY on your own plots -an architect chat How to get Architect- You must have entered in a build contest, be a designer, and you must have an impressive structure not entered in a build contest that impresses 2 overseers! And after Architect- (Must be architect to get inventor) Inventor Inventors should be proud if they are this far: -600 world edit block limit -Can have mob pets that follow you around -With an overseers permission, you can make mods for you and the people you give it too, but these mods can be turned on and off -16 sethomes -6 plots -access to /give and enchanting -Get's access to the mail post, a place where Inventors can exchange mail in mailboxes -name appears in orange And to get it: You must have entered at least 2 build contests,have a very impressive build that impresses an overseer. Best Wishes!
Hmmm... yes... perhaps Resource King for the survival one? And it will cost 100k? Good idea HappyCookies
you guys gotta think though, natbyte is supporting a 3rd server (and its creative, so its a heavy server) say 10 people (i deff would) would get super erector, all 10 of us are getting 525+ WE limit, and then theres another 10 doing 200WE limit, if we all do it at once , thats 7250 blocks just from one WE, thats pretty hefty, and we play for a few hours, doing SEVERAL W.E's over and over, its gonna lag the server quite a bit, so 500 is alot:S
But All the WE won't be at once. Everybody usually does a command every 5-10 minutes, not do a command every minute. S it won't lag the server as much. iSkate, you're making it seem like everyone is doing the world edit all at the same time, but its more spread out.
well, ive never been an admin on a server - let alone one thats like this - but even survival gets laggy after so many WE's, like /j and /fixwater, all the small things do add up, and if its on a creative server, its still going to show up in the server bill somehow, 200 block limit is 200% fine for meC:, im not discouraging these ranks, i think they're very creative and smart!
Admins get a 10k limit per WE. And we sometimes spam it 3-5 times just to get our WE done. The server doesn't skip a beat. The likelihood of many people going full out WE at the same time is slim to none, and if it did, the amount it would take for them to crash the server is more than unrealistic.
Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Thanks bajjC: im not sure how hefty WE is or entirely sure how it effects a server like ours on the creative doing 400 blocks every 3 seconds to get some stuff placed, but i pretty much know nothing of what it can press on or the price of it being used continuously in the data of its pricing- that stuff tech knowsC: lol, but to me it sounds pretty hefty, though the server is a rock to stuff like thisC: maybe we could adjust in a 7 second delay between a 425/450 or even 400 block world edit, say i do this Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler //replace air grass (does the 425 limit) /pong //replace air grass (does the 125 limit) /ping //replace air grass (does the 125 limit) /pong //replace air grass (does the 425 limit) this would occur because of the time limit between the limits (please feed me your feedback C: if this is possible)
Yo iskate, protip: //replace air glass //replace 0 glass //replace air glass Win :3 The current 400 blocks limit is very nice imo - I cleared my plot in 2-3 hours (macro ofc) And also most people online are "outsiders *insert correct name here*" (at least on the times I was on...=not many lol) making the we load small. Anyway I never lagged on the creative server (flat map = >300 fps for me .-.) so I guess things are going guud