
Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Pocnet, May 8, 2013.

  1. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Recently starting playing this hack-n-slash online game by Nexon. Comparing it to other free-to-play games, i'd say this is one of the best MMO's i've played, and the graphics are stunning! Yes there's a real money store in-game, but don't worry, it's mainly aesthetics for your character. The game also supports game controllers (i'm using an Xbox 360 controller) which is pretty fun, although I believe they're still working on it and some classes don't work with it (so far i've only discovered that Kai isn't supported)

    There are currently 6 gender locked classes in-game (newest class was added in December), and in the beginning you're basically tasked with completing 'battle quests' (they're basically entering dungeons and completing them, either solo or in a group).

    I'm currently a level 15 Evie (mage class), she's pretty powerful and so far i've soloed every battle quest. Usually at the end of the quests there are bosses you have to defeat, and believe me when I say some of them are quite challenging, you're going to have to move a lot. ;) Also, in the US version I believe, there's a level rush event where you can start 1 of your characters at level 50. Take my advice, and don't create one straight away as it'll be very confusing if you don't know the controls. It's going to end on the 13th of May, so if you start playing now and get to know the game and whatnot you might still have time to decide which character you want!

    Currently i'm playing on Vindictus US using Aol Desktop to change my IP. I had originally went to the Vindictus EU website and downloaded the launcher from there, but for some weird reason after downloading the game I magically got the US version, and Vindictus US has an IP block on everyone outside US/Canda. If you'd like to play with me then feel free to download the game:


    Or If you're in the EU:

    I really recommend this game if you're into hack n slash mmo's, or if you're like me and was just looking for a F2P game to play until the elder scrolls online sends you a beta key. :c

    Have fun guys, and tell me if you're on Vindictus US so I can add you!
  2. PickachuKrew

    PickachuKrew Active Member

    Nov 8, 2011
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    I used to play Maplestory. Is it anything like that in the sense that in order to get the best gameplay, you must pay money? I only say this because I don't trust the company of Nexon. XD

    Otherwise, sounds like an awesome game!
  3. scotch222

    scotch222 Well Known Member

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Found it, played it, took a course in power leveling 101, max'd level, not really sure it was worth my time....

    Why? You may ask, to this I shall answer, the combat system does not take much skill to use, the warrior (or what ever the person who has the shield) CAN'T block AND move at the same time. Want to run through a level? buy spears, chuck, win, want to go faster? Get your friends to buy spears too! Weak story line (im not looking for Mass Effect level just something more substantial than it gave you). Want my rating? Play to fuck around, get bored, then delete it off your computer. (I may seem harsh but I never felt the game had much depth)
  4. Pocnet

    Pocnet Forum Legend

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I haven't really played warrior yet but I wouldn't really mind the block system. Not really sure about the spears though, I barely use them as my spells are much more effective. Yes, the storyline is rather weak but again, it's a free to play game, so you wouldn't really find an amazing story/gameplay. Pretty much the only reason i'm playing this game is because i'm waiting for the elder scrolls online, and didn't really want to spend any money on a game. I still think i'll play it even after ESO is out, but probably not as much.
  5. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I looked into it, looks pretty weak overall as an MMO. Combat system is simplistic, boring and unbalanced. Storyline is very weak, character development is sub-par and the only thing it really has going for it is decent graphics. Sorry to say but not really worth my time. I've seen better FTP mmos.