Oh you mean our island... woops! WE created a cave system and name it the Precarious Labyrinth. So feel free to build your bridges to our island and slay dem mobs
A snapshot from the day me and Chovy first started working together Me standing on woodpuds head here's a snapshot of my "pig meat bitch" Don't even know what happened here. I think I was trolled.
Me, after a good hunting trip under diabolicalwhiteguy's floating castle. I lost my gold helmet twice. There are LOTS of mobs spawning under there. Some of them, overpowered mobs! Some with enchanted fire arrows and gold / diamond gear. Once we even saw 6 flying creepers! Good times. I think he has my soul. He's just doing a passing visit. It's your local friendly IRS agent. AND I, WILL ALWAAAAAAYS LOOOOVEEEE YYYYYOOOOOUUUUUU One day Mango and I went out into the desert and did some nasty stuff to cacti. This is their plan to overtake the server. The army is marching! Are You Prepared? They even have the Lone Ranger!! Run! Tall poppys, or cacti superweapon? IntelDiv is confused. Solidarity
I have screenies of this convo, but didn't want to modify all those chat lines, so here is a modified chatlog of it. chovynz [+++]: please appear oh great and magijikal techteller, stanky or bajj [**] Conanto: whats wrong chov? -> chovynz [+++]: rubs his genie bottle again. Oh great and powerful demons called Techteller, Bajj or Stanky, plesae appear to your humble servant...The Librarian :=: jips456 [++]: Lol chov :=: jips456 [++]: demons? ;o chovynz [+++]: demons from the nether chovynz [+++]: Stanky is the worst of them chovynz [+++]: his eyes *shudders* :=: jips456 [++]: Stanky is the ringleader > chovynz [+++]: *whispers* I heard stanky uses peoples skulls for his winecups [*] MangoGirl: o.o chovynz [+++]: And you! you sweet demon of mangoness! you light our way with sweetness and light, then crush our chovynz [+++]: hearts into millions... [*] MangoGirl: chovynz [+++]: in a single DAY you turned this server on it's head oh Mango. *mourns mournfully* Woe, is Mango, chovynz [+++]: lost forever in a sea of bedlam. *jingles some bells* Woee! :=: jips456 [++]: o.o wut diabolicwhiteguy [+]: it's about to get medievel up in here! [*] MangoGirl: Wait, is that good or bag?.... [*] MangoGirl: -bad chovynz [+++]: bag. it's very bag riot2212 [++]: lol bag :=: jips456 [++]: bag, definetly :=: jips456 [++]: :3 diabolicwhiteguy [+]: medieval* chovynz [+++]: I'm watching you, you Mango demon of...Mangoness! *shakes some cabbage fronds at her* [*] MangoGirl: diabolicwhiteguy [+]: time to sacrafice some people chovynz [+++]: jumps around in hoopla with the bloody diabolical non-white guy diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol diabolicwhiteguy [+]: wouldn't be the first burning pentagram I've ever made [*] MangoGirl: Chovy, you seem to be going crazy.. :=: jips456 [++]: lol :=: jips456 [++]: ^ chovynz [+++]: what rain dance shall we do oh brother of teh blood? diabolicwhiteguy [+]: gotta love homemade napalm diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol, idk [*] MangoGirl: yep, crazy. hellsguardian26: in sorte diaboli? chovynz [+++]: going? Mango? GOING? I was mad before I first greeted this infernal place. diabolicwhiteguy [+]: do the hokey pokey, it seems evil enough :=: jips456 [++]: Indeed [*] MangoGirl: xD chovynz [+++]: First leg in. Second leg in. Whose leg is next? diabolicwhiteguy [+]: then turneth thy self around! [*] MangoGirl: xD hellsguardian26: my middle leg XD diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol^ chovynz [+++]: *rips off hells middle leg and chucks it on the bloody pile of body bits chovynz [+++]: ok. next? [*] MangoGirl: o.o :=: jips456 [++]: ;o Do the evil hokey pokey! hellsguardian26: and that is where bloodcumstain got his name! diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol :=: jips456 [++]: |_| this went bad fast diabolicwhiteguy [+]: a lacerated urethra is no laughing matter chovynz [+++]: oh its about to get hella worse :=: jips456 [++]: *covers ears* diabolicwhiteguy [+]: may the blood orgy commence! chovynz [+++]: *eyes :=: jips456 [++]: *Realizes that does nothing due to textboxes* :=: kenny5555 [+++]: *_* diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol chovynz [+++]: I shall continue this devilry until my genies appear diabolicwhiteguy [+]: so shall I [*] MangoGirl: oh lord chovynz [+++]:Oh great demons of Netherworld. Stanky, Tech or Bajj I call you forththfwithfth chovynz [+++]: *chucks a bloody ear on the pile diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol, praise the great demons of the Netherworld :=: jips456 [++]: May the power of natbyte compell thy demon [**] stanky2: Yes? diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol chovynz [+++]: He appeareth! -> :=: jips456 [++] Runs like hell diabolicwhiteguy [+]: it worked, throw in another ear hellsguardian26: LOL chovynz [+++]: *me prostrates himself at stankys might feet chovynz [+++]: Oh great Stinky Stanky chovynz [+++]: May it ever so grant us with your favour :=: jips456 [++]: Oh how his stanks are stinky chovynz [+++]: please, I beg of you, change the home page :join Minecraft server numbers from 1.47 to 1.5.2, oh chovynz [+++]: might Stanky, Demon of demons. [**] stanky2: Have to tell the head demon to do that :=: jips456 [++]: I thought jordan was the mighty demon diabolicwhiteguy [+]: Nathaniel DICKman! chovynz [+++]: *chucks the right remaining arm onto the seeping pile* chovynz [+++]: may you tell the head demon king? diabolicwhiteguy [+]: we need more corpses! diabolicwhiteguy [+]: single file people, single file! [**] stanky2: I will try. -> :=: jips456 [++]: Pushes chovy into the pile chovynz [+++]: thank you oh great stanky. Now be.....aaaargggh *dies* diabolicwhiteguy [+]: if you falling into a crater of desecrated corpses set ablaze, you've gone too far chelsica_2 [+]: heal chelsica_2 [+]: ops chovynz [+++]: I never bought heal chelsica_2 [+]: Comes with hunter chovynz [+++]: *burns to a crisp* diabolicwhiteguy [+]: one of my beacons has regenerate :=: jips456 [++]: "dont get pushed into a pile of sacrafices to a mighty demon" "Get (some tv sponsor)" diabolicwhiteguy [+]: yep diabolicwhiteguy [+]: who wants to have a bleach chugging competition? --- Now chatting with diabolicwhiteguy. To diabolicwhiteguy [+]: stanky has impecible timing To diabolicwhiteguy [+]: XD From diabolicwhiteguy [+]: lol, ikr, i screenshotted that ---- Edit : The next day someone asked me to summon natbyte. I denied him on the grounds that I might die again.
Me? the arrows were aimed at me. But being the true ranger that I am, was able to survive a barrage of flaming death and dispatch the evils haunting this world... ...or something
Being the true ranger he is, ponm is able to rapidly fire wimpy excuses for "Shoots" and is even able to hit himself with a few of them. I am pretty sure I have the video of that someone on my hard drive's archives.