Dreams do come true!

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by laurenhazz, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. laurenhazz

    laurenhazz Active Member

    May 7, 2012
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    So this is a bit of an inspirational thread, I'm going to share my story and then you guys tell about some amazing things that have happened to you:D

    So just a few hours ago tonight after an open track meet at Bentley, three of my teammates and I found out that we will be going to the New Balance Nationals next weekend in North Carolina for the 4xMile relay! We new it was a possibility about a month ago, and having been shaving down our times meet after meet. Today I, and all my other teammates, got a large PR, I ran a 5:07 1500 which converts to at 5:27 mile (I'm the slowest on the relay). This time last year, I was running a 6 minute mile. To be given this opportunity to go to Nationals is literally a dream come true for me, and I have been smiling like an idiot for hours. It had been a goal of mine to go by the end of my high school track career, I never thought I'd make it as a sophomore! And not only that, but it is a possiblity that we make the fast heat, and we will break the school record! I'll post some pictures and results after our race:)
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  2. daisychain12345

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Great job I have run track because I am a football player an am req too and it is hard an requires dedication and persistence and is a shit-Ton of work but all if that seem to have paid off for you congratulations!!!!!!
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  3. laurenhazz

    laurenhazz Active Member

    May 7, 2012
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    Leaving tomorrow, and racing Sunday morning! The field seems to have gotten much better so I don't think we will be scoring, but we should make the top ten if everything goes well:) Also, each year New Balance makes a backpack for the meet and each athlete gets on, and this is this years:
    [​IMG]but in the sun it looks rainbowy! I nearly start hyperventilating from nerves every time I think about it, so this should be a long week end x_x
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  4. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    My dream? well...
    To go to
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