Sand, in the hand, on the land, from your gland.

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by chovynz, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Through pain there is freedom.
    Through freedom lies pain.
    Though darkness was heavy upon this heart,
    still the light called me on.

    So much to gain, so little to lose.
    When let go of everything, nothing has a hold on you.
    Black skies and thorns besides, the slenderman haunts.
    "Don't look at him or he'll get you."
    Or so they say.

    I have looked into the eyes of the faceless one.
    I have seen the pain in freedom.
    Through death, there is life,
    and another life gained.
    Yet what was life before, just fades away.

    Like sand through an hourglass
    these are the days of our lives.
    Your days are numbered, time marches on.
    Become Host to the worm,
    because they see you. Run!

    I'm ready for battle, sir!
    Say hello to my little friend.
    I congratulate you dear reader, for making it this far.
    For what sense I had, is long lost.
    Amidst the madness that I am.

    Is this a poet, or is this crazy?
    Madness or Sparta, you decide.
    But be warned, dear reader.
    Time is like sand in your hand.
    Try to hold on, it will disappear.

    Kiss those you love.
    Love those you kiss.
    For everyone needs human affection.
    Even if only for a time.

    What is love? Baby dont hurt me.
    Dont hurt me. No more. No more.
    Oh my god. I'm over 9000.
    What? That's impossible!
    But hark, what light through yonder window breaks?

    It's a train coming Neo.
    Better get out the way.
    While in a struggle to live,
    you become fully alive, when facing death.
    Everybody dies. Not everyone lives.

    Dont waste your life.
    • Creative Creative x 3
  2. Brayneeah360

    Brayneeah360 Well Known Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    that's beautiful. and very clever references too.
  3. ItsBuffalo

    ItsBuffalo Active Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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  4. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    When the pressures of life become too much I often burst into spontaneous poetry.
    Sometimes its shitty like this piece, and other times its quite nice.
    I like many of the gaming and cultural references in it.
    I didn't even know where I was going with it when I wrote it.
    I went a little crazy in the middle, then starting pulling what I wanted to say.

    My IRL is shit atm.
    My creed is this "Don't waste your life." It is sooo short.
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