Debate over Cloud Based Gaming.

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Hail_a3, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    I don't care if you like play station, xbox, nintendo, disk, cartridge, emulator, or anything. The era of the console is coming to an end.

    The recent consoles released had some impressive specs - and for $499, you are looking at a pretty good deal. There is one area I'd like to address concerning these devices, though - they are doing the very thing that is going to lead to a console fallout.

    The consoles introduced some new (and well overdue) features. Features like cloud gaming, username attached drm, and set-top-box improvements for your TV (Sony uses DirecTV and Microsoft is taking a cable provider approach right now it seems). Essentially, this is connecting a high-powered computer to your television as your all-in-one go-to device. This is something Steam (and a few others) has decided to skip.

    For those unaware, Steam is a download manager for games. You can routinely find games for under retail price, and available instantly (depending upon your internet connection). They've even announced plans for a "console" which will essentially be a computer running Linux that attaches to your TV.

    Cloud gaming is the future, and its obvious that console manufacturers think this as well. Just look at PS4 installations for disks, XBL marketplace and recent redacted DRM rules. The major companies are behind the curve though. For the price of an Xbox or PS4, you can get a pretty decent computer dedicated to your games, equipped with high quality video, and limitless possibilities regarding what you can add to it.

    Steam has a leg up on the competition, and that is why I am predicting this batch of consoles to be the last. We've entered the future of gaming, which now revolves around disk-free, cloud based gameplay. The next move here is going to be a TV made to do everything (and you'll probably see Sony and Microsoft join in once this catches on).

    Embrace technology. Things will only get better.
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  2. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    you say embrace technology yet you say the era of these brand new awesome consoles that haven't even been released yet is over? slightly hypocritical
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I don't think that this will be the last of consoles, nor do I think cloud based gameplay is better. Tvs becoming all in one is a given, and is inevitable. I use and enjoy good sales on steam however I much prefer to own an actual physical copy of stuff. For the price of a console you can not get a "decent" gaming computer, you can get a low-medium grade gaming computer depending on if you get good sales or not. A "decent" gaming computer is going to run you close to 1k at a minimum, slightly less if you get lucky with some good sales. Consoles will always be around because they appeal to people who don't want to invest a big chunk into a PC and just want to buy a box that they know will play whatever they put into it without needing to upgrade anything.

    I personally don't like disc free, you can't share disc free with your friends. You can't trade in old games you don't play anymore for money or other games. Its not a positive move for a gamer, its a positive move for the developer's wallets.

    you say embrace technology yet you put down the latest technology in consoles lol... um ok? I completely agree with PC being far superior to consoles but I don't really follow your "logic" to well here, you work for valve now or something? ;)
  4. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    I like the new xbox as much as you Thr0ttie. No argument there. But denying that this isn't just the next step towards a PC that connects to your TV isn't thinking ahead. Not sure when all this will take effect, but This generation will be the last. You'll still see Sony and Microsoft and all their glorious console games, but I believe the next move is a smaller box that sits out of sight that will be your go-to for all of your entertainment, be it web, tv, youtube, netflix, gaming, etc.

    The consoles released, such as the xbox one, are loads different from past models. They do everything a computer will do, barring DRM-free gaming (which is a good thing). You do NOT need a disk to play. You are connected to a cloud network that links to your gamertag so your games and saves will all be there. How is this different from Steam right now (minus a physical console)?

    The era of large boxes beside your tv is coming to an end, and it will affect gaming too. DirecTV and Dish are both going to options that remove the boxes and cables (at least put them out of sight). Cable companies are making their boxes small enough to fit virtually anywhere. TV companies are putting youtube, netflix, and even web surfing options on the TV's itself.

    Why would the next step for consoles NOT be disk-free, cloud based, all-in-one devices? Why not combine them with TV's to make them that much more appealing to people? The next "generation" is going to be much different than what you'll see, and it will be better for the future of gaming.

    Look at what happened with music. Cartridges changed to disks, which eventually became obsolete. I now carry thousands of disks worth of music in my pocket, more on my USB drive on my keyring for my car and other devices. The same is already happening to consoles - cartridges, disks, now digital downloads able to be played anywhere.

    Was the title misleading? Yes, but I really began to think a lot more about the convenience of download and play anywhere games after using steam - which ironically can be played with an xbox controller.

    "Steam" is going to revolutionize console gaming. Mark my words.
  5. Thr0ttie

    Thr0ttie Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Few things,

    You are talking as if Steam is a new thing, it's been around awhile
    I will bet any amount of money that this is not the last generation of consoles, literally any amount
    You are only looking at this from a pure statistical standpoint, gaming(for a lot of people) is a real life social activity, I would much rather pay for a console that has worse specs or whatever but let's me sit on a couch with 3 other friends and play together, than a nice PC that each person has to have their own and sit at a desk and have their own monitor
    (I know someone is going to say "well you could easily hook up your PC to your TV and use Xbox or PS controllers on it and its the same thing", literally nobody does that)
  6. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    Skipping over the part about the PC (as I obviously butchered a thought that a pc-like system could be made by a company for the same price and perform just as good), I want to refer you to the music market.

    I can find ways to still "share" my music, yes. But current console DRM rules already eliminate your need for a disk - and restrict you from just installing it and passing it on to a friend. Both PS4 and XB will have gamertag linked games, able to be installed or played on either 1 other device or on any device you log into (and mind you, I haven't tried to log into another xbox with my gamertag in YEARS, so I don't know how difficult this is). Currently, this is how steam is setup - as I have downloaded 3 games, and gotten the same notice about the game being linked to my gamertag (even using my xbox gamertag for one of them).

    The "latest" technology has been around for a while (software-wise, as the physical specs on the consoles are far superior to anything I'm running). This is just the console developers embracing that. Take a look at the plans for the steam box, then ponder how this is going to change gaming.

    Also FTR, Disks just make things more complicated sometimes. When I used to play with friends wherever they were, I used to bring my whole xbox to that location. This gave me my own large screen to play on (this was a lot easier done in a dorm, where you just pick it all up and move it down to the lobby).

    I'm sorry, the disk argument just doesn't sit with me. I'm not a fan of gamestop (because your money-for-games really rips you off), don't trust ebay, and normally hoard my games til they are worthless anyway. Sure, artwork is fine, but what prevents them from releasing packages containing artwork and promo codes? In my opinion, it is a lot easier to store to the cloud or carry a thumb drive with my gamertag and game info on it - as I already do this now on the oldschool 360.

    In fact, I can make an argument that you might see a significant price drop in store if the used-game market was depleted. Developers have a goal to make x dollars per a game's lifespan. They sell at y dollars per disk/download, which accounts for z dollars being lost due to used-games and sharing games. Remove the cost of z, they can sell for the price of y-z. Furthermore, I'd rather pay to download a game for $50 than spend that same $50 buying a used one at gamestop (which is their price for used-games selling for $60 retail, or around that at least) - at least I know someone didn't get ripped off selling the game back to them (probably making about 30 cents on the dollar).

    If disk-free gaming or drm games reduces costs, I'm all for it. I might even purchase a few more games per year rather than my normal 2-4 (Halo, COD that isn't TreyArch, NCAA football, and maybe an open-world game like GTA).

    I've had the idea for a while that I'll just screw tv subscriptions altogether and build a nice computer that goes beside the tv to get access to youtube, hulu, netflix, and other sites. I already store all of my movies in HD on my hard disks, so this isn't a hassle. Adding the capability of using an xbox controller and keypad so I can switch to Halo whenever I like? That just adds to the hype.

    I'd buy the xboxTV.
  7. Hail_a3

    Hail_a3 Stars of the Forums

    Oct 12, 2011
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    This misses the point completely. The idea is that this is the end of consoles as we know it. So you will have the same atmosphere, but be able to have the convenience of an all-in-one box. As I said before, I expect sony and microsoft to release something that will just demolish steam altogether (and yes, I just discovered steam), and I'll be first in line for Microsoft's version (hell, I might even buy the one because I think it does a good job of this already).

    Notice I never said PC gaming is better than console gaming. This thread was about PC gaming finally changing the atmosphere of console gaming. I've even changed the title to remove any doubt. Personally, I'm excited for the new xbox, and I probably won't buy another disk for the rest of my life, just as long as I can afford good internet to download all of the games I want.

    Really, what I'm getting at is that cloud-based gaming is the future, and the whole disk squabble that people had with microsoft is stupid and PS4 used it as a marketing tool to their advantage, when in reality the argument is pretty moot in 2013, where I can download HD movies, stream LiveTV, and order a pizza from the comfort of my laptop. Consoles will be disk-less next go around - and with the DRM setup of the new consoles, it won't change a thing about how the game is played.
  8. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    I could put an "I told you so" gif, or a slowbro image macro, but damn Hail, it's about time you figured out that steam is awesome. I disagree that cloud based gaming 'is the future'. Because it isn't; see Xbox 180. Most console players do not like cloud gaming as their only option. Consider the following scenarios:

    Show Spoiler

    -Pre 2006-
    Will: Yo dawg I just unlocked this cool character on super fighting game
    John: Groovy! come over and let's play!
    Will brings super fighting game and his memory card, much fun is had

    Post 2006:
    Will: Yo dawg I just unlocked this cool character on super fighting game II
    John Awesome dude, come over and let's play it on my big screen!
    Will: The save file is in my console, I can only bring the disk!
    John: oh damn. Bring the disk anyway, We can still have fun!

    The future where cloud gaming is the only option:
    Will: Yo dawg I just unlocked this cool character on super fighting game XXI
    John: Awesome dudebro, come over and let's play it on my big screen!
    Will: The save file and the game is in my console!
    John: Nah it's good bro, just sign on your account on mine and download em! #YOLOSWAG420
    Will and John spend the next three hours waiting for the game to download

    The reason why people don't care why steam is only cloud, is because of the super discounts, and that PC gaming was never meant to be a group activity.
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  9. HarryTurney

    HarryTurney Forum Legend

    Feb 13, 2012
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    I don't digitally download anything on the consoles because just in case i get hacked or lose my account and because i like getting the disk with all the art work and stuff and if there is many editions of the game i will get some of the higher editions.