How To : Unleash The Kraken!

Discussion in 'Minecraft Server Tutorials' started by Dew_Drop355, May 19, 2013.

  1. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    Short story is we have plugins to help us catch xrayers, and the only thing we have to help autofish is this kraken thing.
    Trust me, we've all talked about how we could enforce no autofishing and there is nothing that hits straight to the head that we can do. Also, the main reason people autofish in the first place is for MCMMO leveling, and it is sad to see staff members doing it constantly but the only thing we can do right now is frown upon it.
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  2. Dew_Drop355

    Dew_Drop355 New Member

    May 13, 2013
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    Fill, I made this for newbies who dont know how. some people need further explanation than that. what if they were completely new to minecraft? what if they didnt know how to fish on minecraft? what if they didnt know how to craft a fishing rod?what if they didnt fit two and two together and need more detail?
    the reason i made this thread at first was to teach newbies how to unleash the kraken, because people not knowing may result in them spamming "how do I unleash the kraken?????"
    Coolskimpyss, I understand that. thats why at the bottom of my first post i said not to do this, as it was banned to unleash the kraken by broadcast. I asked ohman if i should delete my thread and he said it was fine that it stay up, but just for good measure, I put that little message at the bottom since broadcast banned unleashing the kraken, (and spam fishing) newbies wont have themselves in the unforunate event where they unleash the kraken and not know it was banned, therefore getting jailed and getting very angry. if they read my thread, and they read the important message (which clearly you didnt.) they will know not to unleash the kraken.
  3. FillWerrel

    FillWerrel Survival Staff
    Staff Member Newshound

    May 15, 2012
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    it's just a silly plugin... :l
  4. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Upgrade the kraken to be 500x more powerful. Remove the lightning and thunder. Problem solved.

    Also Fill, it's not 10 seconds to turn the sound off. It's 10 seconds x number of people unleashing the kraken. Last night I just turned my sound off completely for two hours, it was that bad.
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  5. Suggestion:
    Leave the strenght as it is now*its pretty strong tbh*
    Remove the chat spam and lightning.
    Better loot.
    Rarer to find.
  6. Dew_Drop355

    Dew_Drop355 New Member

    May 13, 2013
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    I doubt the maker of the plugin is going to change or edit the kraken, because the whole point of the kraken is to irritate many players( which cleary it has gotten its effect ), to discourage auto fishing. although there are many other methods to auto fishing, like Fill said at the top of the page,
    I agree. I bet the reason SOME people have wicked high levels in MCMMO fishing is because they used to auto fish or something(not saying everybody that has high fishing levels cheats). In the time ive had on the server, i have earned a fishing level of 130 something across maybe 3-5 days legitly. Now, i'm not the best at fishing, but i really enjoy it. Someone then taught me how to unleash the kraken a couple hours before it was banned, and me and her were doing it a lot. The only reason I was unleashing the kraken at first, was because there was only 2-4 people who knew how to do it. I found it funny to be screaming and slowly getting hurt unless you get out of the water. then summoning the kraken quickly spread throughout the server and it became annoying to hear thunder for 30 minutes. Now, since broadcast banned summoning the kraken because 1. it was annoying, and 2. the kraken was not a play toy, it was to stop some auto fishing, I stopped summoning him. I wasnt really doing it for the fish and levels, though, I was doing it because i found it amusing. It was the first very loud human dialogue made in minecraft that I could actually hear from other players. ( besides the "oof!" when you get hurt by a mob or fall damage)
  7. VNorspace

    VNorspace Member

    May 2, 2013
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    I've never tried auto fish, but despite the kraken it sounds awesome! I don't want to spend a million years fishing for warrior it's too damn time consuming to just sit there and fish for 150 levels.
  8. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Then fish for the enjoyment of it. :) Fishing is for relaxing not intense goal setting and item gathering.
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  9. Jamestristan

    Jamestristan New Member

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Did It before in in pvp... I wasnt auto fishing or anything :p
  10. aFreshKiwi

    aFreshKiwi Active Member

    Sep 18, 2012
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    Mcmmo ain't silly! :(