I got bored, made a trailer. Made with Windows Movie Maker. Patched a few clips together with CamStudio mod and Fraps. And wala! This is what you get. Maybe next time I'll try doing another one when I'm a little less tired, and filled with Lucky Charms.
indeed, was nice. When you said large scale builds though shoulda fast framed through multiple of the servers large builds (mostly archi builds lol) instead of just mine would make it look to the outsider that we gots lots of builds rather than just 1. And perhaps fast flyovers of some popular populated towns that look nice.
Give me the name of towns, and like I said, I was tired during the time of making this. I did this at like 1:30 AM in the morning just because I was bored.
If that movie editor was payed for a few years ago, then it's probably about $50 now. Because better updates and shit come out for those programs and it's basically out of date by now compared to newer stuff.
Editor doesn't really matter if you can't film without lag. I could do that on a good day, but normally just lagged like crazy. On that note, I'd advise getting a bunch of the architect builds plus others as well. I mean, we have some pretty good builders who are not architects. I'd take a look at the projects forum to see what people are up to.
*Deep breath* Fine...you want to know? I kinda am mad. Mainly because I don't see someone in you that wants to make videos for fun or have fun with it. I see someone in you, that just wants attention out of the random. Ever wonder why, I crashed that building contest you and dest did? It's because all I saw were two ego freaks wanting to prove something that meant nothing. I know I'm not the only one who has permission to do videos on this server, I find it just a little saddening, that I made my trailer months earlier than yours, and the minute you see how many likes I got, you start mass uploading videos on threads. Even asking for help on what music I used and everything, along with bragging about how you got a 1000 dollar video editor, which, for the record, I'm pretty sure is pirated. I don't like being an asshole, about anything, especially on the internet because I know how fast a reputation can be ruined because of it. But there are times I can't help it. And no I'm not jealous of your videos one bit, just aggravated by them mainly because a lot of them seem to have originated off of the idea I see of you wanting to be popular. If you want my ideas on all of this, start making it seem like your making your videos from your heart and passion, not from wanting to be something.
Eh... I don't see that at all about him. What I see is just some guy messing around having fun with a new hobby he found. Yes, his videos so far have been poor in quality but he's just getting started and learning. Maybe a part of it is wanting some attention or just something to contribute. Just because somebody makes videos doesn't mean they got to be all serious about it or have it come from their "heart or passion". And I don't think it's right to stomp on somebody just because you can, so what if he wants to make videos... He's not hurting you and certainly doesn't have the quality to compete. He's allowed his fun, regardless of the intentions behind them. Do I think he really has a expensive editor? He'll no, everyone knows he lied about that. Does it matter? Hell no... Try not to be so territorial, and just for the record... Your vids are no work of art from the heart and passion. They are nice but I don't think you have the right to look down on anyone who decides to dabble in making videos... Serious or not.