Dragon Age

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Tsukasa Kun, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    So I picked this up for $9 with all DLC a couple days ago...and holy fucking shit this game is so good.

    This is the RPG I've always wanted. It's just so good.
    Here's why:
    1. Cutscenes, cutscenes, cutscenes. I'm a cutscene kind of guy. I love watching them, provided they are interesting. every time you talk to an npc, the camera angle changes, it keeps it interesting, like watching a movie, unlike Elder scrolls games when you stare at the npc the whole time.

    2. Dialogue - Each character is written and voiced well, and no matter who you bring along, they always have something to say during cutscenes. Your companions also talk to each other, playful banter, asking questions to each other, etc.

    3. It's like Skyrim and Diablo had a baby! You can zoom the camera in like Skyrim, or zoom out and play like Diablo! You can also swap to play as any character in your party, which is pretty cool.

    4. The story is pretty cool too.

    I like taking screenshots.
  2. Dzyriq

    Dzyriq Just another humble Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Never Judge a game by its screenshots, If the game play UI works well then the graphics are just a bonus.
  3. Exavious

    Exavious Forum Legend

    Jun 22, 2011
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    I played Dragon Age: Origins and its Expansion Awakening to DEATH. That was a long time ago when it was a new game though :3 even today I still find myself playing it every once in a while. Dragon Age II was also fun but it wasn't even close to as good as the first one. Im highly anticipated Dragon Age III though :)

    It is one of my absolute favorites RPGs of all time, and has the most amazing storyline that spans so much rich and deep content. Not to mention the combat mechanics are just great and character development is just as good. It has an amazing expansion and several very good DLC (addons) packs.

    Legopossible's comment was very ignorant, i suggest actually playing the game before saying something like that about it.

    I highly highly highly recommend if you haven't played this game to get the ultimate version with all addition content and give it a test drive :) you will get hooked.

    and btw, the most overpowered class in the original is the Mage class specialized in Arcane Warrior. ;) you become a walking tank with slightly reduced but still powerful mage spells.