Ingame name: Sparx6123 I am a Constructor. Do /p h:3 Sparx6123 The following screenshots is my plot: Enjoy!
I appreciate that you put a lot of work into this build but there are several things that just turned me off - you have lighting issues in every one of your rooms because you went and make the rooms massive, which makes them very hard to light properly - you should have made rooms more to the size of your avatar. I did like the massive dining room... you also have 4 pools. One of which is inside with an additional roof, and a chandalier above it that is being blocked by the roof. I like the glass building in back. But I do not like, and this was my tipping point, seeing SPARX on your roof. If your plot was a 9 our of 10, that sign on the roof dropped it a good 4 points. Sorry, but it needs more work. I like it, but it is not designer quality.