Endless Story Game!

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by Stonemoney, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Marshall

    Marshall Survival Staff

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Fell face first into a...
  2. sillybilly967

    sillybilly967 New Member

    Jul 3, 2013
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    Gigantic hole filled with...
  3. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    donuts that were filled with llama jelly. These rolled down into
  4. Stonemoney

    Stonemoney Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    a computer, news says on the computer that Llamas are coming to minecraft, but nat said theres a new map, a everday player says... "
  5. Lego90210

    Lego90210 Active Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    What's a minecraft?" The player then get slapped repeatedly across the face with a... (please keep it clean)
  6. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    cold fish and said "Yer mother was a hamster and yer father was a ..."
  7. Stonemoney

    Stonemoney Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    frozen noodle, but he died in a sushi shop, heres why...
  8. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    You should never eat sushi.
  9. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Unless you know how to use chopsticks.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Stonemoney

    Stonemoney Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    And at that moment BAM POW SNAP....
  11. Hawkeyes

    Hawkeyes Active Member

    May 8, 2012
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    Turtle. He then..
  12. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    included his 89 year old mother in the story, and after continously making fried chicken (Mmm...) and Sweet Tea, she...
  13. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    This is the full story for anyone who want's to read it :)

    Once upon a time, a great king had realized that his belt was too loose sohis buttons popped out everywhere so he called his royal servant to cook the buttons on a HUGE GIANT FREEKING OVEN THE SIZE OF A KINGDOM, and the buttons were Instantly turned into a giant whale that decided to Eat Great Britain, then the whale Punched the Royal baby and then they robbed The cake factory that was Made of pasta. The giant whale was then arrested for griefing and stealing, but as they sifted through the stolen goods They got stolen too, into the whale tummy that was made of chocolate pudding that had actually been quicksand, a magical force then transported the 2 to a Teletubbies reunion show which made the people commit suicide, the teletubbies then went to the nether and burned in lava then became magical pigs that could fly. While merging into one rainbow colored pig with wings, they started pooping gold that could cure even the sickest of psycho's. Meanwhile, in the land of Llabahble, the llamas were preparing for battle. A battle of which was not fought with the sword, but with words. An epic rap battle of words that only started with vowels. "Any random topics pulled out of a hat, the first side to pull a rabbit out wins a chocolate bar" said King
    Llamababa. The first to rap using only words starting with vowels was Carl.

    "Yo Overlord 'amababa
    Your own ice on your attic is alike an iguana
    You own axe and it effects your aroma
    alike an ass ebbs in an ovenlike Arizona..."

    The crowd applauded Carl, and the hat was moved to the Red side of the stage. "Who will be rapping first?" Asked King Llamababa. “Me!” Said the biggest and strongest llama... Bealzebub mcbadassitude, heir of king bishop-
    king of the east. Here to rap Some badass rhymes starting with vowels.

    (A ten Minute rap Later)

    After that he, turned tail and ran clear down the side of the pyramid, did a backflip all the way back to the top with /fly, and crashed headfirst into a potato factory. Meanwhile, the Lamas were stormed in by Camels to an EPIC RAP BATTLE OF HISTORY That then took an unexpected turn... a Very large battle of the Bands, on the drums we have Pie launchers that drum, And on the base we have Killer dolphins that Shoot lasers from their eyes on every high note, and on lead guitar we have A Teleporting Giraffe named Gizale That turns in to magical exploding confetti kittens of death That kills off almost the entire audience! "Oh no, The audience," Said the King. Then suddenly there is no audience! There is only blackness... As small bits of confetti kittens trickle down from the resulting explosion, a small... Llama that was watching the chaos remains and starts singing "You raise me up", by Brendan Graham and Rolf Løvland.

    And a time machine. The time machine takes them back in time.

    To a time when there was a king...Of waffles that was at war with the pancake kingdom over What kind of television show they would all watch on thursday afternoon-
    "But Grandpa! I don't want to go to bed!" Said the little boy who was reading a book about rapping llamas and exploding kittens and waffle wars. And suddenly a monster made entirely out of cookies ate the little boy and then the Grandpappy ran out of the room yelling "Deeeehhh!!!!" with his old granddad voice. The monster then Made a giant poop in a lake of lava, but the poop was secretly a portal to the end! The grandpa went into the end where he proceeded to wonder why on earth he just walked into a giant poop portal. Determined to find the monster that killed his grandson, he raised his cane and it glistened in the endness. He started to float up into the sky and he turned into a hamster that started dancing to a made up song in his head. Up and up he went. Still floating and dancing, he could not find the monster, but He found the magic portal flower filled with endless sorrow from the tears of Llamas but he decided to not go there once he saw it was an awful place. So he was suddenly pushed in by a passing giant kitten that was purple and had huge fully dilated eyes. The old man Fell into the portal flower, in which teleported him into a strange land full of Turtle, which led him through to the dark caverns which smelt of really bad gym socks- Unbeknownst to the old man, he was in the athletics department of the Darklands, and was smelling the garments of the sorrowful Sports players from years past, them never being able to see the light again. upon exiting this dark abode the man felt tempted to take the last cookie from the cookie jar when A pile of cookies fell upon the old man, luckily he escaped behind a giant mom cleaning up the mess, but suddenly the cookies turned into the cookie monster and ate both the giant mom and the old man clean up when the monster decided it was a good idea to Jump down the pink llama's big bag of darkness ( Which came of nowhere) that then lead him to a New world filled with unicorns and rainbows that sparkled like magic and the monster turned his Heads with his beautiful cookie legs. Meanwhile inside the stomach of the monster, the Grandpep found his living grandson and A bunch of legendary weapons and crap, the grandson had the great idea to Light a crate of dynamite, intending to blow the stomach of the cookie monster to bits- but there was a flaw There was no dynamite. And so they died in its stomach.

    Later the cookie monster went out to eat when he met a beautiful Llama that glowed rainbow in color, it was then the cookie monster exploded and the Llama trotted off to a magical land of Now filled cookies and dead corpse's of the many that died by the beasts rule, The Llama enjoyed Staring at the sun until its eyes set on fire , and afterwards having a nice box of chocolates to settle the evening. Little did he know.... The chocolates were radioactive! With so much radiation consumed the llamastarted to glow... pink. He felt great like he could take on the world... Then he died. Everyone did. Level 13 of New super Mario bros was failed. So they started back at level 1 where They were frustrated beyond belief that they lost the game. They started and got that flippin mushroom in the beginning of world 1-1 and then Suddenly everything electrical blew up around them and they were sent into the air in a fireball where they saw the most amazing thing in their lives which was a ladybug flying, because they all had lame lives. And then they exploded into little Pikachus with ladybug wings. However.

    It was all a dream. All of it. And then they relized that the dream was a dream and it was dreamception. And THEN one of the authors was thinking upset thoughts because he wanted to keep the oldsad author that wrote books that sometimes were meaning-less things and Full of delicious bacon that smelled like a sizzling sweet crispy meat strip, bubbling in a greasy... oh sorry... The author got an idea! He conjured up a new character- a traveller, unknown to the world- and he brought the boy and the old man back from beyond the grave Just to troll the new character and annoy him with puns every 3rd sentence, with this the author Set the three characters on a legendary adventure! The quest for the Power of the TV remote so they headed into the nearest village to see what they could find out from the locals there. They heard that the power of the TV remote was too great for one person to handle so The new character, Montecore the Brave, begged for more information. Montecore is an expert adventurer. Though, he also has gone through life mostly alone and defenseless so the thought of having power made him obsessed with finding this remote. Montecore The brave decided to burn the village down for punishment for no infomation on this power, the group of 4 soon left and the remaining squidwards buried there dead, as they set off the old man mentioned that his skivvies had not been changed since the cookie monster had eaten his grandson and since then, many scares have happened. They needed to find a pair of skivvies or a large leaf before setting off on their journey. Luckily they Had packed a jar of peanut butter before the trip so they were able to become severely dehydrated and thirsty from not bringing milk to wash down the peanut butter. They then died of dehydration, causing the author to have a mid-life crisis because he didn’t have enough money to buy an eraser. The author drowned in his own tears. R.I.P Mr. Author Man. Now everybody in the multiverse is dead because someone let me make up the story.

    Good thing the author who wrote the story about the Author Man who drown in his own tears is still alive. After killing off his main character heFell face first into a Gigantic hole filled with donuts that were filled with llama jelly. These rolled down into a computer, news says on the computer that Llamas are coming to minecraft, but nat said there’s a new map. An everday player says... "What's a minecraft?" The player then gets slapped repeatedly across the face with a cold fish and said "Yer mother was a hamster and yer father was a frozen noodle, but he died in a sushi shop” And that’s why you should never eat sushi you should never eat sushi Unless you know how to use chopsticks. And at that moment BAM POW SNAP Turtle. He then included his 89 year old mother in the story, and after continuously making fried chicken and Sweet Tea, she... EDIT: What the hell have you people been smoking?
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Tsukasa Kun

    Tsukasa Kun Stars of the Forums

    Dec 9, 2011
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    Died of old age.
  15. jillibean00

    jillibean00 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    After he killed off the old grandma, the author decided to
  16. PONM

    PONM Well Known Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    cry himself to sleep while cuddling a bag of wet newspaper. He awoke hours later to the sound of...
  17. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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    Blood dripping in the shower.
  18. Fyn

    Fyn Active Member

    Nov 16, 2012
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    He went to the bathroom and saw hanging from the shower rail a..
  19. Legopossible

    Legopossible Active Member

    Aug 2, 2013
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    Head of a dead player that was banned for...
  20. srehder24

    srehder24 Active Member

    May 17, 2012
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