Denied Ambion's Designerapplication

Discussion in 'Designers / Engineers' started by Ambion, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Ambion

    Ambion New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Hello my name is Philip Krom my IGN is Ambion.

    I'd like to become designer. my first plot is done without help and thats my showoff kinda thing ;)
    the rest is pretty okey but i have used help for them... if everything is allright you should be able to see my screanshots. :) i hope to become designer becouse i really like this server and i just like it :) oh yeah, i havent typed my IP and /p h but you can see it in the pictures but its /p h:1 Ambion

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  2. coolskimmpyss

    coolskimmpyss Active Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Its better if you use the application format found HERE because it makes the job of the Overseers easy.
  3. Ambion

    Ambion New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    1. Ambion
    3. /p h Ambion
    4. see for yourself up here ;)
  4. Dzyriq

    Dzyriq Just another humble Overseer

    Jun 22, 2011
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    Hello !! Ambion I really like your build it has a lot of potential of becoming a great designer build but I get a feeling that it is not quite ready yet.
    Here is what you can improve:
    • I really love the eagle you made, why not make it above all the entry points
    • The park: You have a nice big park on the outside. I think you can do better at decorating it. Add more water features and flower beds for example, The lions at the path they are really awesome. Just concentrateing on the front makes it feel unfinished.
    • The inside:
      • I want to see more details right now I only see to big rooms with a set of stairs and fountains in them.
      • Decorate the floor with carpets and tile patterns, it will really make the whole thing stand out even more
      • Redo the stairs, make them feel like a natural part of the room.
      • I have seen some Great detail work on the outside I would really like to see how you can perform quality work on the inside of this wonderful place.

    So in short: I can see that you have a great eye for fun and eye catching details and that is what we like to see. Now please use your skill and decorate this building and park so that it does not feel empty and Square.

    Ill say No this time around but I really want you to continue and work on this, your basic design for this a really great start and that is good. Take care , Improve and reapply in 2 weeks (Good builds take time) I really want to see what you can throw in my face the next time you apply for designer.
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  5. Ambion

    Ambion New Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    hello, just a repost, ive done it. and i hope you like it. ive made new stuff and its done.

    i just wonderd if i would have unlimited chanches or like 3 so that i can retry only one more time after this one.

    anyway wish u a good day and thanks for checking it out :)
  6. Juwn

    Juwn Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I do believe my dear friend Phillip you need to wait 1 month before you "repost" like me you may not have been aware of this rule ( I wasn't either!) but good luck and I really like it