Creepy pasta By destroyer5223

Discussion in 'General Off-Topic' started by destroyer5223, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. destroyer5223

    destroyer5223 Member

    Jan 22, 2013
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    "Read all about it!" The news paper boy was handing out news papers as martin grabbed one and said "Thank you" very politly to the young boy. As martin looked at the news paper he saw a news story." Boy has Gotten a heart attack.Unknown cause of heart attack." Martin thought of this as a decent story. He went back home to tell his wife.

    John had just downloaded a game called,"Mario&sonic wars."John had heard around school that this was a good game and he was into the mario franchise, So he eventually downloaded the game. He got a folder called,"MarioSonicWars Folder." As john opened the folder he saw 2 files. These file's had stated the fact of one saying in capitals."READ ME", the other saying "Bloody.exe",John went over to read the text file as this text file stated,"Sonic&Mario Wars has been renamed to bloody.exe for specific reasons". At first john was confused as in why it was named"Bloody.exe", But he had to live with it!

    John started up the game some music started playing but it sounded demonic like someone screaming in pain. The game looked good at first but to john's surprise the title screen was very changed, the backround was black, sonic was having a sad expression as if something has gone wrong. Sonic's look had a very scary look with blood everywhere and all over his face, one of his eye's gougched out and mario standing in the corner dead with a whole pool full of red goey liquid described as "blood".

    John was so creeped out he jumped out of his chair,He imidetly sat back in his chair. John had now started the game and when he did something weird happend so fast john almost didn't reconize, a 1 frame picture of Tails popped up, Tails didn't look like he was happy at all, he was frowning and covered in blood with a text saying "Why did you do this to mario?WHY?!?!".

    John was now deeply scared but his intrest was keeping him going. Now the game had finally started up with the player Mario, Mario was in a scared expresion, he walked very strangley, limping on the grey hard floor of the game, a text box appeared and John headed towards it, bad idea. John finally reached the text box and hit it, John saw the texts "Dear player Mario does not have the courage to go further so we will automatically change you to another charecter". John was now very frustrated. At this point he was angry at the game, he heard a noise from behind and when he turned around he saw his sonic toy looking at him with 1 eye goushed out. John fell to his knees and passed out, later when his mom entered the room after coming back from grocery shopping she saw her son lying on the gound and he wasn't breathing. The mother called 911 and as she did the sonic doll was complety normal, when the ambulence and cops came they pronunced that her son was dead by heart attack.

    Martin finally arrived at his house with the newspaper when he entered he saw a sonic doll in his house and his wife dead.
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  2. Natbyte

    Natbyte Overseer

    Dec 12, 2011
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    I enjoyed the creepy pasta :)
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  3. TechTeller

    TechTeller Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Having immersed myself in creepy pasta for the past week, I can say this is upto par by much of what I read ;) Reminds me of one called "Ben drowned", it's a very famous one, based on the same topic - murder by video game. ;P
  4. destroyer5223

    destroyer5223 Member

    Jan 22, 2013
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    thanks for reading it! :D