Journal of a minecrafter...

Discussion in 'Written' started by xbxsmokey2, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. xbxsmokey2

    xbxsmokey2 Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    Day 1: I set off to find riches today, leave my family, my town. Leave all i ever knew. But now that papa died and Uncle gave me my papa's diamond pickaxe and my papa's necklace, I am off for the journey. I don't know exactly what i will find, but I might not return. My faith rests in god's hands, wish me luck.

    Day 2: I set up camp in the forest of Victor last night, noting out of the ordinary happened, just a pig keeping me up awhile. I made a little dirt shack with the little materials i had and had to sleep on the ground. I must go now and gather what i can, for today will be a big day.
    -Later that evening-
    Today i collected about 50 jungle logs, got some wool by killing sheep. Damn I wish they gave food, i'm starving. I found a cave entrance about 50 blocks or so east of here, so I set up a nice little wooden hut by this lake. I made a crafting table, wooden pickaxe, and wooden sword with leftover wood. I will not bring myself to use my papa's pickaxe until I know it is right. I must get to bed now, tomorrow, the cave.

    Day 3: I am tierd this morning. I had to kill a few spiders that were annoying me. So I have string now. I figure I will fish a little in the lake then around noon I will go explore the cave. I am off to fish.
    -Later that evening-
    Well, I caught about 7 fish, I can't complain. I do feel bad, I think i got some food posioning. This cave though, was amazing. I found about 35 iron and a stack of coal! I brought my crafting table with me luckily, so i made a stone pickaxe and mined the iron. I built a furnace and smelted it so i could use it later on. When i ventured deeper into the cave I found a lava pit with this purple stuff. I heard if you get enough of it and light it on fire it turns into a portal and takes you to the underworld. I know not to use the pickaxe on something like that. If i even try to go there i would die, I can't go. Not yet anyways. But i made my way out of the cave after I saw a green monster. People at home said they blow up and kill you if you get to close. So now i am back in my shack. I made 20 torches when i got back so i can see tomorrow when I go back to explore deeper. I used some to light up my house. Hopefully I can sleep tonight. If not, I have my iron sword ready.

    Day 4: I will now head off to go deep within the cave. I got hungry last night so i cooked my 4 leftover fish. I now have 3. I should be good. Time To Mine!
    -Later that evening-
    On the way to the cave, instead of jumping, I made a path the cave. Once I got in, I followed my path from yesterday off of memory. Once i got to where the monster was, i drew my sword, ready. There was no sign of him, but i was on my gaurd. I slowly walked to the end of the tunnel to find the tunnel spliting into two. I see more light from the right side so i decide to take that tunnel. I come to find water flowing from the side of the wall. Nice, clear water. It dropped off the side into a little cave with lava and more purple rock. I carefully made my way down the water to the bottom. I turned around to find a small tunnel. I made my way into it and found gold on the wall. It was as bright as the sun, glistering in the dark, scary cave. But what I found behind the gold was untold of. There was cobblestone with moss on it. I had to dig some of it up, but there was this weird thing. Inside, a cage with a tiny zombie inside. Spinning wildly. I quickly destroyed it. I didn't want anything bad to happen. There were two chests inside also. One of them had 4 Lapis, 2 iron ingots, and 3 bread. The other one had 5 coco beans, 2 buckets, and a piece of coal. I went back to the water to find more gold. I mined that also and decided to leave the area. I didn't like the place. I went up the water and back to where the tunnel splits. I started going to the opposite tunnel but as i turned i saw the green monster 20 blocks or so in. I quickly left the cave and went back to my hut. The sun was setting so i decided to fish a little more. Then i realized, I should head farther into the jungle. I need to move. I wont find anything by staying here. I headed in for the night.
  2. xbxsmokey2

    xbxsmokey2 Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    I decided, in my free time, I will write the adventures of a minecraft player through his journal. Forgive me if there are any spelling errors. I am just writing this for fun. I hope you all enjoy, I will keep adding on.
  3. EyesCream97

    EyesCream97 Active Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    Did you write this? I would love to read some more! :)
  4. xbxsmokey2

    xbxsmokey2 Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    Yes I did, I got bored and thought this would help, I am having fun doing this. I will keep adding on when i have time so keep an eye out!
  5. xbxsmokey2

    xbxsmokey2 Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    Day 5: today i am giving up the cave search and moving on. I have to make a new iron pickaxe. I will leave the house so if any young traveller decides to explore he can use them as checkpoints. But for now, i must move on.
    Later that day

    Well i got out of the jungle and got a house set up in the dessert. But today while getting more wood i came across a jungle temple! Once i got inside of it and went down stairs there was a chest and a dispencer. I started walking towards it when i suddenly steppen on some string and an arrow flew right pass my head cutting off a few hairs. I destroyed the string on the other traps and opened the chest, inside was a few vines and 2 diamonds. I was so happy. I got out of there before anything happened to me. After cutting one more tree down i walked farther into the jungle to find a river and a dessert on the other side. I swam across the river because it was not that deep and set up my house i am in on the other side. I plan to add on a little to my house in the morning and then make a stairway mine to bedrock. But thats tomorow and depends on if i can sleep tonight. Ill eat a fish and hit the bed. Goodnight.
  6. xbxsmokey2

    xbxsmokey2 Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    Day 6: Today I will travel through the dessert, there will be nothing but sand here anyways. I should just move on.
    -Later that day-
    Well, I am now in the plains area, it was a small dessert. In the distance I see a lone house. I want to go check it out tomorrow but i dont know what will happen there. I killed a few cows and am cooking steak right now, I made myself some pants too. I set up a wooden small shack here about 100 blocks away from the house. I will just get to sleep. Long day of just hot, boring, walking.

    Day 7: Today I will set out and check out the house. I am bringing everything i have with me and have my iron sword in my hands. Time to leave.
    -Later that day-
    WHOA! That house was no ordinary house! I walked in and there was just a chair and a ladder to a basement but the basement was huge! It had a enchantment table in one corner. Purple portal in another. Brewing area in the oppisite corner. It was filled with cobwebs though, I dont think anyone has been there in years. I moved my shack closer to the house but i dont want to sleep in it. There is a gravel trail that has been blown away, but there is still some that you can see it. I will follow that tomorrow. I wish i knew how to brew potions, that would help. Or enchant, i don't have the level of power to yet. I will mark this place on the map I found inside. But i have to move on if I want to find riches. I need to rest up.

    Day 8: I heard weird noises coming from the house last night, I'm not sure what is was, but I don't want to revisit it yet. I'll just follow the path. I have my food and sword. I need to set out.
    -Later that day-
    Well, I found a town today. The villagers are really nice. They let me stay in an empty house tonight. It's very roomy. I like it here. They have a market and everything! I might stay here for a little while. I should rest up, I think im gonna like it here. Goodnight.

    Day 9: Today I think i'm going to get wood and then going to build my own house. A few of these guys said they would help. So today is house building.
    -Later that day-
    I made a good sized house today. About 5 of the villagers helped me out. I really feel like im welcomed here, it's almost like it's home. We had to get buckets of water from a pond today because it was so hot out. I'm so tierd, I think we will all get a good night's sleep tonight.

    Day 10: Last night no one fell asleep. The town got over run by mobs and we all had to fight them off. It took about 3 hours to kill them all, but they are gone for now. I heard the mayor or whatever is going to come talk to me today. I hope that goes well and he likes me. We have to see.
    -Later that day-
    I met the mayor and he thanked me for saving the town. He told me there was a much bigger village across the way. He said he would guide me to it tomorrow. So I'm leaving the town tomorrow. Hopefully the next one is nicer. He said it's bigger than this one. Hopefully the people are as nice as the people here. He said I should rest up tonight. So I'm off to bed.

    Day 11: I ate a good steak this morning and I am being brought to a big town. Hopefully it's not that far from here. Mayor called me, Gotta go.
    -Later that day-
    This guy came to the town today to get me. He seemed like a nice guy. He said his name was "Natbyte" He took me to this big town. He said it's called Althea. It seems like a cool place. There is a giant shopping placce called G-Town. Natbyte gave me a tour of the whole place. If i knew this was here i would have came alot sooner. There are a lot of people in the community and they all seem very nice. I had to go out and find a spot to stay though. No one would let me in a town or talk to me. I think it's because im a settler. I think settlers deserve more respect. But if i have to make my own houses on here i guess that's what I have to do. I love these teleporter things with the purple rocks. There are so many good things about this place. I love it here. Hopefully the people will let me stay for awhile. Im off to bed.
  7. chovynz

    chovynz Active Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    May I join in?
  8. xbxsmokey2

    xbxsmokey2 Member

    Dec 23, 2012
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    why not, ive been busy so we could switch off or something like that. Have at it.